2,254 research outputs found

    The influence of the thermal diffusivity of the lower boundary on eddy motion in convection

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    The paper presents new concepts and results for the eddy structure of turbulent convection in a horizontal fluid layer of depth h which lies above a solid base with thickness hb. The fluid parameters are the kinematic viscosity ν, the thermal diffusivity κ, which is taken to be comparable with ν, the density ρ, the specific heat cp and the expansion parameter β. The thermal diffusivity of the solid is κb. The results are an extension of the more commonly studied cases, where a constant heat flux or constant temperature is applied at the interface between the fluid and the base. The buoyancy forces induce eddy motions with a typical velocity w∗∼(gβFθh)1/3 where ρcpFθ is the average heat flux and Fθ the covariance of the fluctuations of the temperature and of the vertical velocity. At moderate Reynolds numbers (Re=w∗h/ν), say less than about 103, an order-of-magnitude analysis shows that for the case of high diffusivity of the base (i.e. κb≫κ) elongated ‘plumes’ form at the surface and extend to the top of the fluid layer. When the base diffusivity is low (i.e. κb≤κ) the surface cools below the developing ‘plume’ and either the plume breaks up into elongated puffs or, if κb≪κ, horizontal pressure gradients form so that only small-scale puffs can form near the surface. At very high Reynolds numbers, approximately greater than 104, the surface boundary layer below each puff/plume is highly turbulent with a local logarithmic velocity and temperature profile. An approximate analysis indicates for this case that there is insufficient buoyancy flux from the base, irrespective of its diffusivity, to maintain plumes, because of the high turbulent heat transfer. So puffs dominate high-Reynolds-number thermal convection as numerical simulations and field experiments demonstrate. However, when the surface heat flux is uniform, for example as a result of radiant heat transfer or by forcing with a constant heat flux below a very thin conducting base, plumes are the dominant form of eddy motion, as is commonly observed. In the numerical solutions presented here, where Re∼3×102 and the slab thickness hb=h, it is shown that the spatial scales of eddy structures in the fluid layer close to the surface become significantly smaller as κb/κ is reduced from 100 to 0.1. At the same time in the core of the convective layer the change in the autocorrelation and spatial correlation function indicates that there is a transition from long-duration plumes into shorter-duration and smaller-length-scale elongated puffs. The simulations show that the largest temperature fluctuations near the surface occur when a constant heat flux is applied at the bottom of the fluid layer. The smallest temperature fluctuations are associated with the constant-temperature boundary condition. The finite base diffusivity cases lie in between these limits, with the largest fluctuations occurring when the thermal diffusivity of the base is small. The hypothesis introduced above has been tested qualitatively in a laboratory set-up when the effective diffusivity of the base was varied. The flow structure was observed as it changed from being characterized by nearly steady plumes, into unsteady plumes and finally into puffs when the thickness of the conducting base was first increased and then the diffusivity was decreased

    The Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) system in breast and colorectal carcinogenesis: dietary intervention and molecular studies

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    Leeuwen, F.E. van [Promotor]Veer, L.J. [Copromotor]van 't Kampman, E. [Copromotor

    When others are in control:understanding public responses to externally controlled energy projects

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    Energy is an essential part of people’s lives as it is needed for many daily activities. Various energy projects have been planned and implemented to provide households with energy, such as natural gas extraction and wind parks. These energy projects may have various negative and positive consequences for people, which can elicit various responses from the public. For understanding public responses to energy projects, it is critical to consider that people often have little control over these projects and their associated consequences, as energy projects are typically controlled by external parties (e.g., governments and industry). In such situations, trust in responsible parties is an important factor to explain public responses, such as negative emotions, positive emotions and public acceptability of energy projects. Particularly integrity-based trust is related to public acceptability of energy projects. Furthermore, people are likely to cope with the risks of externally controlled energy projects by engaging in others-focused coping: urging responsible parties to take actions to reduce the risks. This novel type of problem-focused coping has not been identified before, but can play an important role in how people cope with risks of externally controlled energy projects. All in all, this dissertation suggests that reducing negative and increasing positive consequences of energy projects, and having trustworthy parties could help facilitate positive rather than negative public responses to energy projects. This is important for both ensuring the well-being of people as well as the socially responsible implementation of energy projects in order to ensure a reliable energy supply

    Zelfgestuurd leren kun je niet zelfgestuurd leren

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    Er komt steeds meer aandacht voor zelfgestuurd leren (ZGL) als manier om studenten actiever en bewuster te laten leren. Omdat het echter niet eenvoudig is om ZGL te implementeren, is vanuit een promotietraject (zie ook de bespreking van het proefschrift in editie 34(4) 2013 van dit Tijdschrift) een methodiek ontwikkeld en beproefd voor lerarenopleidingen primair onderwijs (pabo). Deze methodiek bestaat uit een model met zeven ontwerpprincipes en een diagnostisch instrument, op basis waarvan een trainings- en begeleidingsaanpak voor lerarenopleiders is uitgewerkt. Ook het effect van deze aanpak op het gebruik van metacognitieve leerstrategieën en de studiemotivatie van pabostudenten is onderzocht in verschillende deelstudies. De aanpak blijkt effect te hebben. Zo wordt het gebruik van metacognitieve leerstrategieën door studenten significant hoger. Ook de studiemotivatie van studenten wordt aangemoedigd, in het bijzonder op het vlak van hun zelfvertrouwen voor leren. De ontwikkelde aanpak biedt praktische aanknopingspunten voor lerarenopleidingen die mogelijkheden tot ZGL willen introduceren in hun curricula