13 research outputs found

    Awake craniotomy does not lead to increased psychological complaints

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with brain tumours are increasingly treated by using the awake craniotomy technique. Some patients may experience anxiety when subjected to brain surgery while being fully conscious. However, there has been only limited research into the extent to which such surgeries actually result in anxiety or other psychological complaints. Previous research suggests that undergoing awake craniotomy surgery does not lead to psychological complaints, and that post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are uncommon following this type of surgery. It must be noted, however, that many of these studies used small random samples. METHOD: In the current study, 62 adult patients completed questionnaires to identify the degree to which they experienced anxiety, depressive and post-traumatic stress complaints following awake craniotomy using an awake-awake-awake procedure. All patients were cognitively monitored and received coaching by a clinical neuropsychologist during the surgery. RESULTS: In our sample, 21% of the patients reported pre-operative anxiety. Four weeks after surgery, 19% of the patients reported such complaints, and 24% of the patients reported anxiety complaints after 3 months. Depressive complaints were present in 17% (pre-operative), 15% (4 weeks post-operative) and 24% (3 months post-operative) of the patients. Although there were some intra-individual changes (improvement or deterioration) in the psychological complaints over time, on group-level postoperative levels of psychological complaints were not increased relative to the preoperative level of complaints. The severity of post-operative PTSD-related complaints were rarely suggestive of a PTSD. Moreover, these complaints were seldom attributed to the surgery itself, but appeared to be more related to the discovery of the tumour and the postoperative neuropathological diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study do not indicate that undergoing awake craniotomy is associated with increased psychological complaints. Nevertheless, psychological complaints may well exist as a result of other factors. Consequently, monitoring the patient's mental wellbeing and offering psychological support where necessary remain important

    Awake craniotomy does not lead to increased psychological complaints

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with brain tumours are increasingly treated by using the awake craniotomy technique. Some patients may experience anxiety when subjected to brain surgery while being fully conscious. However, there has been only limited research into the extent to which such surgeries actually result in anxiety or other psychological complaints. Previous research suggests that undergoing awake craniotomy surgery does not lead to psychological complaints, and that post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are uncommon following this type of surgery. It must be noted, however, that many of these studies used small random samples. METHOD: In the current study, 62 adult patients completed questionnaires to identify the degree to which they experienced anxiety, depressive and post-traumatic stress complaints following awake craniotomy using an awake-awake-awake procedure. All patients were cognitively monitored and received coaching by a clinical neuropsychologist during the surgery. RESULTS: In our sample, 21% of the patients reported pre-operative anxiety. Four weeks after surgery, 19% of the patients reported such complaints, and 24% of the patients reported anxiety complaints after 3 months. Depressive complaints were present in 17% (pre-operative), 15% (4 weeks post-operative) and 24% (3 months post-operative) of the patients. Although there were some intra-individual changes (improvement or deterioration) in the psychological complaints over time, on group-level postoperative levels of psychological complaints were not increased relative to the preoperative level of complaints. The severity of post-operative PTSD-related complaints were rarely suggestive of a PTSD. Moreover, these complaints were seldom attributed to the surgery itself, but appeared to be more related to the discovery of the tumour and the postoperative neuropathological diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study do not indicate that undergoing awake craniotomy is associated with increased psychological complaints. Nevertheless, psychological complaints may well exist as a result of other factors. Consequently, monitoring the patient's mental wellbeing and offering psychological support where necessary remain important

    A timeline of cognitive functioning in glioma patients who undergo awake brain tumor surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of awake brain tumor surgery is to maximize the resection of the tumor and to minimize the risk of neurological and cognitive impairments. The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the development of possible postoperative cognitive deficits after awake brain tumor surgery in patients with suspected gliomas, by comparing preoperative, early postoperative, and late postoperative functioning. A more detailed timeline will be helpful in informing candidates for surgery about what to expect regarding their cognitive functioning. METHODS: Thirty-seven patients were included in this study. Cognitive functioning was measured by means of a broad cognitive screener preoperatively, days after surgery and months after surgery in patients who underwent awake brain tumor surgery with cognitive monitoring. The cognitive screener included tests for object naming, reading, attention span, working memory, inhibition, inhibition/switching, and visuoperception. We performed a Friedman ANOVA to analyze on group level. RESULTS: Overall, no significant differences were found between preoperative cognitive functioning, early postoperative cognitive functioning, and late postoperative cognitive functioning, except for performances on the inhibition task. Directly after surgery, patients were significantly slower on this task. However, in the following months after surgery, they returned to their preoperative level. CONCLUSION: The timeline of cognitive functioning after awake tumor surgery appeared overall stable in the early and late postoperative phase, except for inhibition, which is more difficult in the first days after awake brain tumor surgery. This more detailed timeline of cognitive functioning, in combination with future research, can possibly be contributing in informing patients and caregivers what to expect after awake brain tumor surgery

    A timeline of cognitive functioning in glioma patients who undergo awake brain tumor surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of awake brain tumor surgery is to maximize the resection of the tumor and to minimize the risk of neurological and cognitive impairments. The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the development of possible postoperative cognitive deficits after awake brain tumor surgery in patients with suspected gliomas, by comparing preoperative, early postoperative, and late postoperative functioning. A more detailed timeline will be helpful in informing candidates for surgery about what to expect regarding their cognitive functioning. METHODS: Thirty-seven patients were included in this study. Cognitive functioning was measured by means of a broad cognitive screener preoperatively, days after surgery and months after surgery in patients who underwent awake brain tumor surgery with cognitive monitoring. The cognitive screener included tests for object naming, reading, attention span, working memory, inhibition, inhibition/switching, and visuoperception. We performed a Friedman ANOVA to analyze on group level. RESULTS: Overall, no significant differences were found between preoperative cognitive functioning, early postoperative cognitive functioning, and late postoperative cognitive functioning, except for performances on the inhibition task. Directly after surgery, patients were significantly slower on this task. However, in the following months after surgery, they returned to their preoperative level. CONCLUSION: The timeline of cognitive functioning after awake tumor surgery appeared overall stable in the early and late postoperative phase, except for inhibition, which is more difficult in the first days after awake brain tumor surgery. This more detailed timeline of cognitive functioning, in combination with future research, can possibly be contributing in informing patients and caregivers what to expect after awake brain tumor surgery

    The impact of etiology in lesion-symptom mapping - A direct comparison between tumor and stroke

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    INTRODUCTION: Lesion-symptom mapping is a key tool in understanding the relationship between brain structures and behavior. However, the behavioral consequences of lesions from different etiologies may vary because of how they affect brain tissue and how they are distributed. The inclusion of different etiologies would increase the statistical power but has been critically debated. Meanwhile, findings from lesion studies are a valuable resource for clinicians and used across different etiologies. Therefore, the main objective of the present study was to directly compare lesion-symptom maps for memory and language functions from two populations, a tumor versus a stroke population. METHODS: Data from two different studies were combined. Both the brain tumor (N = 196) and stroke (N = 147) patient populations underwent neuropsychological testing and an MRI, pre-operatively for the tumor population and within three months after stroke. For this study, we selected two internationally widely used standardized cognitive tasks, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the Verbal Fluency Test. We used a state-of-the-art machine learning-based, multivariate voxel-wise approach to produce lesion-symptom maps for these cognitive tasks for both populations separately and combined. RESULTS: Our lesion-symptom mapping results for the separate patient populations largely followed the expected neuroanatomical pattern based on previous literature. Substantial differences in lesion distribution hindered direct comparison. Still, in brain areas with adequate coverage in both groups, considerable LSM differences between the two populations were present for both memory and fluency tasks. Post-hoc analyses of these locations confirmed that the cognitive consequences of focal brain damage varied between etiologies. CONCLUSION: The differences in the lesion-symptom maps between the stroke and tumor population could partly be explained by differences in lesion volume and topography. Despite these methodological limitations, both the lesion-symptom mapping results and the post-hoc analyses confirmed that etiology matters when investigating the cognitive consequences of lesions with lesion-symptom mapping. Therefore, caution is advised with generalizing lesion-symptom results across etiologies

    Effect of magnesium on cognition after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in a randomized trial

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    Background and purpose: In randomized trials magnesium supplementation did not improve clinical outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) on handicap scales. After aSAH, many patients have cognitive problems that may not translate into handicap. The effect of magnesium on cognitive outcome after aSAH was studied. Methods: In total, 209 patients who had been included in the Magnesium for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (MASH-2) trial in the University Medical Centre of Utrecht were studied. Patients had been randomized to 64 mmol magnesium sulfate daily or placebo during hospitalization. Three months after aSAH patients underwent a neuropsychological examination (NPE) consisting of six neuropsychological tests or a brief cognitive assessment. Poisson and linear regression analyses were used to analyse the effect of magnesium on cognition. Results: In the magnesium group 53 (49.5%) of the 107 patients and in the placebo group 51 (50.0%) of the 102 patients scored lower than the median cognitive score [relative risk 0.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76–1.30]. Linear regression analyses showed no significant relationship between intervention and cognition (B = 0.05, 95% CI −0.15 to 0.33). Conclusions: Treatment with magnesium has no effect on cognitive outcome after aSAH

    Effect of magnesium on cognition after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage in a randomized trial

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    Background and purpose Methods In randomized trials magnesium supplementation did not improve clinical outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) on handicap scales. After aSAH, many patients have cognitive problems that may not translate into handicap. The effect of magnesium on cognitive outcome after aSAH was studied. In total, 209 patients who had been included in the Magnesium for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (MASH-2) trial in the University Medical Centre of Utrecht were studied. Patients had been randomized to 64 mmol magnesium sulfate daily or placebo during hospitalization. Three months after aSAH patients underwent a neuropsychological examination (NPE) consisting of six neuropsychological tests or a brief cognitive assessment. Poisson and linear regression analyses were used to analyse the effect of magnesium on cognition. Results Conclusions In the magnesium group 53 (49.5%) of the 107 patients and in the placebo group 51 (50.0%) of the 102 patients scored lower than the median cognitive score [relative risk 0.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76-1.30]. Linear regression analyses showed no significant relationship between intervention and cognition (B = 0.05, 95% CI -0.15 to 0.33). Treatment with magnesium has no effect on cognitive outcome after aSAH

    The relationship between ischaemic brain lesions and cognitive outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage

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    Background: Cerebral ischaemia is thought to be an important determinant of cognitive outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH), but the exact relationship is unclear. We studied the effect of ischaemic brain lesions during clinical course on cognitive outcome 2 months after aSAH. Methods: We studied 74 consecutive patients admitted to the University Medical Center Utrecht who had MRI post-coiling (3–21 days post-aSAH) and neuropsychological examination at 2 months. An ischaemic lesion was defined as hyperintensity on T2-FLAIR and DWI images. We measured both cognitive complaints (subjective) and cognitive functioning (objective). The relationship between ischaemic brain lesions and cognitive outcome was analysed by logistic regression analyses. Results: In 40 of 74 patients (54%), 152 ischaemic lesions were found. The median number of lesions per patient was 2 (1–37) and the median total lesion volume was 0.2 (0–17.4) mL. No difference was found between the group with and the group without ischaemic lesions with respect to the frequency of cognitive complaints. In the group with ischaemic lesions, significantly more patients (55%) showed poor cognitive functioning compared to the group without ischaemic lesions (26%) (OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.3–9.1). We found no relationship between the number and volume of the ischaemic lesions and cognitive functioning. Conclusions: Ischaemic brain lesions detected on MRI during clinical course after aSAH is a marker for poor cognitive functioning 2 months after aSAH, irrespective of the number or volume of the ischaemic lesions. Network or connectivity studies are needed to better understand the relationship between location of the ischaemic brain lesions and cognitive functioning