15 research outputs found

    Utveckling av nya digitala verktyg inom dricksvattensektorn: Optimerad rening, förbÀttrad fÀllning av NOM och trendanalys av cykliska processer

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    Dricksvattensektorn i Sverige stÄr för inför ett antal stora framtida utmaningar. KlimatförÀndringar som försÀmrar rÄvattenkvaliteten och stÀdernas tillvÀxt hotar dricksvattenförsörjningen. Hoten kombinerat med nya mer krÀvande beredningsprocesser stÀller krav pÄ systematiskt arbete med att minska sÄrbarhet och risker i dricksvattensystemet vÄrt mest kritiska försörjningssystem. Snabbare förÀndringar i rÄvattenkvalitet över tid, större variationer i vattenförbrukningen samt en över lag högre vattenproduktion kan göra dricksvattenförsörjningen sÄrbart. OvanstÄende utmaningar krÀver snabbare Àndringar i processen Àn tidigare samt en anpassning av hela produktionen. Vissa vattenverk stÀller om sin produktion till nya processlösningar sÄsom membranteknik. Andra har börjat anvÀnder sig av sensorer för detektion av avvikelse i rÄ- eller processvatten. I bÄda fallen produceras mycket information och en snabb signalutvÀrdering Àr av ökad betydelse för beredningen. I detta projekt Àgnade vi oss att driva pÄ digitaliseringen av vattenproduktionen genom att förbÀttra utbudet av digitala kommersiella produkter och tjÀnster med hög IT-sÀkerhet bÄde för den svenska och bÄde den internationella marknaden. Under projektets gÄng bidrog vi att stödja ett antal VA-organisationer som nu anvÀnder nya innovativa system och metoder systematiskt för deras arbete med att analysera historiska data i kombination med realtidsdata. Systemen och metoderna sÀkerstÀller en sÀker leverans av dricksvatten

    Gryningen nalkas : En komparativ studie av Johannes av Korsets och Hartmut Rosas förstÄelse av vÀgen mot ett gott förhÄllande till vÀrlden

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    This study presents a comparative analysis of Hartmut Rosa and St John of the Cross and their respective view of the way towards a good relationship to the world. Using Rosa’s theory of acceleration, alienation and resonance as a frame of reference, a discursive analysis of modern texts on the thoughts of St John is performed to explore how the thoughts of St John can be enriched by Rosa. Thereby the aim is to widen the conversation on how Christians and the church might speak of a good relationship to the world in the present day. The analysis shows that several key elements from Rosa’s theory of resonance can be found in the thoughts of St John of the Cross, thus highlighting both the potential of reading John of the Cross in a modern setting and Rosa’s enriching contributions. They also agree in their emphasis on giving up the desire to control as a necessity in establishing a good relationship to the world. However, the transcendent, mystical reality of St John enables him to go furthert han Rosa with regards to for example the length to which a person should give up control or on how suffering is an essential part of the transformation. The study nevertheless shows that Rosa’s description of modern society can aid putting the thoughts of St John into the present, and that Rosa’s theories of structural change based on a new relationship to the world can widen the conversation on how the church might apply the mystical thoughts of St John today

    Gryningen nalkas : En komparativ studie av Johannes av Korsets och Hartmut Rosas förstÄelse av vÀgen mot ett gott förhÄllande till vÀrlden

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    This study presents a comparative analysis of Hartmut Rosa and St John of the Cross and their respective view of the way towards a good relationship to the world. Using Rosa’s theory of acceleration, alienation and resonance as a frame of reference, a discursive analysis of modern texts on the thoughts of St John is performed to explore how the thoughts of St John can be enriched by Rosa. Thereby the aim is to widen the conversation on how Christians and the church might speak of a good relationship to the world in the present day. The analysis shows that several key elements from Rosa’s theory of resonance can be found in the thoughts of St John of the Cross, thus highlighting both the potential of reading John of the Cross in a modern setting and Rosa’s enriching contributions. They also agree in their emphasis on giving up the desire to control as a necessity in establishing a good relationship to the world. However, the transcendent, mystical reality of St John enables him to go furthert han Rosa with regards to for example the length to which a person should give up control or on how suffering is an essential part of the transformation. The study nevertheless shows that Rosa’s description of modern society can aid putting the thoughts of St John into the present, and that Rosa’s theories of structural change based on a new relationship to the world can widen the conversation on how the church might apply the mystical thoughts of St John today

    Ambition meets reality - Modeling renovations of the stock of apartments in Gothenburg by 2050

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    A bottom-up dynamic modeling framework aiming to incorporate realities of the decision-making process when implementing energy-saving building renovations is proposed and applied to a case study of all multifamily buildings in Gothenburg, Sweden. The developed model is based on real conditions of existing buildings, from the national Energy Performance Certificate database, building and property registers, and cadastral maps from the city planning office. Although explorative, the framework accounts for the reaction capacity in terms of (i) investments by all property owners and (ii) total workmanship capacity in the city. Two scenarios were considered to account for renovations driven solely by technical renovation needs (end-of-life of building components) and by cost efficiency; further, both scenarios were investigated at different levels of reaction capacity. The developed framework is easily replicable to other regions and cities. The retrofitting includes, as individual measures as well as in packages, increased insulation levels, increased efficiency of lighting and appliances, and the installation of heat recovery systems and photovoltaic panels. Whereas implementation of energy-efficient measures dictated solely by technical renovation needs led to a very low energy demand, with some buildings becoming energy producers by 2050, implementation strictly driven by cost-efficiency (from the perspective of the property owners) only reduced the energy demand by 5% during this time and would not fully utilize the investment capacity of the property owners. Furthermore, the current limitations of reaction capacity for the market shares allowed for a reduction of the energy demand by only 15% during the same period. Workmanship capacity was more constraining than investment capacity and is thus identified as a local imperative need and suggests cobenefits related to job creation within the construction sector

    TraceMet – ett system för spĂ„rbarhet av hĂ„llbara metaller och mineral

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    Behovet av metaller och mineral vÀxer med ny teknik och med övergÄngen till nya energiformer. Samtidigt vill allt fler veta varifrÄn metallen kommer. GruvnÀringens negativa pÄverkan pÄ bÄde miljön och lokalsamhÀllet oroar mÄnga. Projektet TraceMet har tagit fram ett pilotsystem som gör det möjligt att certifiera metallens miljöprestanda, det vill sÀga dess klimatavtryck och hur mycket Ätervunnet material den innehÄller

    Economic feasibility of building retrofitting mitigation potentials: Climate change uncertainties for Swedish cities

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    Deep and rapid decarbonization of the building sector requires energy demand reductions and the incorporation of renewable-energy sources. Energy retrofitting of existing buildings is a central strategy in climate mitigation and has often been highlighted as a cost-effective strategy. However, decisions on these strategies are often hampered by modeling assessments that are limited by contextual, methodological, parametric, input, or output constraints. Here, we present a novel methodology to investigate the solid economic feasibility in building retrofit evaluations with mitigation measures. We first calculate the variations in the energy saving potentials and costs for 13 energy saving measures and five climate change scenarios. We then compare the obtained uncertainty due to a changing climate to other uncertainties, such as the boundaries for emission inventories and energy system development.Four cities in Sweden are modeled, which are responsible for half of the country’s residential energy use. We find that the profitability of the retrofitting actions is primarily determined based on the annualized investments and energy saving potentials. Future climate has a less determinant role, with uncertainties similar to those of future consumer price development and fuel emission factors. Retrofits that only affect the energy need for space heating are more robust than changes in electricity usage. We conclude that strategies for building retrofitting should focus on prioritizing energy savings and mobilizing investments that may not be profitable based on the current techno-economic perspective

    Economic feasibility of building retrofitting mitigation potentials : Climate change uncertainties for Swedish cities

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    Deep and rapid decarbonization of the building sector requires energy demand reductions and the incorporation of renewable-energy sources. Energy retrofitting of existing buildings is a central strategy in climate mitigation and has often been highlighted as a cost-effective strategy. However, decisions on these strategies are often hampered by modeling assessments that are limited by contextual, methodological, parametric, input, or output constraints. Here, we present a novel methodology to investigate the solid economic feasibility in building retrofit evaluations with mitigation measures. We first calculate the variations in the energy saving potentials and costs for 13 energy saving measures and five climate change scenarios. We then compare the obtained uncertainty due to a changing climate to other uncertainties, such as the boundaries for emission inventories and energy system development. Four cities in Sweden are modeled, which are responsible for half of the country's residential energy use. We find that the profitability of the retrofitting actions is primarily determined based on the annualized investments and energy saving potentials. Future climate has a less determinant role, with uncertainties similar to those of future consumer price development and fuel emission factors. Retrofits that only affect the energy need for space heating are more robust than changes in electricity usage. We conclude that strategies for building retrofitting should focus on prioritizing energy savings and mobilizing investments that may not be profitable based on the current techno-economic perspective

    Förslag pÄ utformning av ett livscykelbaserat system för kartlÀggning av flöden av omstÀllningskritiska rÄmaterial  i den svenska teknosfÀren

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    Den 24 mars 2021 gav regeringen SGU i uppdrag att tillsammans med NaturvĂ„rdsverket arbeta för att öka möjligheterna till hĂ„llbar utvinning av mineral och metaller frĂ„n sekundĂ€ra rĂ„material (NĂ€ringsdepartementet, 2021). Uppdraget innehĂ„ller ett antal strecksatser varav den fjĂ€rde handlar om att ge en överblick över flöden av kritiska mineral och metaller samt att föreslĂ„ system för hur livscykelanalys och spĂ„rbarhet kan utformas för att bidra till en cirkulĂ€r ekonomi. Denna rapport avhandlar en del av strecksatsen och beskriver resultatet av arbetet med att föreslĂ„ det efterfrĂ„gade systemet. Inom ramen för arbetet har det varit nödvĂ€ndigt att tolka och delvis omdefiniera nĂ„gra av de efterfrĂ„gade delarna i systemet. I den hĂ€r studien lĂ€ggs tyngdpunkten pĂ„ totala mĂ€ngder, fördelning och anvĂ€ndning av rĂ„material, snarare Ă€n genom vilka vĂ€rdekedjor ett visst delflöde av rĂ„material har flödat eller vilket hĂ„llbarhetsavtryck det rĂ„materialflödet har orsakat. För att tydliggöra den avgrĂ€nsningen benĂ€mns det system som föreslĂ„s i den hĂ€r studien för ett kartlĂ€ggningssystem i stĂ€llet för ett spĂ„rbarhetssystem. Ett system för att spĂ„ra eller kartlĂ€gga kritiska rĂ„material med syftet att bidra till en cirkulĂ€r ekonomi bör initialt inte inriktas pĂ„ att samla in livscykeldata eller pĂ„ att ta fram nya LCA-undersökningar, utan i stĂ€llet fokusera pĂ„ var olika material finns, i vilka mĂ€ngder dessa förekommer samt var i livscykeln (teknosfĂ€ren) dessa befinner sig och nĂ€r dessa (om möjligt) kan bli tillgĂ€ngliga för att Ă„teranvĂ€ndas eller Ă„tervinnas. I ett uppbyggnadsskede Ă€r det dĂ€rmed ett livscykelperspektiv som behövs i systemet och inte ett system för livscykelanalys. I arbetet med att ta fram och föreslĂ„ ett system har det ingĂ„tt att beskriva befintliga datakĂ€llor, hur ett berĂ€kningssystem skulle kunna utformas samt att beskriva hur datakĂ€llor och berĂ€kningar ska kunna kombineras till ett system som ocksĂ„ tar hĂ€nsyn till det arbete som inletts med digitala produktpass som ett led i den nya ekodesignförordningen som föreslĂ„s implementeras inom EU framöver.SMED förordar att ett framtida livscykelbaserat kartlĂ€ggningssystem för kritiska rĂ„material i den svenska teknosfĂ€ren utvecklas med en sĂ„ kallad bottom-up-ansats. Det innebĂ€r ett mer komplext system som stĂ€ller större krav pĂ„ datainsamlingen Ă€n med en top-down-ansats. Samtidigt lĂ€gger det grunden för ett system som kan bli varaktigt över tid och som fullt ut kan dra fördel av den dramatiska ökningen av tillgĂ€ngliga produktdata som de digitala produktpassen troligtvis kommer att innebĂ€ra. Utformningen av och innehĂ„llet i produktpassen kommer regleras i den delegerade akten för respektive produktgrupp. BegrĂ€nsad tillgĂ„ng till produktdata har hittills varit det frĂ€msta argumentet för en top-down-ansats. Den pĂ„gĂ„ende och samhĂ€llsgenomgripande omstĂ€llningen av det svenska och europeiska energisystemet kommer att innebĂ€ra ett vĂ€xande materialberoende. SMED anser dĂ€rför att kartlĂ€ggningssystemet med stor sannolikhet kommer att vara relevant under lĂ„ng tid framöver, vilket vĂ€l motiverar en hög inledande ambitionsnivĂ„ för att frĂ„n början utveckla ett system att vĂ€xa i. Systemet blir av nödvĂ€ndighet mycket dataintensivt, men bygger i hög grad pĂ„ data som samlas in centralt. Som framgĂ„r i flera avsnitt i den hĂ€r rapporten har kartlĂ€ggningssystemet utformats för att vara förenligt med de initiativ som SMED bedömer vara de viktigaste initiativen. SĂ€rskild uppmĂ€rksamhet ges Ă„t batteriförordningen och ekodesignförordningens produktpass pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„ och Avfallsregistret pĂ„ nationell nivĂ„.En framgĂ„ngsfaktor för det föreslagna kartlĂ€ggningssystemet blir att fortlöpande bevaka utvecklingen pĂ„ omrĂ„det för att bĂ„de sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att Sveriges nationella system blir konsistent med de framvĂ€xande systemen pĂ„ EU-nivĂ„, och att identifiera och utnyttja de möjligheter till synergier mellan olika system och olika aktörer som kartlĂ€ggningssystemet kommer att medföra. Inte minst har det potentialen att lindra uppgiftslĂ€mnarbördan för nĂ€ringslivet, eftersom delar av den data som kartlĂ€ggningssystemet behöver samtidigt efterfrĂ„gas och i mĂ„nga fall begĂ€rs för andra Ă€ndamĂ„l. Sammantaget kommer SMED till slutsatsen att mycket talar för att gĂ„ vidare med en utveckling av ett kartlĂ€ggningssystem enligt vad som rekommenderas vidare i rapporten. För det fall de digitala produktpassen implementeras i en nĂ€ra framtid och kan tillhandahĂ„lla den data som idag förespeglas kommer utvecklingskostnader och uppgiftslĂ€mnarbördor att hĂ„llas nere vĂ€sentligt. Å andra sidan, om data över flöden av kritiska rĂ„material av ett eller annat skĂ€l inte kommer att tillhandahĂ„llas av produktpassen ökar vĂ€rdet av ett svenskt kartlĂ€ggningssystem ytterligare, eftersom det dĂ„ (sĂ„ vitt vi kan förutse idag) inte kommer att finnas nĂ„got annat system som kan teckna den nödvĂ€ndiga kartan.On March 24, 2021, the government commissioned the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) to work with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to increase opportunities for the sustainable extraction of minerals and metals from secondary raw materials (NĂ€ringsdepartementet, 2021). The assignment contains several tasks, one of which is about providing an overview of the flows of critical minerals and metals and proposing a system for how life cycle analysis and traceability can be designed to contribute to a circular economy. This report handles part of the task and describes the results of the work on proposing the requested system. Within the framework of this study, it was necessary to interpret and partially redefine some of the requested parts of the system. Emphasis was placed on the total quantities, distribution and use of raw materials, rather than through which value chains a certain partial flow of raw materials has flowed or what sustainability footprint that raw material flow has created. To clarify this demarcation, the system proposed in this study is referred to as a mapping system instead of a traceability system. A system for tracking or mapping critical raw materials with the aim of contributing to a circular economy should not begin by focusing on the collection of life-cycle data or development of new LCA studies, but instead on where different materials are located, in what quantities they occur and where in the life cycle (technosphere) they are located and when these can (if possible) become available for reuse or recycling. Therefore, in the construction phase of the proposed mapping system, it is a life cycle perspective that is needed rather than a system for life cycle analysis. The development and proposal of the mapping system included a description of existing data sources, how a calculation system could be designed and how data sources and calculations could be combined into a system that also considers existing initiatives on digital product passports, which is a part of the new Ecodesign Regulation proposed for implementation in the EU in the future.SMED recommends that a future life cycle-based mapping system for critical raw materials in the Swedish technosphere be developed with a so-called bottom-up approach. This means a more complex system that places greater demands on data collection than with a top-down approach. At the same time, it lays the foundation for a system that can endure over time and take full advantage of the dramatic increase in available product data that the digital product passports are likely to provide. The design and content of the product passports will be regulated in the legislative act for each product group. Limited access to product data has so far been the main argument for a top-down approach. The ongoing and socially pervasive transformation of the Swedish and European energy systems will mean a growing dependence on materials. SMED therefore believes that the mapping system will most likely be relevant for a long time to come, which justifies well a high initial level of ambition to develop a system that grows from the beginning. The system will necessarily be very data-intensive but is largely based on data collected centrally. As shown in several sections of this report, the mapping system was designed to be consistent with the initiatives that SMED deems to be the most important. Particular attention was paid to the Batteries Regulation and the Ecodesign Regulation's product passports at the EU level and the Swedish Waste Register at the national level.A success factor for the proposed mapping system will be to continuously monitor developments in the area both to ensure that Sweden's national system becomes consistent with the emerging systems at EU level, and to identify and exploit the opportunities for synergies between different systems and different actors that the mapping system will bring. Not least, it has the potential to alleviate the response burden on industry, as parts of the data that the mapping system needs are simultaneously requested and, in many cases, requested also for other purposes. All in all, SMED concludes that there is much to be said for moving forward with the development of a mapping system as recommended further in the report. If the digital product passports are implemented in the near future and can provide the data currently proposed, the development costs and reporting burdens would be significantly reduced. On the other hand, if data on the flows of critical raw materials will not be provided by the product passports for one reason or another, the value of a Swedish mapping system would increase even further, since there wouldn’t be (as far as can be predicted today) any as other system that could draw the necessary ma

    Antenna Applicator for Microwave Hyperthermia Treatment of Pediatric Brain Cancer

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    A novel antenna applicator for microwave hyperthermia allowing treatment of deep brain tumors is proposed. The applicator consists of up to 16 antennas placed around the head in a helmet-like set-up and operates at a frequency range of 430-1000~MHz. The self-grounded bow-tie antennas are housed in a molded plastic enclosure with the shape of a truncated cone. The inner space of the enclosure is filled with distilled water. The antennas are attached to a perimetric water bolus with a thickness of 2 cm and aligned with the head shape. The focusing ability of the applicator was investigated on a homogeneous SAM model and on a model of a 13-year old patient containing a spherical tumor of 2 cm radius. Two different tumor positions were investigated: the right frontal lobe and the central brain. The obtained SAR distributions are favorable, although a relatively high level of energy is also absorbed on the surface of the body. This heating is however not expected to cause problems as it can be cooled by blood perfusion and water bolus. Our results show that focused microwave heating in the brain is feasible and warrants further verification on phantoms