1 research outputs found

    Care Service Production, Service(s), Products, Technology

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    The current demographic change, the weakening dependency ratio in Finland means that there is a decreasing amount of working people taking care of children, elderly and disabled. Thus, there is a need to find ways to produce care services more efficiently but also with higher quality. The client of this thesis owns a technology for care service environments the purpose which is to support personnel’s daily tasks in a work that aims to fulfill the end customer’s needs holistically. The purpose of this thesis was to find development needs and opportunities for both the technology and for the transformation of care services. The technology was considered to be a part of care services, thus it was researched as a whole. The work utilized methodologies discussed within Product Service System literature and service design. Customer journeys, actor network maps, system diagrams, use cases revealed regularities, touchpoints, and aspects that were seen as urgent needs or opportunities for development. Information for the work was based on literature reviews, interviews, and observations at care service premises. The insight and ideas were formulated into three differentiated visualizations the purpose of which purpose was to communicate the main role of the technology as well as new ways to produce the care service with higher quality and in a meaningful manner. Key findings related technology were that availability of information and flow of it between different actors can have an impact on how the caregivers are able to give quality care, and on the other hand, that the technology can block the workflow and thus decrease the service performance. Other findings on the care services suggest that the service mentality can vary a lot in different service units which also relates to how relatives and other actors around the end customer are able to contribute on one’s life. The work proposes that in the current care service production the workflow of caregivers should be streamlined by automating and pre-filling certain daily tasks, and that platform for shared information between different actors is required. However, this would not provide any kind of platform for a radical change in the current care service production. Thus, the more appealing areas for development could found in between consumers, their social networks, and different nongovernmental organizations. In this context the implications for wellbeing could be more significant