75 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activities of Some Selected Organic and Aqueous Extracts of Cornsilk (Zea mays Hairs).

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    These In this study, the polyphenol content and antioxidant activities of some organic and aqueous extracts of cornsilk were evaluated. Cornsilk powder was extracted with methanol, ethanol, water and ethyl acetate solvent by using soxhlet extraction method. The antioxidant activities of all cornsilk extracts were determined via β-carotene bleaching method, 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH.) radical scavenging, superoxide anion (O2-) radical scavenging and ferric reducing power activity (FRAP). The highest polyphenol content was exhibited by the methanol extract (101.99 mg GAE/g) compared to that of ethanol (93.43 mg GAE/g), water (35.34 mg GAE/g) and ethyl acetate extract (6.70 mg GAE/g). The flavanoid content of cornsilk extracts was in the range of 0.66 to 9.26 mg catechin equivalent/g extract showing the highest content found in the methanol extract. In the antioxidant assays, the methanol extract exhibited the strongest free radical scavenging and reducing activity as compared to the other extracts. In the β-carotene assay, the methanol (66.05%) extract, showed highest bleaching activity compared to the ethanol (52.92%), water (38.65%) and ethyl acetate (26.33%) extract. The IC50 values of methanol, ethanol, water and ethylacetate extract were 140.89 μg/ml, 143.55 μg/ml, 195.21 μg/ml and 411.69 μg/ml respectively. The lowest IC50 in the superoxide scavenging activity was exhibited by the methanol extract (261.41 μg/ml). However, the IC50 value of ethyl acetate extract (412.16 μg/ml) was found lower than that of ethanol (620.91 μg/m) and water extract (1174.54 μg/m). In FRAP assay, the ferric reducing activity of methanol extract reached 56.41% at 1600 μg/ml while ethanol (51.16%), water (35.01%) and ethyl acetate extract (27.21%) exhibited lower reducing activity. These results indicate that cornsilk extracts have shown strong antioxidant activities. With the highest yield of polyphenols and the strongest antioxidant capacity, the methanol extract is highly recommended to be implemented in the pharmaceutical and health related industries to treat oxidative stress related disease

    Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) Improves Nutrient Contents and Maintains Sensory Properties of Carbohydrate-based Products

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    The grey oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC), is a common edible mushroom and is now grown commercially around the world for food. This fungus has been broadly used as food or food ingredients in various food products for a long time. To enhance the nutritional quality and sensory attributes of bakery-based products, PSC powder is used in the present study to partially replace wheat flour in baked product formulations. The nutrient content and sensory properties of rice-porridge and unleavened bread (paratha) incorporated with various levels of PSC powder were studied. These food items were formulated with either 0%, 2%, 4% or 6% of PSC powder. Results show PSC powder recorded β-glucan at 3.57g/100g. In sensory evaluation, consumers gave higher score to both rice-porridge and paratha bread containing 2-4% PSC compared to those that are not added with PSC powder. The paratha containing 4% PSC powder can be formulated with the intention in improving overall acceptability of paratha bread. Meanwhile, for rice-porridge, consumers prefer the formulated product added with 4% PSC powder. In conclusion, the addition of PSC powder to partially wheat flour can be recommended for the purpose of enhancing nutritional composition and maintaining the acceptability of carbohydrate-based products

    Incorporation of Pleurotus sajor-caju powder in cinnamon biscuit: study on nutritional, physical, colour and sensorial properties

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    Discovery of novel dietary fibre (DF)-rich food ingredient is of great interest to meet the rising consumer demand for healthy food. Intake of DF-enriched food has been positively associated with a decreased risk of chronic diseases. Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC), one of the prominent edible mushrooms widely cultivated in Malaysia, is useful for its culinary and medicinal purpose. This study aimed to determine the nutritional, physical, colour and sensorial properties of cinnamon biscuit formulated with PSC powder as partial replacement (0, 4, 8 and 12%) for wheat flour. Results indicated that elevated incorporation levels of PSC powder significantly (P<0.05) increased nutritional values of cinnamon biscuits; with 12% PSC cinnamon biscuit recorded the highest DF (9.84%), protein (7.85%) and ash (1.00%) content. In texture profile analyses, slight increment in firmness and reduction in crispiness of the cinnamon biscuits were detected with increasing levels of PSC powder. PSC-enriched cinnamon biscuits were reported to have lower L* value (ranged from 65.49 to 69.25) compared to control cinnamon biscuit (70.84), indicating darker surface colour. In comparison to control cinnamon biscuit, incorporation of PSC powder up to 8% produced higher scores in term of aroma, colour and appearance. In summary, incorporation of 8% PSC powder could be an effective way to develop nutritious cinnamon biscuit without jeopardizing its desirable physical and sensorial properties

    Morphological Characterizations of Selected Brown Rice Commercially Available in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Presently, the intake of brown rice becomes more popular for people who are very conscious about their health. The present study was conducted to examine the morphological characteristics of different sources of brown rice commercially available in Kelantan state of Peninsular Malaysia. Macroscopic observation was done on fresh brown samples and white rice sample. Longitudinal and horizontal section shows the present of both aleuron and bran layers obviously for all brown rice samples. Long grain and wholegrain mix brown rice had the longest and the thickest values compared to control (white rice). The brown rice samples consist of the pericarp, aleuron layer, endosperm, starch, parenchyma cells and parenchyma cells wall. All brown rice samples also had different thickness of aleuron layer. The cross sectional diameters of the brown rice samples were in the range from 847.2 to 1000 μm. These observations are vital in choosing the best cooking techniques for brown rice that give palatable for human consumption

    Nutritive qualities of patties prepared with mixture of meat and oyster mushroom

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    Nutritive qualities of patties prepared from chicken, beef and oyster mushroom were determined. Three groups of rats were fed with patty diets prepared with either a combination of 75% chicken + 25% oyster mushroom (CMP) or 75% beef + 25% oyster mushroom (BMP) or 100% chicken patty + 0% oyster mushroom (CP). There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in total tryglyceride (0.3-0.5 mmol/L), total cholesterol (1.7-1.9 mmol/L) LDL-cholesterol (0.3-0.4 mmol/L) and HDL-cholesterol (1.2-1.4 mmol/L) for all groups except for protein free. Protein effeciency ratio (PER) values of CMP and BMP groups were significantly lower than casein group but significantly higher than chicken patty (CP) group. Both CMP and BMP fed groups recorded PER values at 1.73 and 1.69 while CP had PER value at 1.52. The AD of rats fed with CMP, BMP and CP diets were closely ranged from 98.3-98.9% but not significant as compared to casein diet group (98.5%). The close AD values between CMP, BMP and CP indicated that the mixture of patty protein from either chicken or beef with protein of oyster mushroom did not affect digestibility aspect. In summary, addition of oyster mushroom into either chicken or beef patties did not changed AD but improved PER value, thus proving that oyster mushroom could be used as an alternative ingredient to replace meat partially in the making of patties

    Effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) addition on the nutritional composition and sensory evaluation of herbal seasoning

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajorcaju, PSC) addition to partially replace coconut milk powder on nutritional composition and sensory values of Herbal Seasoning (HS). This study evaluates the nutritional composition, dietary fibre and sensory acceptance of HS that processed using six different formulations with different levels of PSC powder, namely 0% (A), 20% (B), 40% (C), 60% (D), 80% (E) and 100% (F). The use of PSC powder substantially brought down the fat content of HS. The fat content of PSC-based HS was ranged from 13.82±0.84% to 8.16±0.74%. The protein content showed an increasing trend in line with increasing of PSC powder ranging from 7% to 12%.Substitution of coconut milk powder with PSC powder resulted in significantly higher (p<0.05) of total dietary fibre content (TDF). The TDF content was ranging from 15.53% to 22.02%. The sensory evaluation showed that both HS contained 100% and control were not significant different (p>0.05).The panels preferred HS formulated with PSC powder since its enhance colour and viscosity attributes of the products. In brief, HS formulated with more than 40% PSC powder is recommended since it has significant nutrients and palatably accepted by sensorial panellists

    Nutritional Composition and Sensory Properties of Oyster Mushroom-based Patties Packed with Biodegradable Packaging (Komposisi Pemakanan dan Ciri Sensori Burger Berasaskan Cendawan Tiram yang Dibungkus dengan Pembungkus Terurai Secara Biologi)

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    The increase use of synthetic packaging films in food products has led to serious environmental problems due to their total non-biodegradability property. Nutrient composition and sensory acceptability of chicken patties formulated with various levels of Pleurotus sajor-caju popularly known as grey oyster mushroom (OM) and wrapped with degradable plastic were studied. The chicken patties were formulated with either 0, 25 or 50% of fresh OM. The results showed that chicken patty formulated with 25% PSC has protein content of 17.46% lower than the control patty which had 18.13% but it was not significant (p>0.05). After storage, cooked chicken patty formulated with 25% OM had protein content of 21.53% lower than the control patty (23.90%) but it was not significant (p>0.05). However, incorporation of OM in chicken patties resulted in decreasing of fat content significantly (p≤0.05) from 15.58 (control) to 13.33% after storage. On the other nutrient, the concentration of β-glucan were detected at values ranged between 0.70 and 0.76 (g/100 g) after 6 month. Other results showed that patty formulated with 25% OM received the highest scores for all attributes except for aroma. Meanwhile, patty prepared with 50% OM received the highest score of aroma attribute after 6 month of storage. However, the score values for all attributes of all OM-based patties were not statistically different with control patty (p> 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of OM at 25% can be recommended for the purpose of lowering fat content while keeping protein and β-glucan unchanged without jeopardizing sensorial properties. This investigation therefore, suggested that biodegradable plastic can be used in packing any type of processed meat-based products. || Peningkatan penggunaan filem pembungkus sintetik dalam produk makanan telah menjadi punca kepada masalah persekitaran yang serius disebabkan ketidakupayaan ciri kebolehuraiannya secara biologi. Komposisi nutrien dan penerimaan sensori burger ayam yang diformulasikan dengan Pleurotus sajor-caju atau lebih dikenali sebagai cendawan tiram (OM) pada paras berbeza dan dibungkus dengan plastik mudahurai telah dikaji. Burger ayam diformulasikan dengan sama ada 0, 25 atau 50% OM segar. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan burger ayam yang diformulasikan dengan 25% OM mengandungi protein sebanyak 17.46% kurang daripada burger kawalan yang mengandungi protein 18.13% tetapi tidak signifikan (p>0.05). Selepas penyimpanan, burger ayam masak yang diformulasikan dengan 25% OM mengandungi protein sebanyak 21.53% lebih rendah daripada burger kawalan (23.90%) tetapi tidak signifikan (p>0.05). Walau bagaimanapun, penambahan OM dalam burger ayam mengurangkan kandungan lemak secara signifikan (p≤0.05) daripada 15.58 (kawalan) kepada 13.33% selepas penyimpanan. Dalam nutrien lain, kepekatan β-glukan dikesan berada pada julat antara 0.70-0.76 (g/100 g) selepas 6 bulan. Keputusan lain menunjukkan burger yang diformulasikan dengan 25% OM menerima skor yang tertinggi untuk semua atribut kecuali aroma. Sementara itu, burger yang disediakan dengan 50% OM menerima skor tertinggi bagi aroma selepas 6 bulan penyimpanan. Walau bagaimanapun, nilai skor untuk semua atribut bagi semua burger berasaskan OM tidak signifikan secara statistik berbanding burger kawalan (p> 0.05). Kesimpulannya, penambahan OM pada 25% boleh dicadangkan untuk tujuan mengurangkan kandungan lemak sambil tidak mengubah kandungan protein dan β-glukan serta tidak menjejaskan ciri sensori. Kajian ini menunjukkan plastik mudahurai secara biologi boleh disarankan untuk diguna dalam membungkus produk makanan terproses berasaskan daging yang lain jug

    Dehydrated Maydis stigma Enhances Nutritional and Antioxidative Capacities of Butter Cookies

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    Background: Maydis stigma is generally disposed after taking the cornlettes as vegetable. Objective: In the present study, Maydis stigma powder (MSP) was partially replaced with wheat flour at the levels of 5, 10 and 15% in cookies preparation. Nutritional compositions were measured using standard methods and instrumental texture properties were also determined. Polyphenol compounds of cookies was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography technique while antioxidative activities were performed using FRAP and DPPH methods. Results: The incorporation of MSP in cookies increase the amount of protein, dietary fiber and ash content compared to cookie prepared from wheat flour (control). The present study also demonstrated that considerable higher polyphenol content (60.4% to 86.8%) and antioxidative improvement has attained by incorporation of MSP in cookie formulations. The MSP-based cookies have stronger free radical scavenging capacity (24.45 % to 62.73%) and ferric reducing capacity (16.94 to 342.00 μmol TE/g) with higher gallic acid and ferulic acid compound compared to all-wheat based cookies. Conclusion: Cookies with high antioxidative capacities can be prepared by replacing wheat flour with MSP up to 10%. Thus, MSP is suggested as potential nutritional and natural antioxidant sources for processed food products

    Effect on the addition of Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC) on physical and sensorial properties of beef patty

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    Mushrooms are well known to be healthy because they are low in calories, fat and cholesterol level but rich in vitamin and other essential nutrients. The grey oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju (PSC), is a common edible mushroom and is now grown commercially around the world for food and food products. The ability of PSC in changing physical characteristics and sensory properties of beef patty formulated with this fungus were investigated. Result shows beef patty added with 50% ground PSC recorded the highest concentration total dietary fibre (TDF) at 9.95 g/100g compared to beef patty containing 25% of PSC (7.00 g/100g) and control (3.90g/100g). Beef which was replaced with 25% of PSC, recorded the highest cooking yield (76.62%) and moisture retention (59.80%) respectively. On the other physical traits, beef patty containing 25% PSC recorded fat retention at 89.04% and was not significant (P<0.05) with control patty (88.59%). However, the fat retention was proportionally decreased with the increment of PSC content in patty formulations. There were no differences recorded in all sensory attributes of PSC-based patties perceived by panelists. The addition of PSC at 25% can be recommended for incorporation in beef patties and permit a reduction of the formulation cost without affecting sensory descriptors of the product to which the consumer is familiarized

    Phytochemicals screening and total phenolic content of Malaysian Zea mays hair extracts

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    In the present study, Malaysian Zea mays hair extracts are screened for the occurrence of bioactive compounds. The results positively showed the present of flavonoids, saponin, tannins, phlobatannins, phenols, alkaloids and cardiac glycosides in both aqueous and methanolic extract of Zea mays hair. Terpenoid compounds however present only in the methanolic extract sample. In addition, the total phenolic content (TPC) in aqueous extract was significantly higher (42.71 + 0.87 μg/g of tannic acid equivalent (TAE)) compared to methanolic extract (40.38 + 1.10 μg/g of TAE). The findings suggested that phytochemicals present in Zea mays hair are potentially beneficial as therapeutic and antioxidative agents in pharmaceuticals, food and other related industries