32 research outputs found

    The effect of dietary crude protein substitution as protected soybean meal on pregnant and lactating ewes’ performance

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    Production respons was related to rumen undegradable protein feeding. Twenty-six local late pregnant ewes are penned individually and allocated to four dietary treatment groups of feed supplement, containing different amount of protected soybean meal and provided 0% (R1), 10% (R2) 20% (R3) and 40% (R4) crude protein of feed supplement respectively. Diets were fed until the first 8-week of lactation phase. Results showed that the mean of total dry matter intake (DMI) during late pregnancy was 3,42% of body weight (BW). Dietary treatments of protected-protein tended to increase daily mean intake of dry matter (P0.05), ie. 76.9; 77.25; 77.49 and 78.81 g/kg BW 0.75 for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. A similar trend was noted in daily intake of crude protein with the mean of 9.75; 10.31; 10,75 and 12.1 g/kg BW0.75 (for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively) and were not different significantly (P0.05) among dietary treatments. Increasing the amount of protected-protein in the ration influenced (P0.05) the daily live weight gain (ADG) of ewes during the late phase of gestation which was 104.4, 99.4, 120.8 and 148.14 for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Feed efficiency (DMI/ADG) improved as substitution of protected-protein increased. The total birth weight of lambs (g/ewe) was not significantly different (P0.05), by increasing level of protected-protein in the ration, averaging 3.2 kg/ewe. Increasing protected-protein, increased (P0.05) the daily gain (g/ewe) of lambs during the first 8-week of lactation, and it was 127, 131, 165 and 211 g/ewe/d for R0, R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Consequently, the weaned weight at 8- week of ages increased significantly different (P0.05) as the amount of protected-protein in the diet increased.   Key words: Banana latex, protected-protein, ewes productio

    The effect of feeding mixtures of banana trunk and soybean meal on lambs performance

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    This study was intended to determine the effects of increasing the ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal on intake, nitrogen excretion and lambs performance. Sixteen lambs (averaging 21.21 + 1.69 kg) were pen individually and fed a basal diet consisted of chopped fresh king grass and commercial concentrate and unlimited access of water. Lambs were randomly assigned to one out of four different ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal as feed supplements, i.e. (R0) 0:1; (R1) 1:1; (R2) 2:1 and (R3) 4:1. Results showed that the inclusion of banana trunk had no adverse effect on lambs performance. As it is expected, altering the ratio of banana trunk to soybean meal increased (P 0.05) dry matter intake of forage as well as total dry matter intake. The digestion coefficient of dietary ration was not affected (P 0.05) by feed supplement. Despite of no difference was observed in the coefficient of nitrogen digestibility, apparent fecal and urine N-output were significantly (P 0.05) affected. The highest ratio of fed supplement (R3) tended to decrease nitrogen retention. Overall data indicated that lambs offered basal diet supplemented with R2 treatment accumulated more N per-day, than those fed other treatments, and consequently lambs performance was the best on those fed R2 treatment.   Key words: Banana trunk, protected protein, lamb

    Carrying Capacity for Ruminant Based on Plantation Byproducts and Potency of Enteric Methane Emission

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    Feed is one of the main pillars that need to be considered in optimizing production parameters in order to develop an efficient livestock business. Two aspects that need to be considered in order to make agricultural byproducts as a source of feed; those are the availability of raw materials for animal rations with high economic value and the function to  reduce environmental pollution. Methane emissions are not only related to environmental problems, but also reflect the loss of some energy from livestock so that it cannot be used for the production process. The purpose of this paper is to review and estimate the carrying capacity for ruminant based on plantation by-products based feed and potential enteric methane emissions. The availability of feed from agricultural byproducts in Indonesia is estimated at 69.6 million tonnes of dry matter (DM), 34.8 million of total digestible nutrient (TDN), and 5 million tonnes of crude protein (CP)/year so it is estimated that it can accommodate 62.4 million livestock unit (LU) based on the DM availability or 39.1 million LU based on TDN availability or 51.6 million LU based on CP availability. From these calculations, it was found that the carrying capacity for ruminant in Indonesia could still be increased much greater than the current livestock population, namely 21.7-45 million livestock units if all byproducts are used entirely as components in rations. There are two groups of feed originating from plantation byproducts based on the potential for methane emissions produced, namely low (65-73 g CH4 / kg of material) and high (83-103 g CH4 / kg of material). Utilization of plantation byproducts as ruminant feed is expected to overcome the shortage of forage, especially during dry season. Utilization of these byproducts which in line with efforts to reduce methane emissions would enhance the development of livestock populations in friendly environment

    Implementasi Silase Kulit Buah Kakao dan Zinc-Metionin pada Ransum Kambing Boerka di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

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    Pemanfaatan kulit buah kakao (KBK) sebagai pakan pada sistem integrasi kakao-ternak telah dilakukan di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Kajian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penggunaan silase KBK dengan suplementasi Zink-Metionin sebagai pengganti rumput untuk meningkatkan performa kambing Boerka. Sebanyak 24 ekor kambing Boerka dengan bobot hidup 23,4 ± 3,1 kg berumur 7- 8 bulan digunakan dalam pengkajian 3 macam ransum, yaitu R1, rumput lapang + konsentrat; R2, silase KBK + konsentrat; R3, silase KBK + konsentrat + Zink-Metionin. Ransum diberikan selama 12 bulan. Pengkajian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak dengan jumlah ulangan 8. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa silase KBK memiliki komposisi nutrien setara dengan rumput. Kambing Boerka mengkonsumsi nutrien dari R1 lebih tinggi (

    Perbedaan Sumber Protein Ransum Menghasilkan Fermentasi Rumen yang Efisien

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    Efisiensi penggunaan pakan dapat dilihat dari aspek produksi dibandingkan dengan input pakannya atau ditinjau dari proses pencernaan pakan itu sendiri. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ransum dengan sumber protein berbeda terhadap fermentasi rumen untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pakan. Ransum terdiri dari 40% rumput dan 60% konsentrat dengan kadar protein 18,6% dan energi 2.906 kkal/kg ME. Terdapat 4 ransum percobaan yaitu RBK = mengandung bungkil kedelai; RBIS = mengandung bungkil inti sawit; RDG = mengandung daun gamal; RDK = mengandung daun kaliandra. Kecernaan fermentasi in vitro dilakukan selama 48 jam. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang dengan ulangan sebanyak 8 kali. Perbedaan sumber protein ransum tidak menyebabkan perbedaan (P>0,05) nilai kecernaan BK dan BO. Populasi bakteri rumen diantara keempat ransum tidak ada perbedaan (P>0,05), namun protozoa tertinggi 17,94 x 105 sel/ml dihasilkan dari ransum RBK dan paling rendah 5,63 x 105 sel/ml dihasilkan dari ransum RDK. Ransum RDK menghasilkan VFA dan C2 lebih rendah (P0,05). Produksi gas metana ransum RBK lebih tinggi (P0,05) dengan rata-rata 111,56 -121,84 ml/g. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan sumber protein menghasilkan kecernaan yang serupa, namun menghasilkan produk fermentasi yang berbeda. Sumber protein BIS paling potensial dalam menyediakan energi dan efisien dalam pencernaan ransum

    Suplementasi Urea dan Tepung Ikan Meningkatkan Fermentabilitas Ransum Berbasis Kulit Buah Kakao pada Kambing

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi fermentabilitas ransum berbasis silase kulit buah kakao (KBK) yang disuplementasi urea dan tepung ikan sebagai pengganti ransum berbasis rumput pada kambing. Pemberian KBK dalam bentuk silase dibuat dengan menambah 10% dedak padi dan difermentasi secara anaerob. Perlakuan ransum percobaan adalah R = Rumput + konsentrat R; S = Silase KBK + konsentrat S; SU = Silase KBK + konsentrat SU; SI = Silase KBK + konsentrat SI; dan SUI = Silase KBK + konsentrat SUI. Pengujian ransum digunakan rancangan acak kelompok menggunakan 20 ekor kambing jantan Peranakan Ettawah (PE). Nilai kecernaan BK dari ransum S, SU, SI dan SUI sebesar 62,11-67,45% tidak berbeda nyata (P0,05) dengan ransum R sebesar 69,83%. Ransum S menghasilkan kecernaan SDN yang lebih rendah 34,5% dari ransum R, namun bila dibandingkan dengan SI dan SUI mampu meningkatkan kecernaan SDN masing-masing sebesar 16,3 dan 26,4%. Kenaikan yang nyata juga dihasilkan dari kecernaan SDA. Nilai rata-rata VFA total berkisar 134,1-151,0 mM pada ransum S, SU, SI, SUI dan sebesar 132,73 mM pada ransum R. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ransum berbasis silase KBK yang disuplementasi campuran urea dan tepung ikan dapat menggantikan ransum berbasis rumput dengan kecernaan dan kemampuan menghasilkan energi yang setaraf

    Biological value (in vitro and in sacco) of chemically treated feather as rumen by pass protein source

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    A series of experiments has been conducted to study chemical processing method of feather meal using hydrocloric acid (HCl) and to evaluate the biological values by in vitro and is sacco methods of the hydrolitic feather meal (HBA). Feather meal was hydrolyzed using four levels of HCl concentration (i.e.0, 6, 12 and 24%) in three incubation times (i.e. 2, 4, and 6 days). The hydrolysis reaction was carried out in closed container in the ratio of feather meal and HCl of 2:1 (w/v). In vitro evaluation was conducted to measure dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility, DM solubility, ammonia (NH3) and volatile fatty acid (VFA) content. In sacco to observe the degradation of HBA crude protein. Results of in sacco evaluation in rumen showed that soluble and degraded crude proteins (CP) were significantly only affected by HCl concentration (P0.01). The rate and the amount of degraded protein in 24 hours inclution in the rumen were affected by the HCl concentration and incubation time of hydrolysis. More amino acid degradation occurred on longer time showed that HCl had quadratic effect (P0,01) on pH of HBA. However durations of hydrolysis did not significantly affect acidity (P0.05). In vitro DM and OM digestibilities of HBA increased as the concentration of HCl was increased. The increase of DM digestibility followed the equation Y = -0.0231x3 + 0.7323x2 – 1.5716x + 12.383 (r = 0.994); and the OM digestibility followed the equation Y = -0.0229x3 + 0.7194x2 – 1.0606x + 15.951 (r = 0.993). Time of incubation, on the other hand, did not affect OM and DM digestibilities (P0.05). DM solubility of HBA was significantly affected by HCl concentration and the length of incubation time (P0.01). The increase of DM solubility was followed by the increase of NH3 content (P0.01). The relation between DM solubility and NH3 content followed the equation Y = 0.4365x + 5.4047 (r = 0.966). The increase of DM solubility followed the equation Y = -0.027x3 + 0.9596x2 – 4.8142x + 5.3878 (r = 0.973) and the increase of NH3 content followed the equation Y = -0.0085x3 + 0.3175x2 – 1.4139x + 7.0889 (r = 0.992). Result of in sacco evaluation showed that fraction of crude protein (CP) disolved and fraction of CP degraded in rumen was significantly affected by HCl concentration (P0.01), while the rate of CP degradation and the amount of fraction degraded during 24 hours in the rumen were affected by the HCl concentration and the durations of hydrolysis (P0.01)  indicating that more feather meal protein was hydrolized by HCl, therefore weakened or cut the chain of amino acid in the feather protein. Treatment with 12% HCl for 4 days hydrolysis of feather meal resulted in CP fraction degradation during 24 hours incubation in the rumen of 53%, indicating that the potency of CP of HBA as rumen by pass protein was 47%.   Key words: Chicken feather, HCl hydrolysis, digestibility by pass protei

    Opportunity of Using Feather Meal for Ruminant Feed Stuff

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    Feather, a waste product of chicken is a potencial protein source for animal feeds. The average production of feather is 6% of the life weight of the chicken. Broiler population in Indonesia in 2003 was 917,707,000; for DKI area was 1,360,000 while for West Java was 308,021,118. Research results indicate that chicken were slaughtered at 35 day of age with the range of body weight of 1 to 2.2 kg. The number of broiler slughtered every month in Jakarta is 4,679,500 head, resulted in feather of 350 ton/month while for Bogor area the number of slaughtered broiler is 1,255,000 head/month, produce feather of 135 ton/month. Feather meal can be used as protein source in ruminant feed as much as 40%. Key words: Feather meal, crude protein, ruminant feed stuf

    Pertumbuhan Domba Hasil Persilangan dengan Manajemen Pemberian Pakan di Pedesaan

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan adaptasi rumpun domba persilangan yang dibentuk di Balai Penelitian Ternak yaitu domba Komposit Sumatera, domba Komposit Garut, domba persilangan Barbados terhadap manajemen pakan pedesaan. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Juhut, Kabupaten Pandeglang selama 12 minggu. Penelitian menggunakan 24 ekor domba jantan persilangan dan 8 ekor domba lokal Garut sebagai pembanding. Bobot badan awal domba yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 24±5,87 kg. Tiap rumpun domba dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan pakan yang terdiri dari perlakuan pakan kontrol (R) dan pakan perbaikan (SK). Pakan kontrol adalah pakan yang diberikan sesuai dengan kebiasaan yang dilakukan peternak di desa Juhut yaitu hanya diberi pakan rumput saja, sebanyak 5.000 g/ekor/hari. Pakan perbaikan adalah pakan rumput yang 20% nya diganti dengan singkong, kaliandra dan urea, urea diberikan 1% dari bahan kering singkong. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial 4x2, faktor pertama adalah 4 rumpun domba dan faktor kedua adalah perbedaan pakan perlakuan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam. Peubah yang dicatat adalah pertambahan bobot badan dan konsumsi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara rumpun domba dengan perlakuan pakan terhadap konsumsi pakan maupun pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH). Demikian juga konsumsi pakan dan PBBH tidak dipengaruhi oleh rumpun domba ataupun perlakuan pakan. Rataan konsumsi pakan pada penelitian ini didapatkan 680 g/ekor/hari, sedangkan rataan PBBH adalah 13 g/ekor/hari. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertumbuhan rumpun domba persilangan dengan sistem pemberian pakan di Desa Juhut adalah sama. Perbaikan pakan tidak menghasilkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik