5 research outputs found

    Pregled bioloških metoda ekstrakcije hitina iz oklopa rakova

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    After cellulose, chitin is the most widespread biopolymer in nature. Chitin and its derivatives have great economic value because of their biological activities and their industrial and biomedical applications. It can be extracted from three sources, namely crustaceans, insects and microorganisms. However, the main commercial sources of chitin are shells of crustaceans such as shrimps, crabs, lobsters and krill that are supplied in large quantities by the shellfish processing industries. Extraction of chitin involves two steps, demineralisation and deproteinisation, which can be conducted by two methods, chemical or biological. The chemical method requires the use of acids and bases, while the biological method involves microorganisms. Although lactic acid bacteria are mainly applied, other microbial species including proteolytic bacteria have also been successfully implemented, as well as mixed cultures involving lactic acid-producing bacteria and proteolytic microorganisms. The produced lactic acid allows shell demineralisation, since lactic acid reacts with calcium carbonate, the main mineral component, to form calcium lactate.Hitin je, nakon celuloze, najrasprostranjeniji biopolimer u prirodi. Hitin i njegovi derivati imaju veliku ekonomsku vrijednost zbog njihove biološke aktivnosti te moguće primjene u industriji i biomedicini. Može se ekstrahirati iz tri izvora, i to iz rakova, insekata i mikroorganizama. No, glavni komercijalni izvor hitina su oklopi rakova, kao što su škampi, rakovice, jastozi i zooplanktonski (krill) račići, koji u velikim količinama preostaju nakon prerade rakova. Ekstrakcija se hitina odvija u dva koraka: demineralizacija i deproteinizacija, a može se provesti kemijskim ili biološkim putem. Kemijska metoda podrazumijeva uporabu kiselina ili baza, a biološka uključuje primjenu mikroorganizama. Iako se najčešće primjenjuju mliječno-kisele bakterije, dosad su uspješno upotrijebljene i proteolitičke bakterije, te mješovite kulture mliječno-kiselih bakterija i proteolitičkih mikroorganizama. Nastala mliječna kiselina omogućuje daljnju demineralizaciju, jer reagira s kalcijevim karbonatom, glavnim mineralnim sastojkom oklopa, pri čemu nastaje kalcijev laktat

    Chitin Extraction from Crustacean Shells Using Biological Methods – A Review

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    After cellulose, chitin is the most widespread biopolymer in nature. Chitin and its derivatives have great economic value because of their biological activities and their industrial and biomedical applications. It can be extracted from three sources, namely crustaceans, insects and microorganisms. However, the main commercial sources of chitin are shells of crustaceans such as shrimps, crabs, lobsters and krill that are supplied in large quantities by the shellfish processing industries. Extraction of chitin involves two steps, demineralisation and deproteinisation, which can be conducted by two methods, chemical or biological. The chemical method requires the use of acids and bases, while the biological method involves microorganisms. Although lactic acid bacteria are mainly applied, other microbial species including proteolytic bacteria have also been successfully implemented, as well as mixed cultures involving lactic acid-producing bacteria and proteolytic microorganisms. The produced lactic acid allows shell demineralisation, since lactic acid reacts with calcium carbonate, the main mineral component, to form calcium lactate

    Optimization of medium composition for enhanced chitin extraction from Parapenaeus longirostris by Lactobacillus helveticus using response surface methodology

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    International audienceChitin extraction by biological way, using the lactobacilli Lactobacillus helveticus, is a non-polluting method and offers the opportunity to preserve the exceptional qualities of chitin and its derivatives. However, the major disadvantage of the fermentative way is the low efficiency of demineralization and deproteinization. The aim of our study is to improve the yield of extraction. Many factors, such as the initial concentration of carbon source, fermentation time, incubation temperature, inoculum size, shell size, volume and medium composition have been reported to influence the fermentation process and consequently demineralization and deproteinization efficiency. Based on the use of central composite design and response surface methodology ten factors with three levels each were examined to determine the optimal operational conditions of demineralization and deproteinization. The analysis of the obtained results showed that the optimal conditions of 98% of demineralization and 78% of deproteinisation are 171.4 g L−1 of reducing sugars, 2.03 g of nitrogen source [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2] and 1.29 g of calcium source (CaCl2), used to ferment 4.84 g of shells, of 1.053 mm size heat treated at 120 °C, with 10 mL of inoculum (L. helveticus) incubated at 32.1 °C in 100 mL of juice date for 254.38 h (15 days)