54 research outputs found

    Grinding Process Results with Oil Mist.

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    The paper presents a study of the process of grinding titanium grinding wheels with mikrokorundu, sanding at surfaces involving liquid - cooling lubricants using MQL, used machining fluid - propylene glycol and other liquids business dedicated to the administration with a minimum expenditure of the grinding zone. Were studied component of cutting forces - and tangent parameter

    Damage of the Surface Layer Gears in Grinding Process.

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    The influence of the grinding process on the condition of the surface layer (SL) obtained by the treatment of the gear with grinding wheels Al2O3, CBN, GF, SG, alloy steels with different parameters of the grinding process and the type of cooling liquid – lubricant (CLL). The stress distribution at the surface layer, structural changes, secondary hardening, forgiveness SL and drastic damage–microcracs have been presented in comparative studies

    Wpływ modyfikacji ściernicy na jakość powierzchni walcowych wewnętrznych.

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    Wpływ modyfikacji ściernicy na stan naprężeń własnych w procesie szlifowania powierzchni walcowych wewnętrznych.

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    Procesy modyfikacji czynnej powierzchni ściernicy mają za zadanie ułatwienie wprowadzenia płynów chłodząco smarujących oraz mgły olejowej w strefę skrawania przedmiot – ściernica. Mają one przeciwdziałać barierom ciśnieniowym, powstającym podczas procesu szlifowania powierzchni walcowych wewnętrznych. Celem było określenie jak daleko i w jaki sposób można modyfikować ściernicę aby osiągnąć właściwy stan warstwy wierzchniej, rozkład naprężeń własnych spełniający wymogi tribologiczne zwłaszcza w zakresie wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej.Modification processes of an active surface of grinding wheel are designed to facilitate feeding of lubricants and oil mist in the cutting zone subject - wheel. They are supposed to counteract the pressure barriers, nascent during grinding internal cylindrical surfaces. The aim was to determine how far and in what way you can modify the grinding wheel to achieve proper condition of the surface layer, the distribution of residual stresses that fulfill the tribological requirements especially in terms of fatigue strength

    The Effect of Grinding in Titanium Alloy Deformation.

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    The machining of titanium alloys is relatively elaborate process which carries out large values of cutting forces and torques. For these reasons it is essential to impose specific requirements for tools, cooling system and lubrication. The present paper deals with examination of grinding process of titanium alloy with grinding wheels made of chromic electrocorundum and microcorundum. During investigation flat areas were grinded with the participation of minimum quantity lubrication and compressed air. On the basis of tests degree of the deformation and the parameter roughness Ra were examined

    The Analysis of the Cutting Forces and Surface Layer Stereometry in the Grinding Process of Abrasion-Resisting Materials

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    The article presents the investigation of the grinding process of flat samples made of materials that meet requirements of the lowest abrasibility, which belong to difficult to machine materials. Research enclosed measurement of cutting forces and surface layer stereometry during grinding without using cutting fluid. The tests were carried out with the aid of new generation grinding wheel, Quantum

    Grinding process of nickel alloys - Inconel 600 and Monel 400.

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    Przedstawiono badania nad szlifowaniem próbek płaskich wykonanych ze stopów niklu – Inconel 600 i Monel 400. Próbki szlifowano ściernicami TGP i XGP z minimalnym wydatkiem cieczy obróbkowej (MQL). Użyto dwa rodzaje cieczy: Ecocut Micro Plus 82 i Biocut 3000. Opisano wpływ warunków obróbki na wartość stycznej siły szlifowania Ft oraz chropowatość powierzchni obrobionej (parametr Ra). Porównano uzyskane wyniki dając zalecenia do dalszych badań.In the paper experimental results obtained during surface grinding process of nickel alloys: Inconel 600 and Monel 400 are presented. TGP and XGP grinding wheels are applied and Ecocut Micro Plus 82 and Biocut 3000 fluids have been supplied into a cutting zone with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) strategy. Influence of cutting conditions on tangential cutting force Ft and surface roughness parameter Ra are described. Finally, comparison of obtained results and conclusions are presented