4 research outputs found

    Circular economy for durable products and materials : the recycling of plastic building products in Germany ; status quo, potentials and recommendations

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    The construction sector is the second largest area for the application for plastics. Due to the long life times of construction products, the implementation of the circular economy faces its own challenges. To investigate this challenge, the study covers a market study for Germany, voluntary take-back and recycling schemes of construction products, as well as the use of plastic recyclates in construction products. In addition, plastic packaging of construction products is covered. Opportunities and barriers to the use of recycled plastics in construction products are derived from the intersection of available technologies, recyclate supply, and technical requirements for construction products. The report concludes with recommendations to various stakeholders on how to promote the use of recyclates in construction products and their packaging. Important points here are the introduction of a recyclate quota for films as construction product packaging and the description of recycling possibilities and recyclate content in the technical documentation of construction products

    Stickstoffaufnahme von saprotrophen Basidiomyceten und Bakterien

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    Saprotrophe Basidiomyceten können unter aeroben Bedingungen Holz abbauen und wirtschaftliche Schäden verursachen. Die Stickstoffverfügbarkeit ist für diesen Abbau entscheidend, und diazotrophe Bakterien können durch Fixierung von atmosphärischem N2 Stickstoff auf Holz anreichern. Der gemeinsame Abbau durch Basidiomyceten und Diazotrophe könnte zu hohen Abbauraten führen, da N2-Fixierung große Mengen an ATP benötigt, welche durch Celluloseabbau regeneriert werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde diese Interaktion durch Messungen des Stickstoffanteils sowie der δ15N-Werte in der Biomasse untersucht. Außerdem wurde die Aktivität der Basidiomyceten unter Einfluss unterschiedlicher Stickstoffquellen bestimmt. Die Messungen des Stickstoffanteils in der Biomasse der Basidiomyceten Oligoporus placenta und Trametes versicolor bewiesen die Aufnahme organischen Stickstoffs, sogar wenn nur Spuren verfügbar waren. Darüber hinaus förderten Harnstoff und Ammoniumchlorid das Wachstum von T. versicolor. In Experimenten unter einer 15N2/O2-Atmosphäre wurde ermittelt, dass die diazotrophen Bakterien Azotobacter croococcum, Beijerinckia acida und Novosphingobium nitrogenifigens etwa 1–13% ihres Stickstoffbedarfs durch N2-Fixierung decken. Wurden Diazotrophe und Basidiomyceten gemeinsam kultiviert, konnte nur von B. acida N2 fixiert und an beide Basidiomyceten übertragen werden. A. croococcum und N. nitrogenifigens wiesen keine Aktivität auf. Die Effekte der drei Stickstoffquellen, organischer Stickstoff im Medium, organischer Stickstoff in Splintholz sowie N2 aus der Luft, auf die Biomasse der Basidiomyceten wurden in Experimenten nach einem statistischen Versuchsplan bestimmt. Organischer Stickstoff als Medienbestandteil förderte das Wachstum beider Basidiomyceten signifikant. In zwei weiteren Versuchsreihen wurde die Stickstoffquelle im Medium durch das Bakterium B. acida ersetzt. Luftstickstoff begünstigte das Bakterienwachstum, so dass die Biomassen der Basidiomyceten gegenüber N2-freien Bedingungen verringert wurden. Das Vorhandensein von B. acida hatte einen geringfügig fördernden Effekt auf die Biomasse von T. versicolor aber keinen Effekt auf die Biomasse von O. placenta. Im Gegensatz zu den zuvor genannten Organismen kommen Hypholoma fasciculare und einige, teils isolierte und charakterisierte Proteobakterien gemeinsam in der Natur vor. Das Wachstum der Biomasse von H. fasciculare und von Proteobakterien wurde durch organischen Stickstoff, Harnstoff und Ammoniumchlorid gefördert. Die N2-Fixierung der Proteobakterien war zwar signifikant jedoch geringfügig, so dass sie mit Adsorption an Stelle von Nitrogenaseaktivität interpretiert wurde. Die Konkurrenz von H. fasciculare und Proteobakterien um die gleichen Stickstoffquellen wurde als wahrscheinlicher betrachtet als die Stickstoffanreicherung durch Diazotrophie.Saprotrophic basidiomycetes decompose wood in aerobic environments and can cause economic damage. The availability of nitrogen is determining for decomposition, and diazotrophic bacteria might enhance the nitrogen availability by fixation of atmospheric N2. Simultaneous decomposition by basidiomycetes and diazotrophs may intensify decomposition, because N2 fixation requires ATP, which could be provided during cellulose decomposition. In this study, the interaction was analysed by measurements of the nitrogen content and the δ15N values in biomass. Besides, the activity of basidiomycetes, influenced by different nitrogen sources, was determined. The analysis of the nitrogen content in biomass of Oligoporus placenta and Trametes versicolor proved the efficient uptake of organic nitrogen by wood-decomposing fungi even if only traces were available. In the presence of urea and ammonium chloride, the growth of T. versicolor was intensified. At cultivations in a 15N2/O2 atmosphere, the diazotrophic bacteria Azotobacter croococcum, Beijerinckia acida and Novosphingobium nitrogenifigens covered 1 to 13% of the nitrogen in their biomass by N2 fixation. If basidiomycetes and diazotrophs were co-cultivated, only B. acida fixed N2 and transferred it to both fungi. A. croococcum and N. nitrogenifigens did not coexist with the fungi. The effects of the nitrogen sources, i.e., organic nitrogen in the medium, organic nitrogen in sapwood and N2 from air, on the biomass of the mentioned basidiomycetes were determined in experiments according to full-factorial experimental plans. Organic nitrogen in the medium increased the growth of both basidiomycetes significantly. In additional experiments, the nitrogen source in the medium was replaced by an inoculum of B. acida. Then, atmospheric N2 supported the bacterial growth, which caused a significant decrease of basidiomycetal biomass compared to N2-free conditions. The presence of B. acida increased the biomass of T. versicolor to a low extent, but had no effect on the biomass of O. placenta. In contrast to the previously mentioned organisms, Hypholoma fasciculare and proteobacteria occur together in nature. In experiments, the growth of biomass of H. fasciculare and proteobacteria was supported by organic nitrogen, urea and ammonium chloride. The N2 fixation of the bacteria was significant but amounted to a low extent and was therefore explained by adsorption and not by nitrogenase activity. Competition between H. fasciculare and proteobacteria for the same nitrogen sources appeared more probable than N enrichment by diazotrophic activity

    Kunststoffe in Böden

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    Der vorliegende Bericht zeigt den Sachstand zum Vorkommen von Kunststoffen in Böden, erläutert die Folgen für die Böden, angrenzenden Medien, Pflanzen und Menschen. Er benennt bereits laufende Maßnahmen, um Kunststoffeinträge in die Böden wirksam zu reduzieren. Darüber hinaus adressiert er, neben dem Forschungsbedarf, den notwendigen weiteren Handlungsbedarf

    Effectiveness of real-time continuous glucose monitoring to improve glycaemic control and pregnancy outcome in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rt-CGM) informs users about current interstitial glucose levels and allows early detection of glycaemic excursions and timely adaptation by behavioural change or pharmacological intervention. Randomised controlled studies adequately powered to evaluate the impact of long-term application of rt-CGM systems on the reduction of adverse obstetric outcomes in women with gestational diabetes (GDM) are missing. We aim to assess differences in the proportion of large for gestational age newborns in women using rt-CGM as compared with women with self-monitored blood glucose (primary outcome). Rates of neonatal hypoglycaemia, caesarean section and shoulder dystocia are secondary outcomes. A comparison of glucose metabolism and quality of life during and after pregnancy completes the scope of this study.Methods and analysis Open-label multicentre randomised controlled trial with two parallel groups including 372 female patients with a recent diagnosis of GDM (between 24+0 until 31+6 weeks of gestation): 186 with rt-CGM (Dexcom G6) and 186 with self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG). Women with GDM will be consecutively recruited and randomised to rt-CGM or control (SMBG) group after a run-in period of 6–8 days. The third visit will be scheduled 8–10 days later and then every 2 weeks. At every visit, glucose measurements will be evaluated and all patients will be treated according to the standard care. The control group will receive a blinded CGM for 10 days between the second and third visit and between week 36+0 and 38+6. Cord blood will be sampled immediately after delivery. 48 hours after delivery neonatal biometry and maternal glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) will be assessed, and between weeks 8 and 16 after delivery all patients receive a re-examination of glucose metabolism including blinded CGM for 8–10 days.Ethics and dissemination This study received ethical approval from the main ethic committee in Vienna. Data will be presented at international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals.Trial registration number NCT03981328; Pre-results