792 research outputs found

    Learning Semantic Representations for the Phrase Translation Model

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    This paper presents a novel semantic-based phrase translation model. A pair of source and target phrases are projected into continuous-valued vector representations in a low-dimensional latent semantic space, where their translation score is computed by the distance between the pair in this new space. The projection is performed by a multi-layer neural network whose weights are learned on parallel training data. The learning is aimed to directly optimize the quality of end-to-end machine translation results. Experimental evaluation has been performed on two Europarl translation tasks, English-French and German-English. The results show that the new semantic-based phrase translation model significantly improves the performance of a state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical machine translation sys-tem, leading to a gain of 0.7-1.0 BLEU points

    A Novel Ehanced Move Recognition Algorithm Based on Pre-trained Models with Positional Embeddings

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    The recognition of abstracts is crucial for effectively locating the content and clarifying the article. Existing move recognition algorithms lack the ability to learn word position information to obtain contextual semantics. This paper proposes a novel enhanced move recognition algorithm with an improved pre-trained model and a gated network with attention mechanism for unstructured abstracts of Chinese scientific and technological papers. The proposed algorithm first performs summary data segmentation and vocabulary training. The EP-ERNIE_\_AT-GRU framework is leveraged to incorporate word positional information, facilitating deep semantic learning and targeted feature extraction. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves 13.37%\% higher accuracy on the split dataset than on the original dataset and a 7.55%\% improvement in accuracy over the basic comparison model

    PRSim: Sublinear Time SimRank Computation on Large Power-Law Graphs

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    {\it SimRank} is a classic measure of the similarities of nodes in a graph. Given a node uu in graph G=(V,E)G =(V, E), a {\em single-source SimRank query} returns the SimRank similarities s(u,v)s(u, v) between node uu and each node v∈Vv \in V. This type of queries has numerous applications in web search and social networks analysis, such as link prediction, web mining, and spam detection. Existing methods for single-source SimRank queries, however, incur query cost at least linear to the number of nodes nn, which renders them inapplicable for real-time and interactive analysis. { This paper proposes \prsim, an algorithm that exploits the structure of graphs to efficiently answer single-source SimRank queries. \prsim uses an index of size O(m)O(m), where mm is the number of edges in the graph, and guarantees a query time that depends on the {\em reverse PageRank} distribution of the input graph. In particular, we prove that \prsim runs in sub-linear time if the degree distribution of the input graph follows the power-law distribution, a property possessed by many real-world graphs. Based on the theoretical analysis, we show that the empirical query time of all existing SimRank algorithms also depends on the reverse PageRank distribution of the graph.} Finally, we present the first experimental study that evaluates the absolute errors of various SimRank algorithms on large graphs, and we show that \prsim outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, accuracy, index size, and scalability.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 201
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