86 research outputs found

    Arbeit am Selbst: Rezension zu "Lost in Perfection: Zur Optimierung von Gesellschaft und Psyche" von Vera King, Benigna Gerisch und Hartmut Rosa (Hg.)

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    Vera King, Benigna Gerisch, Hartmut Rosa (Hrsg.): Lost in Perfection - Zur Optimierung von Gesellschaft und Psyche. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2021. 978-3-518-29955-

    Beschwörungen des Neoliberalismus : Theorien und SchauplÀtze

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    Was ist »Neoliberalismus« und wie ist es um ihn bestellt? Welche Rolle spielt der Begriff nach all den AbgesĂ€ngen und Wiederbelebungen heute in Politik und den Sozialwissenschaften? Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, das unĂŒbersichtliche Feld der Forschungsrichtungen, die sich mit dem Neoliberalismus befassen, in Augenschein zu nehmen und die wichtigsten Debatten sowie ihre Fortentwicklungen vorzustellen, um die Orientierung zu erleichtern. Ausgehend von einem kurzen Überblick ĂŒber aktuelle Stellungnahmen zum Neoliberalismus im politischen Diskurs werden die beiden wichtigsten theoretischen Perspektiven wird – Hegemonietheorie und Governmentality Studies –vorgestellt, aus denen der Neoliberalismus untersucht wird, um dann verschiedene der wichtigsten SchauplĂ€tze des Neoliberalismus abzuschreiten. Das kritische Interesse der grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils aus einer der beiden Perspektiven heraus arbeitenden Forscher richtet sich unter anderem auf die Rolle des Nationalstaats, den Umbau urbaner RĂ€ume, seine Auswirkungen auf die GeschlechterverhĂ€ltnisse oder die Art und Weise, wie das Leben im Neoliberalismus die SelbstverhĂ€ltnisse der Subjekte transformiert. Der Artikel schließt mit Überlegungen zum theoretischen Preis, der fĂŒr den ungeheuer weit gefasste Neoliberalismusbegriff zu zahlen ist und der nicht zuletzt in einer vermeintlichen Alternativlosigkeit besteht, die ironischerweise aus den zahllosen kritisch intendierten Beschwörungen des Neoliberalismus hervorgeht

    Effect of Cell Age and Membrane Rigidity on Red Blood Cell Shape in Capillary Flow

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    Blood flow in the microcirculatory system is crucially affected by intrinsic red blood cell (RBC) properties, such as their deformability. In the smallest vessels of this network, RBCs adapt their shapes to the flow conditions. Although it is known that the age of RBCs modifies their physical properties, such as increased cytosol viscosity and altered viscoelastic membrane properties, the evolution of their shape-adapting abilities during senescence remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of RBC properties on the microcapillary in vitro flow behavior and their characteristic shapes in microfluidic channels. For this, we fractioned RBCs from healthy donors according to their age. Moreover, the membranes of fresh RBCs were chemically rigidified using diamide to study the effect of isolated graded-membrane rigidity. Our results show that a fraction of stable, asymmetric, off-centered slipper-like cells at high velocities decreases with increasing age or diamide concentration. However, while old cells form an enhanced number of stable symmetric croissants at the channel centerline, this shape class is suppressed for purely rigidified cells with diamide. Our study provides further knowledge about the distinct effects of age-related changes of intrinsic cell properties on the single-cell flow behavior of RBCs in confined flows due to inter-cellular age-related cell heterogeneity

    The Evolution of Erythrocytes Becoming Red in Respect to Fluorescence

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    Very young red blood cells, namely reticulocytes, can be quite easily recognized and labeled by cluster of differentiation antibodies (CD71, transferrin receptor) or by staining remnant RNA with thiazol orange. In contrast, age specific erythrocyte labeling is more difficult in later periods of their life time. While erythrocytes contain band 4.1 protein, a molecular clock, so far it has not been possible to read this clock on individual cells. One concept to track erythrocytes during their life time is to mark them when they are young, either directly in vivo or ex vivo followed by a transfusion. Several methods like biotinylation, use of isotopes or fluorescent labeling have proved to be useful experimental approaches but also have several inherent disadvantages. Genetic engineering of mice provides additional options to express fluorescent proteins in erythrocytes. To allow co-staining with popular green fluorescent dyes like Fluo-4 or other fluorescein-based dyes, we bred a mouse line expressing a tandem red fluorescent protein (tdRFP). Within this Brief Research Report, we provide the initial characterisation of this mouse line and show application examples ranging from transfusion experiments and intravital microscopy to multicolour flow cytometry and confocal imaging. We provide a versatile new tool for erythrocyte research and discuss a range of experimental opportunities to study membrane processes and other aspects of erythrocyte development and aging with help of these animals

    Cross-talk between red blood cells and plasma influences blood flow and omics phenotypes in severe COVID-19

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and can affect multiple organs, among which is the circulatory system. Inflammation and mortality risk markers were previously detected in COVID-19 plasma and red blood cells (RBCs) metabolic and proteomic profiles. Additionally, biophysical properties, such as deformability, were found to be changed during the infection. Based on such data, we aim to better characterize RBC functions in COVID-19. We evaluate the flow properties of RBCs in severe COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit by using microfluidic techniques and automated methods, including artificial neural networks, for an unbiased RBC analysis. We find strong flow and RBC shape impairment in COVID-19 samples and demonstrate that such changes are reversible upon suspension of COVID-19 RBCs in healthy plasma. Vice versa, healthy RBCs resemble COVID-19 RBCs when suspended in COVID-19 plasma. Proteomics and metabolomics analyses allow us to detect the effect of plasma exchanges on both plasma and RBCs and demonstrate a new role of RBCs in maintaining plasma equilibria at the expense of their flow properties. Our findings provide a framework for further investigations of clinical relevance for therapies against COVID-19 and possibly other infectious diseases

    Acanthocyte Sedimentation Rate as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes: Experimental Evidence and Physical Justification

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    (1) Background: Chorea-acanthocytosis and McLeod syndrome are the core diseases among the group of rare neurodegenerative disorders called neuroacanthocytosis syndromes (NASs). NAS patients have a variable number of irregularly spiky erythrocytes, so-called acanthocytes. Their detection is a crucial but error-prone parameter in the diagnosis of NASs, often leading to misdiagnoses. (2) Methods: We measured the standard Westergren erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of various blood samples from NAS patients and healthy controls. Furthermore, we manipulated the ESR by swapping the erythrocytes and plasma of different individuals, as well as replacing plasma with dextran. These measurements were complemented by clinical laboratory data and single-cell adhesion force measurements. Additionally, we followed theoretical modeling approaches. (3) Results: We show that the acanthocyte sedimentation rate (ASR) with a two-hour read-out is significantly prolonged in chorea-acanthocytosis and McLeod syndrome without overlap compared to the ESR of the controls. Mechanistically, through modern colloidal physics, we show that acanthocyte aggregation and plasma fibrinogen levels slow down the sedimentation. Moreover, the inverse of ASR correlates with the number of acanthocytes (R 2 = 0.61, p = 0.004). (4) Conclusions: The ASR/ESR is a clear, robust and easily obtainable diagnostic marker. Independently of NASs, we also regard this study as a hallmark of the physical view of erythrocyte sedimentation by describing anticoagulated blood in stasis as a percolating gel, allowing the application of colloidal physics theory

    Red blood cell lingering modulates hematocrit distribution in the microcirculation

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    The distribution of red blood cells (RBCs) in the microcirculation determines the oxygen delivery and solute transport to tissues. This process relies on the partitioning of RBCs at successive bifurcations throughout the microvascular network, and it has been known since the last century that RBCs partition disproportionately to the fractional blood flow rate, therefore leading to heterogeneity of the hematocrit (i.e., volume fraction of RBCs in blood) in microvessels. Usually, downstream of a microvascular bifurcation, the vessel branch with a higher fraction of blood flow receives an even higher fraction of RBC flux. However, both temporal and time-average deviations from this phase-separation law have been observed in recent studies. Here, we quantify how the microscopic behavior of RBC lingering (i.e., RBCs temporarily residing near the bifurcation apex with diminished velocity) influences their partitioning, through combined in vivo experiments and in silico simulations. We developed an approach to quantify the cell lingering at highly confined capillary-level bifurcations and demonstrate that it correlates with deviations of the phase-separation process from established empirical predictions by Pries et al. Furthermore, we shed light on how the bifurcation geometry and cell membrane rigidity can affect the lingering behavior of RBCs; e.g., rigid cells tend to linger less than softer ones. Taken together, RBC lingering is an important mechanism that should be considered when studying how abnormal RBC rigidity in diseases such as malaria and sickle-cell disease could hinder the microcirculatory blood flow or how the vascular networks are altered under pathological conditions (e.g., thrombosis, tumors, aneurysm)
