17 research outputs found

    Alterations of prolyl endopeptidase activity in the plasma of children with autistic spectrum disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Prolyl Endopeptidase (PEP, EC, a cytosolic endopeptidase, hydrolyses peptide bonds on the carboxyl side of proline residue in proteins with a relatively small molecular weight. It has been shown that altered PEP activity is associated with various psychological diseases such as schizophrenia, mania and depression. Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neuropsychiatric and behavioural syndromes affecting social behaviours and communication development. They are classified as developmental disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that PEP activity is also associated with ASDs. METHODS: Fluorometric assay was used to measure PEP activity in EDTA plasma in children with ASD (n = 18) aged 4–12 years (mean ± SD: 7.9 ± 2.5). These results were then compared to PEP activity in a control group of non-ASD children (n = 15) aged 2–10 years (mean ± SD: 6.4 ± 2.2). RESULTS: An alteration in PEP activity was found in the children with ASD compared to the control group. There was much greater variation of PEP activity in the group of ASD children when compared to the controls (SD= 39.9 and SD 9.6, respectively). This variation was significant (p < 0.0005), although the mean level of PEP activity in the group of ASD children was slightly higher than in the control group (124.4 and 134.1, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our preliminary finding suggests a role for PEP enzyme in the pathophysiology of autism but further research should be conducted to establish its role in the aetiology of psychiatric and neurological disorders, including autism and related spectrum disorders

    Chymase-Dependent Generation of Angiotensin II from Angiotensin-(1-12) in Human Atrial Tissue

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    Since angiotensin-(1-12) [Ang-(1-12)] is a non-renin dependent alternate precursor for the generation of cardiac Ang peptides in rat tissue, we investigated the metabolism of Ang-(1-12) by plasma membranes (PM) isolated from human atrial appendage tissue from nine patients undergoing cardiac surgery for primary control of atrial fibrillation (MAZE surgical procedure). PM was incubated with highly purified 125I-Ang-(1-12) at 37°C for 1 h with or without renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors [lisinopril for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), SCH39370 for neprilysin (NEP), MLN-4760 for ACE2 and chymostatin for chymase; 50 µM each]. 125I-Ang peptide fractions were identified by HPLC coupled to an inline γ-detector. In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, 125I-Ang-(1-12) was converted into Ang I (2±2%), Ang II (69±21%), Ang-(1-7) (5±2%), and Ang-(1-4) (2±1%). In the absence of all RAS inhibitor, only 22±10% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) was unmetabolized, whereas, in the presence of the all RAS inhibitors, 98±7% of 125I-Ang-(1-12) remained intact. The relative contribution of selective inhibition of ACE and chymase enzyme showed that 125I-Ang-(1-12) was primarily converted into Ang II (65±18%) by chymase while its hydrolysis into Ang II by ACE was significantly lower or undetectable. The activity of individual enzyme was calculated based on the amount of Ang II formation. These results showed very high chymase-mediated Ang II formation (28±3.1 fmol×min−1×mg−1, n = 9) from 125I-Ang-(1-12) and very low or undetectable Ang II formation by ACE (1.1±0.2 fmol×min−1×mg−1). Paralleling these findings, these tissues showed significant content of chymase protein that by immunocytochemistry were primarily localized in atrial cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time in human cardiac tissue a dominant role of cardiac chymase in the formation of Ang II from Ang-(1-12)

    Antihypertensive effects of angiotensin-(1-7)

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) is an important component of the renin-angiotensin system and that the actions of the peptide may either contribute to or oppose those of Ang II. Ang-(1-7) can be converted directly from Ang I bypassing prerequisite formation of Ang II. Formation of Ang-(1-7) is under the control of at least three endopeptidases depending on the tissue compartment and include neprilysin, thimet oligopeptidase and prolyl oligopeptidase. Both neprilysin and thimet oligopeptidase are also involved in the metabolism of bradykinin and the atrial natriuretic peptide. Moreover, recent studies suggest that in addition to Ang I and bradykinin, Ang-(1-7) is an endogenous substrate for angiotensin converting enzyme. These enzymatic pathways may contribute to a complex relationship between the hypertensive actions of Ang II and various vasodepressor peptides from either the renin-angiotensin system or other peptide systems. Ang-(1-7) is devoid of the vasoconstrictor, central pressor, or thirst-stimulating actions associated with Ang II. In fact, new findings reveal depressor, vasodilator, and antihypertensive actions that may be more apparent in hypertensive animals or humans. Thus, Ang-(1-7) may oppose the actions of Ang II directly or as a result of increasing prostaglandins or nitric oxide. In this review, we examine the mechanisms by which Ang-(1-7) may contribute to cardiovascular regulation