25 research outputs found


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    This study presents morphologic characteristics of 37 elite Croatian female handball players. A set of 21 anthropometric measures was carried out on 12 wing attack players, 6 pivots, 6 goalkeepers and 13 back court players. Body fat percentage and BMI were also calculated. ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in variables of longitudinal skeletal dimensions, body volume and body fat. Post hoc analysis showed the most statistically significant differences in aforementioned variables between goalkeepers and wing attack players. Wing attack players are found to be with the lowest height and weight values, whereas goalkeepers are the tallest and the heaviest among all players according to their game position. Differences between wing attack players and back court players have been found in variables of longitudinal skeletal dimensions, thigh skinfold measures and upper leg and upper arm circumference, latter being the only variable of difference between wing attackers and pivot players.U ovom radu predstavljene su morfološke karakterisitke 37 vrhunskih hrvatskih rukometašica. Mjerenja su provedena putem seta od 21 antropometrijske mjere na 12 krilnih igračica, 6 kružnih igračica (pivota), 6 golmanica i 13 vanjskih igračica. Postotak tjelesne masti i ITM (Indeks tjelesne mase) također su izračunati. Univarijatna analiza varijance (ANOVA) pokazala je statistički značajne razlike u varijablama longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, volumenu tijela i tjelesnoj masti. Post hoc analiza pokazala je najveće statistički značajne razlike u prethodno navedenim varijablama imeđu golmanica i krilnih igračica. Krilne igračice opisuju najniže vrijednosti visine i mase tijela, za razliku od golmanica koje opisuju najviše vrijednosti u visini i masi tijela u usporedbi s ostalim igračicama i pozicijama u igri. Statistički značajne razlike između krilnih igračica i vanjskih igračica pronađene su u varijablama longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, bedrenom kožnom naboru, te opsegu natkoljenice i nadlaktice. Između krilnih igračica i pivota pronađene su statistički značajne razlike u opsegu nadlaktice


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    This study presents morphologic characteristics of 37 elite Croatian female handball players. A set of 21 anthropometric measures was carried out on 12 wing attack players, 6 pivots, 6 goalkeepers and 13 back court players. Body fat percentage and BMI were also calculated. ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in variables of longitudinal skeletal dimensions, body volume and body fat. Post hoc analysis showed the most statistically significant differences in aforementioned variables between goalkeepers and wing attack players. Wing attack players are found to be with the lowest height and weight values, whereas goalkeepers are the tallest and the heaviest among all players according to their game position. Differences between wing attack players and back court players have been found in variables of longitudinal skeletal dimensions, thigh skinfold measures and upper leg and upper arm circumference, latter being the only variable of difference between wing attackers and pivot players.U ovom radu predstavljene su morfološke karakterisitke 37 vrhunskih hrvatskih rukometašica. Mjerenja su provedena putem seta od 21 antropometrijske mjere na 12 krilnih igračica, 6 kružnih igračica (pivota), 6 golmanica i 13 vanjskih igračica. Postotak tjelesne masti i ITM (Indeks tjelesne mase) također su izračunati. Univarijatna analiza varijance (ANOVA) pokazala je statistički značajne razlike u varijablama longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, volumenu tijela i tjelesnoj masti. Post hoc analiza pokazala je najveće statistički značajne razlike u prethodno navedenim varijablama imeđu golmanica i krilnih igračica. Krilne igračice opisuju najniže vrijednosti visine i mase tijela, za razliku od golmanica koje opisuju najviše vrijednosti u visini i masi tijela u usporedbi s ostalim igračicama i pozicijama u igri. Statistički značajne razlike između krilnih igračica i vanjskih igračica pronađene su u varijablama longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, bedrenom kožnom naboru, te opsegu natkoljenice i nadlaktice. Između krilnih igračica i pivota pronađene su statistički značajne razlike u opsegu nadlaktice

    Usporedba Conconijevog i ventilacijskog anaerobnog praga određenog kratkim i standardnim protokolom testa na pokretnoj traci

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    The purpose of this study was to compare two methods for determination of anaerobic threshold from two different treadmill protocols. Forty-eight Croatian runners of national rank (ten sprinters, fifteen 400-m runners, ten middle distance runners and thirteen long distance runners), mean age 21.7}5.1 years, participated in the study. They performed two graded maximal exercise tests on a treadmill, a standard ramp treadmill test (TSR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 60 seconds) and a fast ramp treadmill test (TFR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 30 seconds) to determine and compare the parameters at peak values and at heart rate at the deflection point (HR DP) and ventilation threshold (VT ). There were no significant differences between protocols (p>0.05) for peak values of oxygen uptake (VO2max, 4.48±0.43 and 4.44±0.45 L•min-1), weight related VO2max (62.5±6.2 and 62.0±6.0 mL•kg-1•min-1), pulmonary ventilation (VE max, 163.1}18.7 and 161.3}19.9 L•min-1) and heart rate (HR max, 192.3}8.5 and 194.4}8.7 bpm) (TFR and TSR, respectively). Moreover, no significant differences between TFR and TSR where found for VT and HR DP when expressed as VO2 and HR . However, there was a significant effect of ramp slope on running speed at VO2max and at the anaerobic threshold (AnT) , independent of the method used (VT : 16.0}2.2 vs 14.9}2.2 km•h-1;HR DP: 16.5}1.9 vs 14.9±2.0 km•h-1 for TFR and TSR respectively). Linear regression analysis revealed high between-test and between-method correlations for VO2, HR and running speed parameters (r=0.78-0.89, p<0.01). The present study has indicated that the VT and HR DP for running (VO2, ventilation, and heart rate at VT /HR DP) are independent of test protocol, while there is a significant effect of ramp slope on VT and HR DP when expressed as running speed. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the point of deflection from linearity of heart rate may be an accurate predictor of the anaerobic threshold in trained runners, independently of the protocol used.Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti dvije metode za utvrđivanje anaerobnog praga u dva različita protokola opterećenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 48 trkača hrvatskog nacionalnog ranga (10 sprintera na 100 m, 15 sprintera na 400 m, 10 srednjeprugaša i 13 dugoprugaša) srednje dobi 21,7}5,1 god. Ispitanici su testirani dvama različitim protokolima maksimalnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci: standardnim progresivnim protokolom opterećenja (TSR, brzina trake povećava se svake minute za 1 km/h) i brzo-rastućim progresivnim testom opterećenja (TFR, brzina trake povećava se za 1 km/h svakih 30 sekunda), u cilju mjerenja i usporedbe vršnih vrijednosti i vrijednosti pri ventilacijskom anaerobnom pragu (VT ) i točki defleksije frekvencije srca (HR DP). Vršne vrijednosti izmjerene u dva protokola (TFR :TSR) nisu se značajno razlikovale za primitak kisika (VO2max, 4,48:4,44 L/min), relativni VO2max (62,5:62,0 mL/kg/min), minutni volumen disanja (VE max, 163,1:161,3 L/min) i frekvenciju srca (192,3:194,4 otkucaja/min). Značajne razlike između TFR i TSR nisu utvrđene niti za VT i HR DP izražene primitkom kisika i frekvencijom srca. Međutim, utvrđen je značajan utjecaj protokola testa (akceleracije brzine trake) na brzine trčanja pri maksimumu i pri anaerobnom pragu, neovisno o primijenjenoj metodi (VT : 16,0±2,2 prema 14,9±2,2 km•h-1; HRDP: 16,5±1,9 prema 14,9±2,0 km•h-1 za TFR i TSR). Linearnom regresijskom analizom utvrđene su visoke pozitivne korelacije između protokola i između metoda određivanja praga za parametre primitka kisika, frekvencije srca i brzine trčanja (r=0,78-0,89, p<0,01). Rezultati rada pokazuju da su VT i HR DP za trčanje (VO2, VE i HR pri VT /HR DP) neovisni o protokolu testa, dok je značajan utjecaj protokola (brzine porasta brzine trake) na VT i HRDP izražene brzinom trčanja. Nadalje, ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se točka defleksije frekvencije srca (Conconijev test) može pouzdano koristiti za predviđanje anaerobnog praga u treniranih trkača neovisno o primijenjenom protokolu testa

    Differences in Energy Capacities between Tennis Players and Runners

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine differences between elite athletes and tennis players in order to provide a clearer picture regarding the energy demands in modern tennis. Forty-eight (48) athletes and 24 tennis players from Croatian national leagues were compared in morphological and physiological parameters of an all-out incremental treadmill test with gas exchange measurements. Tennis players’ HRmax (192.96±7.75 bpm) shows values that are most different to 400-meters sprinters (200.13±6.95 bpm). Maximum running speed of tennis players on the treadmill (vmax) is no different with the speed achieved by sprinters, while there are significant differences among other athletes. Values in running speed at anaerobic threshold (vAnT) show no statistically significant difference with the values for athlete sprinters and 400-m sprinters. Values of RvO2 max for tennis players indicate significant similarities with athlete sprinters and 400-m sprinters while the values of RvO2 AnT are nearly identical with the values for sprinters and show no statistically significant differences (p<0.05). The results indicate that values achieved by tennis players approximate most different those of the middle and long distance runners. This singles out the possible importance of the anaerobic capacity and the high level of sprint endurance in tennis players. Knowing these characteristics is the basis for planning and implementing training systems that will enable the increase and optimal usage of energy capacities of tennis players in possibly improving sports results

    Morphological and physiological profile indicators of physical fitness in male tennis players aged 12, 14 and 16 years

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    The establishment of differences in certain morphological characteristics and aerobic energy supply ability among three age categories of Croatian male teenage tennis players was the aim of this cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 60 players classified into three categories by age: U12 (n=20; 12.1±0.4 years), U14 (n=20; 14.0±0.6 years) and U16 (n=20; 15.9±0.4 years). Nine morphological body measures were taken: body height; body mass; skinfolds of the back, upper arm, chest, abdomen, thigh, lower leg and suprailiocristal. Also, six variables of cardiopulmonary function were obtained using spirometry and spiroergometry testing. Basic statistical parameters were calculated and ANOVA was applied using Tukey’s post-hoc method. Statistically significant differences were obtained in the variable maximum treadmill speed (p<.01) and maximum treadmill speed at the anaerobic threshold (p<.01). Aerobic levels of the Croatian U12, U14 and U16 tennis players were in line with the requirements of high-performance tennis. The results indicated that the conducted physical conditioning and tennis-specific training programmes had a positive effect on the development of aerobic energy capacity indicators in the examined young tennis players. However, due to the age of subjects, the effect of dynamic processes of growth and maturation on the obtained results in the aerobic capacity test cannot be overlooked

    Usporedba kapaciteta anaerobne izdržljivosti vrhunskih nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether there was a difference in anaerobic endurance between soccer, handball and basketball players. One hundred fifty players (mean age: 22.35±4.31 years), 50 from each sport (mean age: soccer, handball and basketball players 23.54±4.19, 20.42±4.48, 23.10±3.63 years, respectively), were members of the highest level of their sport in Croatia; some were members of respective national teams. Participants undertook a 300 yard shuttle run test (300Y) and a maximal blood lactate test (BL). Results showed that there were significant differences in both 300Y and BL scores between the soccer, handball and basketball players. Basketball players (57.04±3.41s) achieved the best results in the 300Y test, followed by soccer (57.06±2.27s) and then handball players (59.53±2.65snl). Post-hoc tests indicated that the soccer players (14.70±2.07) had significantly (p< .05) higher maximal lactate values (BL) than the handball players (13.70±1.83). It is not possible to say that these three sports require equal levels of anaerobic endurance, but it is certainly an important component of performance in each and every one of them. We have concluded that the required anaerobic abilities are different, in all the three investigated sports, which means that the sport-specific demands could influence athletes anaerobic capacity.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li razlika u anaerobnoj izdržljivosti između nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša. Stotinu i pedeset igrača (srednja dob: 22,35±4,31 godina ), po 50 iz svakog sporta (srednja dob nogometaša 23,54±4,19, rukometaša 20,42±4,48 i košarkaša 23,10±3,63 godina), najkvalitetniji su u svom sportu u Hrvatskoj, a neki su bili članovi nacionalnih izabranih vrsta. Sudionici su izveli test 300 yard shuttle run (300Y) i izmjerene su im maksimalne vrijednosti laktata u krvi (BL). Rezultati su pokazali da postoje značajne razlike u rezultatima oba testa (300Y i BL) između nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša. Košarkaši (57,04±3,41s) su ostvarili najbolje rezultate u testu 300Y, nakon čega slijede nogometaši (57,06±2,27s), a zatim rukometaši (59,53±2,.65s). Post-hoc testovi pokazali su da su nogometaši (14,70±2,07) imali značajno (p<0,05) veće maksimalne vrijednosti laktata (BL) od rukometaša (13,70±1,83). Ne može se reći da ta tri sporta zahtijevaju jednake razine anaerobne izdržljivosti, ali je ona svakako važna komponenta uspješnosti u svakom od sportova. Zaključili smo da su potrebne anaerobne sposobnosti različite u sva tri istraživana sporta, što znači da zahtjevi specifičnog sporta mogu utjecati na anaerobni kapacitet sportaša

    Are There any Differences in Power Performance and Morphological Characteristics of Croatian Adolescent Soccer Players according to the Team Position?

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    The aim of the study was to analyze differences in power performance and morphological characteristics of young Croatian soccer players with respect to their team positions and to establish correlations between the power performance variables. Anthropometric characteristics and jumping and sprint performances were analyzed for 45 soccer players (age 14–15; mean body height 175.4±6.61 cm; body weight 63.6±8.06 kg) according to their team positions (defender, midfielder, forward). Pearsons coefficient of correlation was used to determine the relationship between the power performance variables. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the power performance of players according to their team position. The only significant differences between players were in some of the anthropometric characteristics, such as height and weight linear relationship was determined between almost all the power performance variables. Since the players in this study were very young and their sports careers have not reached their peak performance, it is possible that their nominal team positions may change during their soccer careers

    Morphological Differences of Elite Croatian Track-and-Field Athletes

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    In this sudy we present the morphological characteristics of 54 Croatian national level track-and-field athletes. 21 anthropometric body measures were taken on a sample of 15 sprinters (S), 16 endurance sprinters (S4), 10 middle-distance runners (MD) and 13 long-distance runners (LD). Body fat percentage, body mass index and somatotype were also calculated. Canonical discriminative analysis showed significant difference between the athletes of various running events, in the measures of body volume and body fat, while no significant difference was found in the variables of longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the skeleton. ANOVA and Student t-test for independent samples showed statistically significantly higher thigh and lower leg circumference in sprinters, as well as greater upper arm skinfold in middle- distance runners. The mesomorphic component is a dominant characteristic of somatotype of the runners in all events, whereas the ectomorphic component is the least marke

    Are There any Differences in Power Performance and Morphological Characteristics of Croatian Adolescent Soccer Players according to the Team Position?

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    The aim of the study was to analyze differences in power performance and morphological characteristics of young Croatian soccer players with respect to their team positions and to establish correlations between the power performance variables. Anthropometric characteristics and jumping and sprint performances were analyzed for 45 soccer players (age 14–15; mean body height 175.4±6.61 cm; body weight 63.6±8.06 kg) according to their team positions (defender, midfielder, forward). Pearsons coefficient of correlation was used to determine the relationship between the power performance variables. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the power performance of players according to their team position. The only significant differences between players were in some of the anthropometric characteristics, such as height and weight linear relationship was determined between almost all the power performance variables. Since the players in this study were very young and their sports careers have not reached their peak performance, it is possible that their nominal team positions may change during their soccer careers

    Fiziološke reakcije muških i ženskih sprintera na 400m

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine the differences between male and female athletes competing in the 400m running event, in the parameters for the assessment of not only aerobic and anaerobic energy capacity but also other physiological parameters. Trained 400m (14 male and 14 female) track athletes volunteered to take part in this study. All subjects performed an incremental treadmill test (1 km/h speed increase per minute, 1.5% gradient). The parameters FVC and FEV1S in the male athletes were of higher values than in the female athletes, while there were no significant differences in FEV1S%. A statistically significant difference was found in the parameters for the assessment of aerobic energy capacity in favour of male athletes. Significantly higher values of anaerobic capacity were found in male sprinters (5.7  km/h) compared to female sprinters (4.5 km/h). In other physiological parameters such as HRmax values and HR at VT there were no statistically significant differences. It can be concluded that it is necessary to determine whether there are differences in these parameters between male and female sprinters which will result in a more organized plan for the collective training process. Studies like this can help coaches develop athletes’ performance according to their abilities.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između muških i ženskih atletičara koji se natječu u trčanju na 400 m, u parametrima koji procjenjuju ne samo aerobni i anaerobni energetski kapacitet već i druge fiziološke parametre. Trenirani atletičari na 400 m (14 muških i 14 ženskih) dragovoljno su sudjelovali u ovom istraživanju. Svi ispitanici izvodili su inkrementalni treadmill test (1 km/h povećanje brzine u minuti, 1,5% nagib). Parametri FVC i FEV1S su kod muških atletičara većih vrijednosti nego u ženskih atletičarki, dok nije bilo značajne razlike u FEV1S%. Statistički značajna razlika pronađena je u parametrima za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta energije u korist muških atletičara. Značajno više vrijednosti anaerobnog kapaciteta pronađene su kod muških (5,7 km/h) sprintera u odnosu na ženske (4,5 km/h). U drugim fiziološkim parametrima, kao što su HRmax vrijednosti i HR na VT nema statistički značajne razlike. Može se zaključiti da je potrebno utvrditi postoje li razlike u tim parametrima između muških i ženskih sprintera, koje će rezultirati organiziranijim planiranjem kolektivnog procesa obuke. Studije kao što je ova mogu pomoći trenerima razvijati atletičareve performanse u skladu s njihovim sposobnostima