13 research outputs found

    PowerMatcher:multiagent control in the electricity infrastructure

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    Different driving forces push the electricity production towards decentralization. As a result, the current electricity infrastructure is expected to evolve into a network of networks, in which all system parts communicate with each other and influence each other. Multi-agent systems and electronic markets form an appropriate technology needed for control and coordination tasks in the future electricity network. We present the PowerMatcher, a market-based control concept for supply and demand matching (SDM) in electricity networks. In a presented simulation study is shown that the simultaneousness of electricity production and consumption can be raised substantially using this concept. Further, we present a field test with medium-sized electricity producing and consuming installations controlled via this concept, currently in preparation

    Architectures for novel energy infrastructures:multi-agent based coordination patterns

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    Due to the increased proportion of small renewable energy sources in a distributed setting (DG-RES), active control of small distributed energy producing and consuming systems will play an important role in future electricity grids [1]. These distributed energy resources have production patterns, which are either partially stochastic (e.g. wind, solar cells) or are coupled to the primary user process (e.g. co-generation of heat and electricity). Furthermore, on the demand-side, and increasingly on the electricity storage side, opportunities exist for actively serving stability applications in the grid by real-time supply/demand coordination. In the future, an information and communication layer for grid coordination could serve a portfolio of ICT-applications on timescales running from seconds to hours. To get a grip on these (r)evolutionary developments, possibly toppling the electricity grid, in this paper, architecture requirements for future high proportion DG-RES electricity grids are collected from a Power Electronics System point of view as well as from an ICT point of view using an inventory of business models in the power grid that focus on coordination of multiple small-scale DG-RES resources. Modeled from an ICT point-of-view, these give rise to architectures for applications that can successively be implemented in hardware and software as active components in the distribution grid. A number of possible grid control strategy coordination patterns (GCPs), which are defined in a generic, reusable manner, can be seen to emerge. GCPs, connected and intertwined to one another on several layers (physical, commercial) of the grid, together, can provide the framework for coordination in the overall intelligent grid. Bottom-up approaches of implementing coordination in future active grids appear to be the method of choice to use in implementing the GCPs. Software agents [2], [3] coordinating primary processes using market algorithms, as implemented in the PowerMat..

    Distributed control in the electricity infrastructure

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    Different driving forces push the electricity production towards decentralization. As a result, the current electricity infrastructure is expected to evolve into a network of networks, in which all system parts communicate with each other and influence each other. Multiagent systems and electronic markets form an appropriate technology needed for control and coordination tasks in the future electricity network. We present the PowerMatcher, a market-based control concept for supply and demand matching (SDM) in electricity networks. In a simulation study we show the ability of this approach to raise the simultaneousness of electricity production and consumption within (local) control clusters. This control concept can be applied in different business cases like reduction of imbalance costs in commercial portfolios or virtual power plant operation of distributed generators. Two PowerMatcher-based field test configurations are described, one currently in operation, one currently under constructio

    Distributed control concepts using multi-agent technology and automatic markets:an indispensable feature of smart power grids

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    Multi-agent technology is state of the art ICT. It is not yet widely applied in power control systems. However, it has a large potential for bottom-up, distributed control of RES and DER in future power systems. At least two major European R&D projects (MicroGrids and CRISP) have investigated its potential. Both grid-related as well as market related applications have been studied. This paper will focus on two field tests, performed in the Netherlands, applying multi-agent control by means of the PowerMatcher concept. In the PowerMatcher concept (http://www.powermatcher.net/) software agents are used as representatives of the power producing and/or consuming installations. Via market algorithms a strategy is determined to ensure, that their operational schemes are coordinated in order to balance supply and demand according to the business case. The algorithms in the PowerMatcher use a bottom-up electronic market mechanism. Building such a system, controlling primary user processes on one hand, assuring local autonomy, and operating on the electricity market on the other hand, appears to be feasible with mainstream ICT-components. We will describe and discuss a number of results from two field te

    Field tests applying multi-agent technology for distributed control:virtual power plants and wind energy

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    Multi-agent technology is state of the art ICT. It is not yet widely applied in power control systems. However, it has a large potential for bottom-up, distributed control of a network with large-scale renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed energy resources (DER) in future power systems. At least two major European R and D projects (MicroGrids and CRISP) have investigated its potential. Both grid-related as well as market-related applications have been studied. This paper will focus on two field tests, performed in the Netherlands, applying multi-agent control by means of the PowerMatcher concept. The first field test focuses on the application of multi-agent technology in a commercial setting, i.e. by reducing the need for balancing power in the case of intermittent energy sources, such as wind energy. In this case the flexibility is used of demand and supply of industrial and residential consumers and producers. Imbalance reduction rates of over 40% have been achieved applying the PowerMatcher, and with a proper portfolio even larger rates are expected. In the second field test the multi-agent technology is used in the design and implementation of a virtual power plant (VPP). This VPP digitally connects a number of micro-CHP units, installed in residential dwellings, into a cluster that is controlled to reduce the local peak demand of the common low-voltage grid segment the micro-CHP units are connected to. In this way the VPP supports the local distribution system operator (DSO) to defer reinforcements in the grid infrastructure (substations and cables

    A novel architecture for real-time operation of multi-agent based coordination of demand and supply

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    The PowerMatcher concept developed at ECN has proven its value in the coordination of demand and supply of electricity in different settings with respect to distributed generation and accommodation of renewable energy resources. The concept has been applied in several field tests and simulations at various levels in the power system. The agent based technology on which the PowerMatcher is built has a number of advantages above other approaches such as the flexibility of the concept to accommodate a large variety of business scenarios, the autonomy of the agents, the standardization of communication through bids and allocation, the hiding of process information, etc. Yet the field tests also have identified a number of enhancements that may lead to improved behavior of the PowerMatcher in real life circumstances. Also discussions within the power system agent community as laid down in two white papers from the IEEE Multi-Agent Systems Working Group have convinced us to focus on an architecture that enables close cooperation with other research groups in order to gain momentum for real applications. This paper will introduce a number of requirements for the next phase of development that enable the PowerMatcher to cope with new, future scenarios. The requirements lead to a number of architectural decisions that will support a more open software development trajectory

    Field trials towards integrating smart houses with the smart grid

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    \u3cp\u3eTreating homes, offices and commercial buildings as intelligently networked collaborations can contribute to enhancing the efficient use of energy. When smart houses are able to communicate, interact and negotiate with both customers and energy devices in the local grid, the energy consumption can be better adapted to the available energy supply, especially when the proportion of variable renewable generation is high. Several efforts focus on integrating the smart houses and the emerging smart grids. We consider that a highly heterogeneous infrastructure will be in place and no one-size-fits-all solution will prevail. Therefore, we present here our efforts focusing not only on designing a framework that will enable the gluing of various approaches via a service-enabled architecture, but also discuss on the trials of these.\u3c/p\u3

    Dynamic pricing by scalable energy management systems : field experiences and simulation results using PowerMatcher

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    Response of demand, distributed generation and electricity storage (e.g. vehicle to grid) will be crucial for power systems management in the future smart electricity grid. In this paper, we describe a smart grid technology that integrates demand and supply flexibility in the operation of the electricity system through the use of dynamic pricing. Over the last few years, this technology has been researched and developed into a market-ready system, and has been deployed in a number of successful field trials. Recent field experiences and simulation studies show the potential of the technology for network operations (e.g. congestion management and black-start support), for market operations (e.g. virtual power plant operations), and integration of large-scale wind power generation. The scalability of the technology, i.e. the ability to perform well under mass-application circumstances, has been proved in a targeted field experiment. This paper gives an overview of the results of two field trials and three simulation studies. In these trials and simulations, demand and supply response from real and simulated electrical vehicles, household appliances and heating systems (heat pumps and micro co-generation) has been successfully coordinated to reach specific smart grid goals

    Monitoring and control for energy efficiency in the smart house

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    \u3cp\u3eThe high heterogeneity in smart house infrastructures as well as in the smart grid poses several challenges when it comes into developing approaches for energy efficiency. Consequently, several monitoring and control approaches are underway, and although they share the common goal of optimizing energy usage, they are fundamentally different at design and operational level. Therefore, we consider of high importance to investigate if they can be integrated and, more importantly, we provide common services to emerging enterprise applications that seek to hide the existing heterogeneity. We present here our motivation and efforts in bringing together the PowerMatcher, BEMI and the Magic system.\u3c/p\u3