48 research outputs found

    How not to discretize the control

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    In this short note, we address the discretization of optimal control problems with higher order polynomials. We develop a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure that weak limits of discrete feasible controls are feasible for the original problem. We show by means of a simple counterexample that a naive discretization by higher order polynomials can lead to non-feasible limits of sequences of discrete solutions

    Optimal Control of Quasistatic Plasticity with Linear Kinematic Hardening Part I: Existence and Discretization in Time

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    In this paper we consider an optimal control problem governed by a time-dependent variational inequality arising in quasistatic plasticity with linear kinematic hardening. We address certain continuity properties of the forward operator, which imply the existence of an optimal control. Moreover, a discretization in time is derived and we show that every local minimizer of the continuous problem can be approximated by minimizers of modified, time-discrete problems

    No-gap second-order conditions under nn-polyhedric constraints and finitely many nonlinear constraints

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    We consider an optimization problem subject to an abstract constraint and finitely many nonlinear constraints. Using the recently introduced concept of nn-polyhedricity, we are able to provide second-order optimality conditions under weak regularity assumptions. In particular, we prove necessary optimality conditions of first and second order under the constraint qualification of Robinson, Zowe and Kurcyusz. Similarly, sufficient optimality conditions are stated. The gap between both conditions is as small as possible

    Optimal control of a rate-independent evolution equation via viscous regularization

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    We study the optimal control of a rate-independent system that is driven by a convex, quadratic energy. Since the associated solution mapping is non-smooth, the analysis of such control problems is challenging. In order to derive optimality conditions, we study the regularization of the problem via a smoothing of the dissipation potential and via the addition of some viscosity. The resulting regularized optimal control problem is analyzed. By driving the regularization parameter to zero, we obtain a necessary optimality condition for the original, non-smooth problem

    Second-Order Analysis and Numerical Approximation for Bang-Bang Bilinear Control Problems

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    We consider bilinear optimal control problems, whose objective functionals do not depend on the controls. Hence, bang-bang solutions will appear. We investigate sufficient second-order conditions for bang-bang controls, which guarantee local quadratic growth of the objective functional in L1L^1. In addition, we prove that for controls that are not bang-bang, no such growth can be expected. Finally, we study the finite-element discretization, and prove error estimates of bang-bang controls in L1L^1-norms

    Optimal control of ODEs with state suprema

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    We consider the optimal control of a differential equation that involves the suprema of the state over some part of the history. In many applications, this non-smooth functional dependence is crucial for the successful modeling of real-world phenomena. We prove the existence of solutions and show that related problems may not possess optimal controls. Due to the non-smoothness in the state equation, we cannot obtain optimality conditions via standard theory. Therefore, we regularize the problem via a novel LogIntExp functional which generalizes the well-known LogSumExp. By passing to the limit with the regularization, we obtain an optimality system for the original problem. The theory is illustrated by some numerical experiments

    No-Gap Second-Order Conditions via a Directional Curvature Functional

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    This paper is concerned with necessary and sufficient second-order conditions for finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional constrained optimization problems. Using a suitably defined directional curvature functional for the admissible set, we derive no-gap second-order optimality conditions in an abstract functional analytic setting. Our theory not only covers those cases where the classical assumptions of polyhedricity or second-order regularity are satisfied but also allows to study problems in the absence of these requirements. As a tangible example, we consider no-gap second-order conditions for bang-bang optimal control problems

    Differential Sensitivity Analysis of Variational Inequalities with Locally Lipschitz Continuous Solution Operators

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    This paper is concerned with the differential sensitivity analysis of variational inequalities in Banach spaces whose solution operators satisfy a generalized Lipschitz condition. We prove a sufficient criterion for the directional differentiability of the solution map that turns out to be also necessary for elliptic variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces (even in the presence of asymmetric bilinear forms, nonlinear operators and nonconvex functionals). In contrast to classical results, our method of proof does not rely on Attouch's theorem on the characterization of Mosco convergence but is fully elementary. Moreover, our technique allows us to also study those cases where the variational inequality at hand is not uniquely solvable and where directional differentiability can only be obtained w.r.t. the weak or the weak-⋆\star topology of the underlying space. As tangible examples, we consider a variational inequality arising in elastoplasticity, the projection onto prox-regular sets, and a bang-bang optimal control problem

    Numerical approximation of optimal convex shapes

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    This article investigates the numerical approximation of shape optimization problems with PDE constraint on classes of convex domains. The convexity constraint provides a compactness property which implies well posedness of the problem. Moreover, we prove the convergence of discretizations in two-dimensional situations. A numerical algorithm is devised that iteratively solves the discrete formulation. Numerical experiments show that optimal convex shapes are generally non-smooth and that three-dimensional problems require an appropriate relaxation of the convexity condition

    On the Non-Polyhedricity of Sets with Upper and Lower Bounds in Dual Spaces

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    We demonstrate that the set L∞(X,[−1,1])L^\infty(X, [-1,1]) of all measurable functions over a Borel measure space (X,B,μ)(X, \mathcal B, \mu ) with values in the unit interval is typically non-polyhedric when interpreted as a subset of a dual space. Our findings contrast the classical result that subsets of Dirichlet spaces with pointwise upper and lower bounds are polyhedric. In particular, additional structural assumptions are unavoidable when the concept of polyhedricity is used to study the differentiability properties of solution maps to variational inequalities of the second kind in, e.g., the spaces H1/2(∂Ω)H^{1/2}(\partial \Omega) or H01(Ω)H_0^1(\Omega)