807 research outputs found
Spherical Shell Cosmological Model and Uniformity of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Considered is spherical shell as a model for visible universe and parameters
that such model must have to comply with the observable data. The topology of
the model requires that motion of all galaxies and light must be confined
inside a spherical shell. Consequently the observable universe cannot be
defined as a sphere centered on the observer, rather it is an arc length within
the volume of the spherical shell. The radius of the shell is 4.46 0.06
Gpc, which is for factor smaller than radius of a corresponding 3-sphere.
However the event horizon, defined as the arc length inside the shell, has the
size of 14.0 0.2 Gpc, which is in agreement with the observable data. The
model predicts, without inflation theory, the isotropy and uniformity of the
CMB. It predicts the correct value for the Hubble constant = 67.26
0.90 km/s/Mpc, the cosmic expansion rate , and the speed of the event
horizon in agreement with observations. The theoretical suport for shell model
comes from general relativity, curvature of space by mass, and from holographic
principle. The model explains the reason for the established discrepancy
between the non-covariant version of the holographic principle and the
calculated dimensionless entropy for the visible universe, which
exceeds the entropy of a black hole. The model is in accordance with the
distribution of radio sources in space, type Ia data, and data from the Hubble
Ultra Deep Field optical and near-infrared survey.Comment: 7 pages 2 figures, Conference: Low Dimensional Physics and Gauge
Principles, Yerevan, Armenaia, September 21-26, 201
Reaching inter-institutional business processes in e-Society
Each business enterprise strives to achieve the most efficient organization of its operations. While business enterprises can influence internal factors of organization, external factors are more rigid. Public organizations have less of an incentive to be efficient. Furthermore, their organization is less favorable since the decision making is centralized and highly formal (i.e. legislative). Adoption of business process orientation (BPO) paradigm,with an emphasis on the management of internal factors of organization, has provided business organizations with substantial savings and improvements in efficiency. However, external factors also have a high potential for improvement of efficiency. For instance, development of supply chains or value chains has proven that external factors can be harnessed to provide additional sources of competitiveness. Other external factors can also beused to improve the performance of individual organizations, an entire industry or economy as a whole. These synergic effects can be achieved through a unified and virtualized communication infrastructure, document exchange and conduct of business transactions. The goal of this paper is to present business environment properties in an e-Society that can be further developed to enhance integration between organizations and public institutions, which in turn can be used to create and manage inter-institutional business processes. This typeof processes can promote e-business and e-business models to a new level of efficiency, making a whole industry or national economy comparatively more competitivein international markets.business processes; public administration; e-business; e-society; interactions
Uniformity of Cosmic Microwave Background as a Non-Inflationary Geometrical Effect
The conventional CDM cosmological model supplemented by the
inflation concept describes the Universe very well. However, there are still a
few concerns: new Planck data impose constraints on the shape of the inflaton
potential, which exclude a lot of inflationary models; dark matter is not
detected directly, and dark energy is not understood theoretically on a
satisfactory level. In this brief sketch we investigate an alternative
cosmological model with spherical spatial geometry and an additional perfect
fluid with the constant parameter in the linear equation of
state. It is demonstrated explicitly that in the framework of such a model it
is possible to satisfy the supernovae data at the same level of accuracy as
within the CDM model and at the same time suppose that the observed
cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation originates from a very limited
space region. This is ensured by introducing an additional condition of light
propagation between the antipodal points during the age of the Universe.
Consequently, the CMB uniformity can be explained without the inflation
scenario. The corresponding drawbacks of the model with respect to its
comparison with the CMB data are also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
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