1,411 research outputs found

    An extremal decomposition problem for harmonic measure

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    Let EE be a continuum in the closed unit disk ∣zβˆ£β‰€1|z|\le 1 of the complex zz-plane which divides the open disk ∣z∣<1|z| < 1 into nβ‰₯2n\ge 2 pairwise non-intersecting simply connected domains Dk,D_k, such that each of the domains DkD_k contains some point aka_k on a prescribed circle ∣z∣=ρ,0<ρ<1,k=1,...,n .|z| = \rho, 0 <\rho <1, k=1,...,n\,. It is shown that for some increasing function Ψ \Psi\, independent of EE and the choice of the points ak,a_k, the mean value of the harmonic measures \Psi^{-1}\[ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^{k} \Psi(\omega(a_k,E, D_k))] is greater than or equal to the harmonic measure Ο‰(ρ,Eβˆ—,Dβˆ—) ,\omega(\rho, E^*, D^*)\,, where Eβˆ—={z:zn∈[βˆ’1,0]}E^* = \{z: z^n \in [-1,0] \} and Dβˆ—={z:∣z∣<1,∣argz∣<Ο€/n} .D^* =\{z: |z|<1, |{\rm arg} z| < \pi/n\} \,. This implies, for instance, a solution to a problem of R.W. Barnard, L. Cole, and A. Yu. Solynin concerning a lower estimate of the quantity inf⁑Emax⁑k=1,...,nΟ‰(ak,E,Dk) \inf_{E} \max_{k=1,...,n} \omega(a_k,E, D_k)\, for arbitrary points of the circle ∣z∣=ρ .|z| = \rho \,. These authors stated this hypothesis in the particular case when the points are equally distributed on the circle ∣z∣=ρ .|z| = \rho \,.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    On removability properties of ψ\psi-uniform domains in Banach spaces

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    Suppose that EE denotes a real Banach space with the dimension at least 2. The main aim of this paper is to show that a domain DD in EE is a ψ\psi-uniform domain if and only if D\PD\backslash P is a ψ1\psi_1-uniform domain, and DD is a uniform domain if and only if D\PD\backslash P also is a uniform domain, whenever PP is a closed countable subset of DD satisfying a quasihyperbolic separation condition. This condition requires that the quasihyperbolic distance (w.r.t. DD) between each pair of distinct points in PP has a lower bound greater than or equal to 12\frac{1}{2}.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.3335 by other author

    On conformal moduli of polygonal quadrilaterals

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    The change of conformal moduli of polygonal quadrilaterals under some geometric transformations is studied. We consider the motion of one vertex when the other vertices remain fixed, the rotation of sides, polarization, symmetrization, and averaging transformation of the quadrilaterals. Some open problems are formulated.Comment: 7 figure

    Reflections on Ramanujan's Mathematical Gems

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    The authors provide a survey of certain aspects of their joint work with the late M. K. Vamanamurthy. Most of the results are simple to state and deal with special functions, a topic of research where S. Ramanujan's contributions are well-known landmarks. The comprehensive bibliography includes references to the latest contributions to this field

    Region of variability for certain classes of univalent functions satisfying differential inequalities

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    In this paper we determine the region of variability for certain subclasses of univalent functions satisfying differential inequalities. In the final section we graphically illustrate the region of variability for several sets of parameters.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    On John domains in Banach spaces

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    We study the stability of John domains in Banach spaces under removal of a countable set of points. In particular, we prove that the class of John domains is stable in the sense that removing a certain type of closed countable set from the domain yields a new domain which also is a John domain. We apply this result to prove the stability of the inner uniform domains. Finally, we consider a wider class of domains, so called ψ\psi-John domains and prove a similar result for this class.Comment: 22page

    The minimal surfaces over the slanted half-planes, vertical strips and single slit

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    In this paper, we discuss the minimal surfaces over the slanted half-planes, vertical strips, and single slit whose slit lies on the negative real axis. The representation of these minimal surfaces and the corresponding harmonic mappings are obtained explicitly. Finally, we illustrate the harmonic mappings of each of these cases together with their minimal surfaces pictorially with the help of mathematica.Comment: 18 pages (including 26 figures), with a journa

    Freely quasiconformal maps and distance ratio metric

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    Suppose that EE and Eβ€²E' denote real Banach spaces with dimension at least 22 and that DβŠ‚ED\subset E and Dβ€²βŠ‚Eβ€²D'\subset E' are domains. In this paper, we establish, in terms of the jDj_D metric, a necessary and sufficient condition for the homeomorphism f:Eβ†’Eβ€²f: E \to E' to be FQC. Moreover, we give, in terms of the jDj_D metric, a sufficient condition for the homeomorphism f:Dβ†’Dβ€²f: D\to D' to be FQC. On the other hand, we show that this condition is not necessary.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1110.626

    Region of variability for exponentially convex univalent functions

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    For \alpha\in\IC\setminus \{0\} let E(Ξ±)\mathcal{E}(\alpha) denote the class of all univalent functions ff in the unit disk D\mathbb{D} and is given by f(z)=z+a2z2+a3z3+β‹―f(z)=z+a_2z^2+a_3z^3+\cdots, satisfying {\rm Re\,} \left (1+ \frac{zf''(z)}{f'(z)}+\alpha zf'(z)\right)>0 \quad {in ${\mathbb D}$}. For any fixed z0z_0 in the unit disk D\mathbb{D} and λ∈Dβ€Ύ\lambda\in\overline{\mathbb{D}}, we determine the region of variability V(z0,Ξ»)V(z_0,\lambda) for log⁑fβ€²(z0)+Ξ±f(z0)\log f'(z_0)+\alpha f(z_0) when ff ranges over the class \mathcal{F}_{\alpha}(\lambda)=\left\{f\in\mathcal{E}(\alpha) \colon f''(0)=2\lambda-\alpha %\quad{and} f'''(0)=2[(1-|\lambda|^2)a+ %(\lambda-\alpha)^2 -\lambda\alpha] \right\}. We geometrically illustrate the region of variability V(z0,Ξ»)V(z_0,\lambda) for several sets of parameters using Mathematica. In the final section of this article we propose some open problems.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figure

    Topics in Special Functions

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    The authors survey recent results in special functions, particularly the gamma function and the Gaussian hypergeometric function.Comment: 22 page
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