125 research outputs found

    Describing digital objects

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    How to choose objects for digitisation? Short description of NISO recommendations regardingcreation of digital collections in particular collection development policy. After describing this we will extend the topic of Intellectual Property Rights, showing how practically resolve problems related to publication of cultural objects (and its metadata) on the web. In this session we will also cover open licensing models i.e. Creative Commons

    Usability testing and use monitoring

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    Session will start with description of basic concepts behind SEO. We will then discuss why is itnecessary to promote objects in the web and how to do it. What tools might be useful here?Possible role of websites like Wikipedia?In this session we will show how to monitor usage of digital library resources. Second part willbe dedicated to assessment of digital library usability and accessibility

    Digital libraries basics

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    In this session we will describe basic concepts related to digital libraries, showing a lot ofexamples of existing digital libraries. After this we will focus on things necessary to create adigital library, cost of such an undertaking and its maintenance in longer term. We will showpossible models of cooperation between libraries in order to make digital libraries moreaffordable. This part will be illustrated with examples of Polish digital libraries build byconsortiums of institutions

    Metadata aggregation: introduction to technical aspects

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    This technical session describing what metadata aggregation is and how it can be implementedusing OAI-PMH protocol. In the following part of this technical session we will cover essentialsof Europeana metadata guidelines. After this short intro we will go through the procedure ofingesting your data to Europeana. The last part of the session will be dedicated to creation ofmetadata aggregator using free software

    Polish Digital Libraries Federation

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    Prezentacja z konferencji BIBLIONET 2014.Novi Sad, Serbi

    Case studies for cooperation with Europeana

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    During this session participants will have a chance to listen about experience of Polish DigitalLibraries Federation (http://fbc.pionier.net.pl)

    Wykorzystanie metadanych z polskich bibliotek cyfrowych

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    dLibra Digital Library Framework Overview

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    Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation

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    Prezentacja z 20th Annual EINIRAS Conference "From Content to Knowledge in International Relations
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