37 research outputs found

    Characterization of Adulteration of "Espinheira Santa" ( Maytenus ilicifolia and Maytenus aquifolium, Celastraceae) Hydroalcoholic Extracts with Sorocea bomplandii ( Moraceae) by High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography

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    A HPTLC procedure for the characterization of adulteration of " espinheira santa ( Maytenus sp) with Sorocea bomplandii by monitoring their flavonoid content with the aid of diphenylboric reagent, is presented. HPTLC data showed the predominance of higly glycosated quercetin and kaempferol derivatives. The derivated flavonoids were shown to be best markers for distinguishing between authentic and adulterated drug samples, with several advantages over triterpene analysi

    Antioxidant fractions and phenolic constituents from leaves of Pluchea carolinensis and Pluchea rosea

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    peer reviewedAbstract: Objective: To evaluated the antioxidant potential of several polar fractions of P. carolinensis and P. rosea as well as pure chemicals, some of them quantified in both species by HPLC. Methods: The antioxidant potential of polar fractions and pure chemicals were assayed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and oxygen radical potential methods. The phenolic content was performed by using Folin–Ciocalteu’s reagent. Specific phenolic acids and flavonoids were quantified by DAD-RP-HPLC. Results: The highest DPPH antioxidant potential expressed in mg TE/gDE were frequently measured in fractions from n-butyl alcohol i.e 2 (192.1 ± 0.3); 6 (181.0 ± 0.1) of P. carolinensis and in fraction 7 (188.1 ± 5.5) of P. rosea while for ORAC (mg TE/gDE) assay fraction 2 (543.0 ± 64.6) and 4 (501.4 ± 49.7) of P. carolinensis and 3 (401.3 ± 16.1) and 6 (401.3 ± 16.1) of P. rosea showed the best results. Some flavonoids and phenolic acids were also assayed; all of them showed highest Oxygen radical absorbance capacity values. Conclusion: We report the antioxidant potential of polar fractions, as well as of some pure phenolics responsible of the antioxidant potential. Some phenolics were identified and quantified for the first time in both species. Apparently, caffeoylquinic acid derivatives contribute more significant to the total antioxidant potential of the extracts

    Strychnos innocua (Loganiaceae)

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    peer reviewedStrychnos innocua is frequently cited in African traditional medicine. Root bark has been chemically screened.A small amount of alkaloids was detected as well as loganic acid. The plant contains at least two alkaloids that are devoid of an indole skeleton. The authors suggest that they are monoterpenic and not very different from gentianine. However the products would not be artefacts because ammonia was not used for alkalinization before the extractio

    Densitometric Evaluation of Gentiopicroside in the Roots of Gentiana lutea L.

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    peer reviewedAs no satisfactory method existed for the separation of gentiopicroside from other components of gentian roots, we have decided to undertake some experiments.In this communication, we report the use of a novel mobile phase and a different detection system. Our HPTLC method is a fast and reliable procedure which may be used for quantification of gentiopicroside in roots and extracts of Gentiana lutea, whether for routine analysis or for studying stability. The TLC method is also compared with an HPLC method

    Reversed-Phase Hptlc Densitometric Evaluation of Fraxin in Fraxinus Excelsior Leaves

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    The present work describes a rapid and selective assay for fraxin based on its characteristic fluorescent properties by densitometry on reversed-phase HPTLC plates. Two chromatographgic procedures (Silicagel and RP 18) have been assessed and the results compared to those obtained by reversed-phase HPLC on ODS-silica. The amount of fraxin found in six commercial batches of Fraxinus excelsior leaves ( based on dry weight) ranged from 0.1 to 0.2%

    A new HPLC method for the assay of alkaloids in Strychnos nux-vomica and Strychnos ignatii

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    A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic procedure was developed for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the alkaloids in S. nux-vomica and S. ignatii