292 research outputs found

    Anti-Ramsey number of edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees

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    An edge-colored graph GG is called rainbow if every edge of GG receives a different color. The anti-Ramsey number of tt edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees, denoted by r(n,t)r(n,t), is defined as the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of KnK_n containing no tt edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees. Jahanbekam and West [J. Graph Theory, 2014] conjectured that for any fixed tt, r(n,t)=(nβˆ’22)+tr(n,t)=\binom{n-2}{2}+t whenever nβ‰₯2t+2β‰₯6n\geq 2t+2 \geq 6. In this paper, we prove this conjecture. We also determine r(n,t)r(n,t) when n=2t+1n = 2t+1. Together with previous results, this gives the anti-Ramsey number of tt edge-disjoint rainbow spanning trees for all values of nn and tt.Comment: 17 pages, fixed an error in the proof of Theorem 3 using Matroid method

    A note on 1-guardable graphs in the cops and robber game

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    In the cops and robber games played on a simple graph GG, Aigner and Fromme's lemma states that one cop can guard a shortest path in the sense that the robber cannot enter this path without getting caught after finitely many steps. In this paper, we extend Aigner and Fromme's lemma to cover a larger family of graphs and give metric characterizations of these graphs. In particular, we show that a generalization of block graphs, namely vertebrate graphs, are 1-guardable. We use this result to give the cop number of some special class of multi-layer generalized Peterson graphs.Comment: fixing typo

    On the size-Ramsey number of tight paths

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    For any rβ‰₯2r\geq 2 and kβ‰₯3k\geq 3, the rr-color size-Ramsey number R^(G,r)\hat R(\mathcal{G},r) of a kk-uniform hypergraph G\mathcal{G} is the smallest integer mm such that there exists a kk-uniform hypergraph H\mathcal{H} on mm edges such that any coloring of the edges of H\mathcal{H} with rr colors yields a monochromatic copy of G\mathcal{G}. Let Pn,kβˆ’1(k)\mathcal{P}_{n,k-1}^{(k)} denote the kk-uniform tight path on nn vertices. Dudek, Fleur, Mubayi and R\H{o}dl showed that the size-Ramsey number of tight paths R^(Pn,kβˆ’1(k),2)=O(nkβˆ’1βˆ’Ξ±(log⁑n)1+Ξ±)\hat R(\mathcal{P}_{n,k-1}^{(k)}, 2) = O(n^{k-1-\alpha} (\log n)^{1+\alpha}) where Ξ±=kβˆ’2(kβˆ’12)+1\alpha = \frac{k-2}{\binom{k-1}{2}+1}. In this paper, we improve their bound by showing that R^(Pn,kβˆ’1(k),r)=O(rk(nlog⁑n)k/2)\hat R(\mathcal{P}_{n,k-1}^{(k)}, r) = O(r^k (n\log n)^{k/2}) for all kβ‰₯3k\geq 3 and rβ‰₯2r\geq 2.Comment: 9 page

    On the cover Tur\'an number of Berge hypergraphs

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    For a fixed set of positive integers RR, we say H\mathcal{H} is an RR-uniform hypergraph, or RR-graph, if the cardinality of each edge belongs to RR. For a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a hypergraph H\mathcal{H} is called a Berge-GG, denoted by BGBG, if there exists a bijection f:E(G)β†’E(H)f: E(G) \to E(\mathcal{H}) such that for every e∈E(G)e \in E(G), eβŠ†f(e)e \subseteq f(e). In this paper, we define a variant of Tur\'an number in hypergraphs, namely the cover Tur\'an number, denoted as ex^R(n,G)\hat{ex}_R(n, G), as the maximum number of edges in the shadow graph of a Berge-GG free RR-graph on nn vertices. We show a general upper bound on the cover Tur\'an number of graphs and determine the cover Tur\'an density of all graphs when the uniformity of the host hypergraph equals to 33.Comment: 14 page

    Equivalence of L0 and L1 Minimizations in Sudoku Problem

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    Sudoku puzzles can be formulated and solved as a sparse linear system of equations. This problem is a very useful example for the Compressive Sensing (CS) theoretical study. In this study, the equivalence of Sudoku puzzles L0 and L1 minimizations is analyzed. In particular, 17-clue (smallest number of clues) uniquely completable puzzles with sparse optimization algorithms are studied and divided into two types, namely, type-I and -II puzzles. The solution of L1 minimization for the type-I puzzles is unique, and the sparse optimization algorithms can solve all of them exactly. By contrast, the solution of L1 minimization is not unique for the type-II puzzles, and the results of algorithms are incorrect for all these puzzles. Each empty cell for all type-II puzzles is examined. Results show that some cells can change the equivalence of L0 and L1 minimizations. These results may be helpful for the study of equivalence of L0 and L1 norm minimization in CS

    The extremal pp-spectral radius of Berge-hypergraphs

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    Let GG be a graph. We say that a hypergraph HH is a Berge-GG if there is a bijection Ο•:E(G)β†’E(H)\phi: E(G)\to E(H) such that eβŠ†Ο•(e)e\subseteq \phi(e) for all e∈E(G)e\in E(G). For any rr-uniform hypergraph HH and a real number pβ‰₯1p\geq 1, the pp-spectral radius Ξ»(p)(H)\lambda^{(p)}(H) of HH is defined as Ξ»(p)(H):=max⁑x∈Rn, βˆ₯xβˆ₯p=1rβˆ‘{i1,i2,…,ir}∈E(H)xi1xi2β‹―xir. \lambda^{(p)}(H):=\max_{{\bf x}\in\mathbb{R}^n,\,\|{\bf x}\|_p=1} r\sum_{\{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_r\}\in E(H)} x_{i_1}x_{i_2}\cdots x_{i_r}. In this paper, we study the pp-spectral radius of Berge-GG hypergraphs. We determine the 33-uniform hypergraphs with maximum pp-spectral radius for pβ‰₯1p\geq 1 among Berge-GG hypergraphs when GG is a path, a cycle or a star.Comment: 15 page

    On a hypergraph probabilistic graphical model

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    We propose a directed acyclic hypergraph framework for a probabilistic graphical model that we call Bayesian hypergraphs. The space of directed acyclic hypergraphs is much larger than the space of chain graphs. Hence Bayesian hypergraphs can model much finer factorizations than Bayesian networks or LWF chain graphs and provide simpler and more computationally efficient procedures for factorizations and interventions. Bayesian hypergraphs also allow a modeler to represent causal patterns of interaction such as Noisy-OR graphically (without additional annotations). We introduce global, local and pairwise Markov properties of Bayesian hypergraphs and prove under which conditions they are equivalent. We define a projection operator, called shadow, that maps Bayesian hypergraphs to chain graphs, and show that the Markov properties of a Bayesian hypergraph are equivalent to those of its corresponding chain graph. We extend the causal interpretation of LWF chain graphs to Bayesian hypergraphs and provide corresponding formulas and a graphical criterion for intervention

    Concentration inequalities in spaces of random configurations with positive Ricci curvatures

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    In this paper, we prove an Azuma-Hoeffding-type inequality in several classical models of random configurations, including the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph models G(n,p)G(n,p) and G(n,M)G(n,M), the random dd-out(in)-regular directed graphs, and the space of random permutations. The main idea is using Ollivier's work on the Ricci curvature of Markov chairs on metric spaces. Here we give a cleaner form of such concentration inequality in graphs. Namely, we show that for any Lipschitz function ff on any graph (equipped with an ergodic random walk and thus an invariant distribution Ξ½\nu) with Ricci curvature at least ΞΊ>0\kappa>0, we have Ξ½(∣fβˆ’EΞ½f∣β‰₯t)≀2exp⁑(βˆ’t2ΞΊ7).\nu \left( |f-E_{\nu}f| \geq t \right) \leq 2\exp\left( -\frac{t^2\kappa}{7} \right).Comment: 22 page

    On the cover Ramsey number of Berge hypergraphs

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    For a fixed set of positive integers RR, we say H\mathcal{H} is an RR-uniform hypergraph, or RR-graph, if the cardinality of each edge belongs to RR. An RR-graph H\mathcal{H} is \emph{covering} if every vertex pair of H\mathcal{H} is contained in some hyperedge. For a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a hypergraph H\mathcal{H} is called a \textit{Berge}-GG, denoted by BGBG, if there exists an injection f:E(G)β†’E(H)f: E(G) \to E(\mathcal{H}) such that for every e∈E(G)e \in E(G), eβŠ†f(e)e \subseteq f(e). In this note, we define a new type of Ramsey number, namely the \emph{cover Ramsey number}, denoted as R^R(BG1,BG2)\hat{R}^R(BG_1, BG_2), as the smallest integer n0n_0 such that for every covering RR-uniform hypergraph H\mathcal{H} on nβ‰₯n0n \geq n_0 vertices and every 22-edge-coloring (blue and red) of H\mathcal{H} , there is either a blue Berge-G1G_1 or a red Berge-G2G_2 subhypergraph. We show that for every kβ‰₯2k\geq 2, there exists some ckc_k such that for any finite graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2, R(G1,G2)≀R^[k](BG1,BG2)≀ckβ‹…R(G1,G2)3R(G_1, G_2) \leq \hat{R}^{[k]}(BG_1, BG_2) \leq c_k \cdot R(G_1, G_2)^3. Moreover, we show that for each positive integer dd and kk, there exists a constant c=c(d,k)c = c(d,k) such that if GG is a graph on nn vertices with maximum degree at most dd, then R^[k](BG,BG)≀cn\hat{R}^{[k]}(BG,BG) \leq cn.Comment: 9 page

    On the size of planar graphs with positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature

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    We show that if a planar graph GG with minimum degree at least 33 has positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature on every edge, then Ξ”(G)≀17\Delta(G)\leq 17, which then implies that GG is finite. This is an analogue of a result of DeVos and Mohar [{\em Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2007}] on the size of planar graphs with positive combinatorial curvature.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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