25 research outputs found
Socijalno preduzetniŔtvo - potencijal za pokretanje socijalnog preduzetniŔtva u svetlu sociodemografskih varijabli
Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje povezanosti izmeÄu sociodemografskih varijabli (pola,
uzrasta, stepena struÄne spreme, meseÄnog liÄnog prihoda ispitanika i meseÄnog liÄnog
prihoda ispitanikovog domaÄinstva, broja Älanova u domaÄinstvu i broja Älanova
domaÄinstva koji ostvaruju prihode) i miÅ”ljenja ispitanika o potencijalu za socijalno
Istraživanje je kvantitativnog tipa, raÄeno u gradu Zrenjaninu i sprovedeno je putem
upitnika u okviru kojeg su se u prvom delu pitanja odnosila na socio-demografske
podatke o ispitaniku, dok je u drugom delu grupa zavisnih varijabli bila
operacionalizovana putem tvrdnji, koje su ocenjivane preko Likertove skale.
Pomenutim tvrdnjama smo ispitivali miŔljenje ispitanika o potencijalu za socijalno
preduzetniŔtvo u gradu Zrenjaninu.
Za analizu podataka koriÅ”tena je deskriptivna analiza (procenti, aritmetiÄka sredina),
Hiā kvadrat test, T-test, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse i Pirsonov koeficijent
korelacije. Nivo statistiÄke znaÄajnosti postavljena je na p<0.05, a svi dobijeni podaci su
obraÄeni u programu SPSS, verzija 23.
Poseban problem pojavio se kod formulisanja upitnika, jer ispitanici nisu dovoljno
upoznati sa kategorijom socijalnog preduzetniŔtva (preduzetniŔtva da, ali socijalnog u
dovoljnoj meri ne), te je pitanja trebalo formulisati na naÄin shvatljiv ispitanicima
Socio-demographic characteristics and the Internet in the tourist agency's election function
The presented research of quantitative type and empirical orientation was
conducted in the city of Trebinje, and it focuses on examining the
correlation between sociodemographic variables (gender, age, level of
education, monthly personal income of respondents and monthly personal
income of respondent household, number of household members and
number of household members revenue generators) and the habit of
potential tourists to use Internet services to find out and use the information
they need about tourist destinations and trips.
Data analysis was performed using: descriptive analysis (percentages,
arithmetic mean), Hi-square test, T-test, one-factor analysis of variance
and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The level of statistical significance
was set at p <0.05, and all data obtained were processed in SPSS, version
Media shape the reality perceived by readership. The readership receives information from the media in the form in which the readers tend to pass them on as their own opinions. Despite the increasing danger of such reality, no research into the perception on tabloid editions has been conducted locally. The aim of this research was to verify if there are laws in the perception on tabloids concerning the characteristics of certain segments of population. The research thus established the correlation between the increase of negative attitudes to tabloids and the higher education level in respondents. Another expectation made in initial hypotheses being of greater social significance was an extremely high level of agreement in the opinion that tabloids represent a low form of culture, that their reporting is distasteful and that they should not be trusted. The theoretical framework and the results obtained through research may be of great significance for both the media and other participants in the advertising industry - advertisers and advertising agencies. The scientific contribution of this paper is in the initial data obtained by the researchers pertaining to the readership (respondents) perception of tabloids in RS, which regard the fields of sociology, media and advertising.Mediji oblikuju stvarnost koju percipira publika. Publika dobiva saznanja od njih u obliku u kome ih obiÄno prenosi dalje kao vlastite stavove. Opasnost od ovakve stvarnosti je u suvremenom svijetu sve veÄa. MeÄutim, istraživanja percepcije tabloidnih izdanja nisu raÄena na naÅ”im prostorima i zato smo bili motivirani da pokrenemo inicijalno istraživanje Äiji Äe rezulati biti predstavljeni u ovom radu. Istraživanjem je utvrÄena korelacija negativnog stava prema tabloidima spram stupnja struÄne spreme ispitanika. Ono Å”to je takoÄer oÄekivano potvrÄeno u hipotezama i Å”to je od Å”ireg druÅ”tvenog znaÄaja jeste izrazito visok stupanj slaganja ispitanika o stavu da tabloidi predstavljaju nizak nivo kulture, da su neukusni u izvjeÅ”tavanju i da im ne treba vjerovati. Teorijski okvir, kao i rezultati do kojih se doÅ”lo istraživanjem mogu biti od izuzetnog znaÄaja kako za same medije tako i za ostale uÄesnike u oglaÅ”ivaÄkoj industriji - oglaÅ”ivaÄe i oglasne agencije. Znanstveni doprinos ovog rada ogleda se u inicijalnim podacima koje su istraživaÄi dobili u vezi sa percepcijom tabloida od strane auditorija u RS, a odnose se na podruÄje sociologije, medija i oglaÅ”avanja
Povezanost reklamnih poruka i koriÅ”Äenja bankarskih usluga
U savremenim uslovima poslovanja teÅ”ko je reÅ”avati ekonomske probleme na tržiÅ”tu bez implementacije znanja drugih nauÄnih disciplina, posebno marketinga. ZnaÄaj i interdisciplinarnost marketinga, za konkretna istraživanja u radu, osim njegovog oslanjanja na dostignuÄa i
otkriÄa drugih nauka, disciplina, koncepcija, metoda i tehnika, ogleda se u znaÄaju ekonomske
propagande. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje stepena i prirode povezanosti izmeÄu naÄina,
uÄestalosti i razumevanja koriÅ”Äenja bankarskih usluga i poverenja u reklamne poruke, kao i
znaÄaja koji ispitanici pridaju reklamnim porukama. Shodno definisanom cilju, u istraživanju
dominira teorijska razrada rezultata istraživanja. Tokom istraživanja i obrade rezultata rada
koriÅ”Äene su sledeÄe metode: Likertova skala, T-test, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, Pirsonov
koeficijent korelacije, logistiÄka regresija i viÅ”estruka regresija
Research of the influence of socio-demographic characteristics of population to develop tourism (example: Serbian case)
Dominance of the free time and free money as basic factors of tourism development is confirmed
by the synthesis of relevant economic and theoretical concepts and empirical studies, from the earliest, to
the modern stage of tourism. Both of these factors imply consumption as the main outcome of the economic
process. Also, these two factors as final objectives of the economic activity are characteristic only for the
individual. A human with all its characteristics - both positive and negative, has a crucial influence on
development of tourism. In order to confirm the set hypothesis, a research entitled "The impact of socio-demographic characteristics of the population to develop tourism in Serbia" has started. Theoretical
elaboration is dominant in the research results according to the defined purpose of the research. During the
research process and results, the following methods were used: Likert Scale, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson
correlation coefficient, Logistic regression and Multiple regression
Application of the unmanned aerophotogrammetry in monitoring conditions and changes at the open pit mines
In the area of monitoring the spatial conditions and changes at the open pit mines, introduction of aerophotogrammetry with unmanned aerial vehicles significantly improves the effectivity and efficiency of the mining system monitoring in real and extended time. Since this is a relatively new technology, the paper presents our first experiences in the application of unmanned aerophotogrammetry, interesting also from the point of view of implementation into GIS systems
Business of the Tourism Economy Enterprise in the Light of Socio- Economic Conditions
The aim of the research was to examine the correlation between the socioeconomic variables of employees (gender,
age, level of education, monthly personal income of the respondents and monthly personal income of the respondent
household, number of household members and number of household members who generate income) and opinion of
respondents on the impact of activity assumed on their work and the work of other employees in their company, opinions
on clientsā satisfaction with the work of their company, as well as opinions on the rational use of natural resources by
their company.
The survey involved a total of 188 respondents from 11 companies, of which 120 were male (63.8%) male and 68
female (36.2%) female. The T-test shows that respondents differ in terms of the kind of service they provide to clients
and whether they meet their expectations. On the basis of the obtained results it is concluded that the linear combination
of predictors used is shown to be significant for predicting all the dependent variables we have examined the opinion
of the respondents
Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih uslovima rada u turistiÄkoj privredi
U radu se prezentuje istraživanje povezanosti izmeÄu socio-demografskih
varijabli (pola, uzrasta, stepena struÄne spreme, meseÄnog liÄnog prihoda
ispitanika i meseÄnog liÄnog prihoda ispitanikovog domaÄinstva, broja Älanova
u domaÄinstvu i broja Älanova doma Äinstva koji ostvaruju prihode) i
zadovoljstva ispitanika odreÄenim uslovima rada/zaposlenja u preduzeÄima u
turistiÄkoj privredi.
Prikupljanje podataka raÄeno je putem upitnika, dok je za analizu
koriÅ”tena: deskriptivna analiza (frekvencija, procenti, aritmetiÄka sredina),
t-test, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, viŔestruka linearna regresija i pirsonov
koeficijent korelacije.
Nivo statistiÄke znaÄajnosti postavljen je na p<0.05, a svi dobijeni podaci
su obraÄeni u programu SPSS, verzija 19