12 research outputs found
DNA fingerprinting demonstrates extremely low levels of genetic variation among blackberry cultivars grown in Finland
Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. âlmperialâ appears to be identical to the old cultivar âMajestĂ€tâ, but âEarliest of Allâ differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of âMajestĂ€tâ! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in âMajestĂ€tâ that is probably caused by a somatic mutation
Assessment of diversity in Harpagophytum with RAPD and ISSR markers provides evidence of introgression
The genus Harpagophytumhas two species: H. procumben swhich is an important medicinal plant in southern Africa, and H. zeyheri. Genetic diversity in 96 samples, obtained by germinating seeds collected from Botswana, was assessed using six inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and 10 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. These DNA markers yielded a total of 138 polymorphic bands. Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.06 to 0.39 for ISSR primers, and from 0.09 to 0.43 for RAPD primers. Jaccard's similarity coefficients were highest when seedlings derived from the same fruit capsule were compared, while seedlings from different fruits on the same plant had intermediate values. The lowest values were recorded among seedlings from different plants. These results were consistent with an outcrossing breeding system in Harpagophytum. Analysis of molecular variance revealed significant differentiation (P < 0.01) between taxonomic units within Harpagophytum. About 39% of the variability occurred between the two species, H. procumbens and H. zeyheri. Plants with an intermediate morphology, i.e. putative hybrids (PH), showed 21% differentiation when compared with H. procumbens ssp. procumbens (PP), and 19% when compared with H. procumbens ssp. transvaalense (PT) or with H. zeyheri (ZZ). In addition, a deviating variant of PT was identified, here termed âprocumbens new varietyâ (PN). PN showed only 9% differentiation when compared with PT, 22% when compared with PP or with PH, and 41% when compared with ZZ. Considerable differentiation between the two Harpagophytum species was revealed also by a cluster analysis. Introgression was, however, suggested by the intermediate position of the putative hybrid plants in a principal component analysis while inter-specific gene flow was shown by a Bayesian genetic structure analysis
Genetic variability and reproductive strategies in Nordic dogroses, Rosa section Caninae
In the present thesis, I investigate the morphological variation among and within Nordic dogrose species (Rosa section Carzirzae), and the transmittal of morphological characters and molecular markers to interspecific progeny plants. The occurrence of apomixis within the section is also investigated. All species within section Caninae are polyploid and characterised by their unique meiosis with unequal distribution of maternal and paternal chromosomes to their progeny. The pollen parent contributes only seven chromosomes, whereas the seed parent contributes 21, 28 or 35 chromosomes depending on ploidy level. The dogrose species are morphologically rather distinct. Both reproductive and vegetative morphological characters could differentiate among the investigated taxa, with the exception of the two subspecies of R. dumalis, subsp. corifoliia and subsp. dumalis. Rosa rubiginosa appeared to be the most homogeneous of the species, both within and among populations, and R. dumalis the most heterogeneous, both within and among populations. Rosa villosa was heterogeneous among populations but showed high within-population homogeneity. Morphological characters could also separate interspecific hybrids from progeny groups representing the parental species and the influence from the seed parent was apparent as expected from the skewed distribution of chromosomes. The matroclinal inheritance of molecular markers is also very pronounced, since all but two maternal markers were transmitted to all the interspecific progeny plants. In contrast, only approximately half of the paternal markers were transmitted to the progenies. The degree of homology between the constituent genomes in the parents decide to what extent the genetic contribution of the pollen parent will be recognizable in the progeny plant, both in morphological characters and in molecular markers. The genomes could be separated by size polymorphism in their respective NOR sites. Apparently two of the five consituent genomes in one pentaploid plant were never involved in the bivalent formation. Apomixis appears to occur to a limited extent within the dogroses, indicated by elevated pollen via- bility compared to the experimentally derived hybrid plants, and a complete lack of paternal parent-specific molecular mark
Rubus sordirosanthus in Halland, southwest Sweden
Abstract in Undetermined Rubus sordirosanthus (sect. Corylifolii Lindl.) was published, although invalidly, by Hylander 1958 from the province of Halland, south-western Sweden. A holotype is here provided to make the name validly published. Recent field studies have shown that it occurs at almost 100 localities in a restricted area of c. 6 km around Steninge in central Halland. In addition, it is found on a former refuse tip in the city of Halmstad, 23 km to the south. A morpho- logically similar form has been found in three places at roadsides around the city of Varberg, 33 km to the north. We have used genetic methods to investigate the relation between these forms and the related species R. wahlbergii Arrh. The chromosome num- ber of R. sordirosanthus from Steninge and Halmstad, as well as the Varberg form is 2n=28, in contrast to 2n=35 for R. wahlbergii. Moreover, RAPD DNA analysis shows that the two species are genetically separated. Rubus sordirosanthus from Steninge and Halmstad is homogeneous, whereas the Varberg form differs, although not in the direction towards R. wahlbergii. The latter species is genetically quite diverse. Thus, R. sordirosanthus is a well-defined and locally abundant species in Halland. On the other hand, the Varberg form gives the impression of being introduced in Varberg and therefore probably occurs also in other areas. Typification: Rubus sordirosanthus H. Hyl. ex Ryde nov. spec. Descr. orig.: H. Hylander, Botaniska Notiser 111, p. 521 (1958). Icon. (holotypus): Ibid. p. 522, fig. 3. Holotypus: Halland, Steninge bruk, Ă om BrĂ€cketorp, âĂ€ngenâ, 13/7 1951. leg. H. Hylander (LD)
Suomessa viljeltÀvissÀ karhunvatukkalajikkeissa hyvin vÀhÀn geneettistÀ vaihtelua
Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. âlmperialâ appears to be identical to the old cultivar âMajestĂ€tâ, but âEarliest of Allâ differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of âMajestĂ€tâ! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in âMajestĂ€tâ that is probably caused by a somatic mutation.Saatavilla olevien taimien heikko talvenkestĂ€vyys ja marjojen myöhĂ€inen kypsyminen vaikeuttavat karhunvatukoiden (Rubus spp.) viljelyĂ€ Suomessa. Viksten etsi tutkimuksessaan Suomessa menestyviĂ€ karhunvatukoita tiedotusvĂ€lineissĂ€ julkistettujen kyselyjen avulla. Vastausten perusteella Helsingin yliopistolle kerĂ€ttiin n. 100 karhunvatukkanĂ€ytteen kloonikokoelma. NĂ€istĂ€ 74 kloonia muistuttaa lĂ€heisesti Pohjois-Amerikassa laajalle levinnyttĂ€ Rubus allegheniesis -lajia. Lajiketiedot puuttuivat suurimmalta osalta kerĂ€tyistĂ€ nĂ€ytteistĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tunnistaa lajikkeita vertaamalla tuntemattomien nĂ€ytteiden ja tunnettujen lajikkeiden DNA-sormenjĂ€lkiĂ€ keskenÀÀn. Kaikista 39 toistaiseksi tuntemattomasta R. allegheniensis -tyyppisestĂ€ kloonista ja kokoelmassa olevista âMajestĂ€tâ, âImprialâ ja âEarliesti of Allâ -lajikkeista kerĂ€ttiin lehtinĂ€ytteet. DNA eristettiin hiukan muunnellun Nybomin ja Schaalin ohjeen mukaan. DNA-sormenjĂ€lkitekniikka tuotti kaikille tutkituille _Rubus-suvun nĂ€ytteille selkeĂ€t kuviot. âMajestĂ€tâ ja âEarliest of Allâ -lajikkeiden DNA-sormenjĂ€ljet erosivat selkeĂ€sti toisistaan usean viivan osalta. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa mukana ollut âImperialâ-lajikkeen nĂ€yte osoittautui puolestaan tĂ€ysin samanlaiseksi âMajestĂ€tâ-lajikkeen kanssa. Jotta taimimateriaalin sekaantuminen tai vÀÀrĂ€ nimeĂ€minen voitaisiin varmistaa, olisi analysoitava useampia eri lĂ€hteistĂ€ perĂ€isin olevia âImperialâ-lajikkeen nĂ€ytteitĂ€. Aiemmin tuntemattomasta 39 nĂ€ytteestĂ€ 37 osoittautui tĂ€ysin samanlaiseksi âMajestĂ€tâ-lajikkeen kanssa. Kahden nĂ€ytteen sormenjĂ€lkikuvioista löytyi samalta kohdalta yksi ylimÀÀrĂ€inen viiva muutoin tĂ€ysin samanlaiseen âMajestĂ€tâ-lajikkeen kuvioon verrattuna. Muutoksen aiheuttaa todennĂ€köisesti yksittĂ€inen somaattinen mutaatio, mikĂ€ yleensĂ€ tuottaa hyvin vĂ€hĂ€istĂ€ vaihtelua DNA-sormenjĂ€lkikuvioihin, kuten on todettu esim. omenoilla. âMajestĂ€tâ-lajikkeen on aikaisemmin todettu lisÀÀntyvĂ€n apomiktisesti, eli suurin osa sen siemenjĂ€lkelĂ€isistĂ€ on tĂ€ysin emokasvin kaltaisia. TĂ€mĂ€ saattaa olla yksi selitys âMajestĂ€tâ ja âImperialâ-lajikkeiden identtisille DNA-sormenjĂ€lkikuvioille. Immonen mainitsee vielĂ€ yhden karhunvatukkalajikkeen, âWilsonâs FrĂŒheâ, joka on ilmeisesti myös samanlainen kuin âMajestĂ€tâ. HĂ€met-Ahdin ja muiden mukaan suurin osa Suomessa viljeltĂ€vistĂ€ karhunvatukoista muistuttaa R. allegheniensis -lajia, ja tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan vain âMajestĂ€tâ-lajike tĂ€stĂ€ ryhmĂ€stĂ€ on todella menestynyt
DNA fingerprinting demonstrates extremely low levels of genetic variation among blackberry cultivars grown in Finland
Saatavilla olevien taimien heikko talvenkestĂ€vyys ja marjojen myöhĂ€inen kypsyminen vaikeuttavat karhunvatukoiden (Rubus spp.) viljelyĂ€ Suomessa. Viksten etsi tutkimuksessaan Suomessa menestyviĂ€ karhunvatukoita tiedotusvĂ€lineissĂ€ julkistettujen kyselyjen avulla. Vastausten perusteella Helsingin yliopistolle kerĂ€ttiin n. 100 karhunvatukkanĂ€ytteen kloonikokoelma. NĂ€istĂ€ 74 kloonia muistuttaa lĂ€heisesti Pohjois-Amerikassa laajalle levinnyttĂ€ Rubus allegheniesis -lajia. Lajiketiedot puuttuivat suurimmalta osalta kerĂ€tyistĂ€ nĂ€ytteistĂ€ TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tunnistaa lajikkeita vertaamalla tuntemattomien nĂ€ytteiden ja tunnettujen lajikkeiden DNA-sormenjĂ€lkiĂ€ keskenÀÀn. Kaikista 39 toistaiseksi tuntemattomasta R. allegheniensis -tyyppisestĂ€ kloonista ja kokoelmassa olevista'MajestĂ€t', 'Imprial' ja 'Earliesti of All' -lajikkeista kerĂ€ttiin lehtinĂ€ytteet. DNA eristettiin hiukan muunnellun Nybomin ja Schaalin ohjeen mukaan. DNA-sormenjĂ€lkitekniikka tuotti kaikille tutkituille Rubus-suvun nĂ€ytteille selkeĂ€t kuviot. 'Majes-tĂ€t' ja 'Earliest of All' -lajikkeiden DNA-sormenjĂ€ljet erosivat selkeĂ€sti toisistaan usean viivan osalta. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa mukana ollut 'Imperial'-lajikkeen nĂ€yte osoittautui puolestaan tĂ€ysin samanlaiseksi 'MajestĂ€t'-lajikkeen kanssa. Jotta taimimateriaalin sekaantuminen tai vÀÀrĂ€ nimeĂ€minen voitaisiin varmistaa, olisi analysoitava useampia eri lĂ€hteistĂ€ perĂ€isin olevia 'Imperial'-lajikkeen nĂ€ytteitĂ€. Aiemmin tuntemattomasta 39 nĂ€ytteestĂ€ 37 osoittautui tĂ€ysin samanlaiseksi 'MajestĂ€t'-lajikkeen kanssa. Kahden nĂ€ytteen sormenjĂ€lkikuvioista löytyi samalta kohdalta yksi ylimÀÀrĂ€inen viiva muutoin tĂ€ysin samanlaiseen 'MajestĂ€t'-lajikkeen kuvioon verrattuna. Muutoksen aiheuttaa todennĂ€köisesti yksittĂ€inen somaattinen mutaatio, mikĂ€ yleensĂ€ tuottaa hyvin vĂ€hĂ€istĂ€ vaihtelua DNA-sormenjĂ€lkikuvioihin, kuten on todettu esim. omenoilla. 'MajestĂ€t'-lajikkeen on aikaisemmin todettu lisÀÀntyvĂ€n apomiktisesti, eli suurin osa sen siemenjĂ€lkelĂ€isistĂ€ on tĂ€ysin emokasvin kaltaisia. TĂ€mĂ€ saattaa olla yksi selitys 'MajestĂ€t' ja 'Imperial'-lajikkeiden identtisille DNA-sormenjĂ€lkikuvioille. Immonen mainitsee vielĂ€ yhden karhunvatukkalajikkeen, 'Wilson's FrĂŒhe', joka on ilmeisesti myös samanlainen kuin 'MajestĂ€t'. HĂ€met-Ahdin ja muiden mukaan suurin osa Suomessa viljeltĂ€vistĂ€ karhunvatukoista muistuttaa R. allegheniensis -lajia, ja tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan vain 'MajestĂ€t'-lajike tĂ€stĂ€ ryhmĂ€stĂ€ on todella menestynyt.Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. 'Imperial' appears to be identical to the old cultivar 'MajestĂ€t', but 'Earliest of All' differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of 'MajestĂ€t'! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in 'MajestĂ€t' that is probably caused by a somatic mutation.vokSuomessa viljeltĂ€vissĂ€ karhunvatukkalajikkeissa hyvin vĂ€hĂ€n geneettistĂ€ vaihtelu
DNA fingerprinting demonstrates extremely low levels of genetic variation among blackberry cultivars grown in Finland
Most blackberry plants cultivated in Finland closely resemble the American species Rubus allegheniensis. Thirty nine such blackberry accessions in the University of Helsinki clone collection were studied by hybridization-based DNA fingerprinting and compared with some known cultivars of R. allegheniensis derivation. âlmperialâ appears to be identical to the old cultivar âMajestĂ€tâ, but âEarliest of Allâ differs considerably. In addition, 37 of the accessions analysed also have DNA fingerprints that appear to be completely identical to that of âMajestĂ€tâ! The remaining two accessions, although identical to each other, exhibit one band not found in âMajestĂ€tâ that is probably caused by a somatic mutation
Variationsrika vattenmeloner i södra Afrika
PÄ soliga semesterresor till varmare lÀnder, har allt
fler svenskar lÀrt sig att uppskatta de stora, lÀskande
vattenmelonerna. Ingenting slÀcker törsten
bÀttre, och sÀkrare, Àn en generös skiva saftig vattenmelon
med sitt karaktÀristiska spröda och rosaröda
fruktkött. TillgÄngen Àr inget problem; det
finns knappast nÄgot tropiskt eller subtropiskt land
(vattenmelon vĂ€xer bĂ€st vid 20â30 °C) som inte
kan erbjuda lokalodlade vattenmeloner. Minst 55
lÀnder producerar vattenmeloner, och den samlade
produktionen berÀknas till över 100 millioner ton
per Ă„r. I odlingsanalyser betraktas vattenmelon som
en grönsak, och den odlas pÄ drygt 10% av den
areal som anvÀnds till grönsake