34 research outputs found

    On-chip picosecond synchrotron pulse shaper

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    Synchrotrons are powerful and productive in revealing the spatiotemporal complexities in matter. However, X-ray pulses produced by the synchrotrons are predetermined in specific patterns and widths, limiting their operational flexibility and temporal resolution. Here, we introduce the on-chip picosecond synchrotron pulse shaper that shapes the sub-nm-wavelength hard X-ray pulses at individual beamlines, flexibly and efficiently beyond the synchrotron pulse limit. The pulse shaper is developed using the widely available silicon-on-insulator technology, oscillates in torsional motion at the same frequency or at harmonics of the storage ring, and manipulates X-ray pulses through the narrow Bragg peak of the crystalline silicon. Stable pulse manipulation is achieved by synchronizing the shaper timing to the X-ray timing using electrostatic closed-loop control. Tunable shaping windows down to 40 psps are demonstrated, allowing X-ray pulse picking, streaking, and slicing in the majority of worldwide synchrotrons. The compact, on-chip shaper offers a simple but versatile approach to boost synchrotron operating flexibility and to investigate structural dynamics from condensed matter to biological systems beyond the current synchrotron-source limit

    Duality of switching mechanisms and transient negative capacitance in improper ferroelectrics

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    The recent discovery of transient negative capacitance has sparked an intense debate on the role of homogeneous and inhomogeneous mechanisms in polarizations switching. In this work, we report observation of transient negative capacitance in improper ferroelectric h-YbFeO3 films in a resistor-capacitor circuit, and a concaved shape of anomaly in the voltage wave form, in the early and late stage of the polarizations switching respectively. Using a phenomenological model, we show that the early-stage negative capacitance is likely due to the inhomogeneous switching involving nucleation and domain wall motion, while the anomaly at the late stage, which appears to be a reminiscent negative capacitance is the manifestation of the thermodynamically unstable part of the free-energy landscape in the homogeneous switching. The complex free-energy landscape in hexagonal ferrites may be the key to cause the abrupt change in polarization switching speed and the corresponding anomaly. These results reconcile the two seemingly conflicting mechanisms in the polarization switching and highlight their different roles at different stages. The unique energy-landscape in hexagonal ferrites that reveals the dual switching mechanism suggests the promising application potential in terms of negative capacitance.Comment: 14 pages,5 figure

    A Ten-Fold Solvent Kinetic Isotope Effect for the Nonradiative Relaxation of the Aqueous Ferrate(VI) Ion

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    Hypervalent iron intermediates have been invoked in the catalytic cycles of many metalloproteins, and thus it is crucial to understand how the coupling between such species and their environment can impact their chemical and physical properties in such contexts. In this 2 work, we take advantage of the solvent kinetic isotope effect (SKIE) to gain insight into the nonradiative deactivation of electronic excited states of the aqueous ferrate(VI) ion. We observe an exceptionally large SKIE of 9.7 for the nanosecond-scale relaxation of the lowest energy triplet ligand field state to the ground state. Proton inventory studies demonstrate that a single solvent O-H bond is coupled to the ion during deactivation, likely due to the sparse vibrational structure of ferrate(VI). Such a mechanism is consistent with that reported for the deactivation of f-f excited states of aqueous trivalent lanthanides, which exhibit comparably large SKIE values. This phenomenon is ascribed entirely to dissipation of energy into a higher overtone of a solvent acceptor mode, as any impact on the apparent relaxation rate due to a change in solvent viscosity is negligible

    X-ray induced electron and ion fragmentation dynamics in IBr

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    Characterization of the inner-shell decay processes in molecules containing heavy elements is key to understanding x-ray damage of molecules and materials and for medical applications with Auger-electron-emitting radionuclides. The 1s hole states of heavy atoms can be produced by absorption of tunable x-rays and the resulting vacancy decays characterized by recording emitted photons, electrons, and ions. The 1s hole states in heavy elements have large x-ray fluorescence yields that transfer the hole to intermediate electron shells that then decay by sequential Auger-electron transitions that increase the ion's charge state until the final state is reached. In molecules the charge is spread across the atomic sites, resulting in dissociation to energetic atomic ions. We have used x-ray/ion coincidence spectroscopy to measure charge states and energies of Iq+^{q+} and Brq+^{q'+} atomic ions following 1s ionization at the I and Br \textit{K}-edges of IBr. We present the charge states and kinetic energies of the two correlated fragment ions associated with core-excited states produced during the various steps of the cascades. To understand the dynamics leading to the ion data, we develop a computational model that combines Monte-Carlo/Molecular Dynamics simulations with a classical over-the-barrier model to track inner-shell cascades and redistribution of electrons in valence orbitals and nuclear motion of fragments