7 research outputs found

    Effectiviteit van het beleid inzake stedelijk goederenverkeer: Toetsingsmethode voor het stadsdistributiecentrumconcept

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    OTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Toltunnels in de Randstad

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    OTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    De hoge-snelheidslijn in de randstad; beleid en besluitvorming omtrent een grootschalig infrastructuurproject

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    De ontwikkeling van een Europees stelsel van hogesnelheidsspoorverbindingen lijkt om meer dan een reden een onafwendbare ontwikkeling. In verschillende landen worden met hoge snelheid hoge-snelheidsverbindingen per spoor gerealiseerd. Het totstandkomen van een Europees netwerk door middel van grensoverschrijdende verbindingen wordt door de Europese Gemeenschap noodzakelijk geacht Het ondersteunt immers de Europese gedachte, Europa 1992. In deze studie is slechts een van de hogesnelheidsverbindingen beschouwd, namelijk de verbinding Paijs - Brussel - Amsterdam en in het bijzonder het Randstedelijk deel van de verbinding. Het beleidsproces is tot oktober 1991 op zijn merites bekeken. De studie richtte zich met name op het verloop van het besluitvormingsproces rond de hoge-snelheidsspoorlijn (HSL), de wijze waarop besluitvorming en beleidsontwikkeling zijn verweven, de mate waarin het beleidsproces voldoet aan de beleidsanalytische benadering, in hoeverre de aanleg van de HSL nog aansluit bij het huidige beleid ten aanzien van verkeer en vervoer, ruimtelijke ordening en milieu, welke doorwerkingseffecten optreden en wie er uiteindelijk tot de winnaars en de verliezers kunnen worden gerekend. Ten tijde van het onderzoek was de besluitvorming omtrent de hoge-snelheidslijn nog in volle gang. In principe kan het onderzoek daarom niet als afgerond worden beschouwd. Aangezien de besluitvorming omtrent de hoge-snelheiäslijn in een belangrijke fase is gekomen, namelijk de advisering, leek het ons van belang te rapporteren omtrent onze bevindingen.OTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Innovation Steps towards Efficient Goods Distribution Systems for Urban Areas

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    The distribution of goods for urban areas is vital to the prosperity of these areas. Nevertheless, there are various environmental and accessibility problems related to the urban goods distribution process. Only a comprehensive set of policy actions, that addresses the problems at different geographical scales and at various functional levels in concert, can solve these problems. These functional levels refer to the organisational aspects of the system (logistics), the goods transport and goods traffic means, the infrastructures, and the spatial system in which the urban goods distribution process must function. Progressive innovation is required on all these levels to achieve an efficient urban goods distribution system, efficient both in terms of commercial interests and societal interests. In the thesis, an integrated long-term problem-solving vision of a future urban goods distribution system is developed. The proposed integrated logistics concept for urban goods distribution, is based on the optimal bundling of the movements of goods (consolidation) in time as well as space. This should be done by providing logistic services, such as city logistics, backbone logistics and network logistics, in close harmony with appropriate technological means, such as advanced vehicle technologies, advanced infrastructures, and other supporting systems. The integrated concepts are based on the application of different transport systems in different areas: that is, the concept is based on intermodality. Introducing such a complex, integrated goods distribution system will require a long string of co-ordinated actions from a wide variety of public and private actors. This necessitates the development and application of an implementation strategy that includes all the necessary actions.Trai

    Home Delivery and the Impacts on Urban Freight Transport: A Review

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    This review paper discusses the latest developments in internet shopping, home delivery and the potential impacts on city logistics and alternative vehicle use. The review has illustrated the rapid changes during the past few years and the potentially important impacts on patterns of transport within urban areas. Some of the changes result in increased pressure for road traffic networks in sensitive areas (for example residential areas). At the same time the changes also provide opportunities for the use of vehicles powered by alternative fuels thereby supporting certain sustainability strategies. However, the changes are complex and patterns are not the same from one country to another thus the impacts on city logistics are also varied.Transport and PlanningCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Trends in distribution centres and their locations: sprawl and polarization

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    The logistics industry is an important sector for the Dutch economy. Distribution centres (DCs) are important to perform logistics activities. In 2015 the demand for logistics real estate has been particularly high compared to previous years. To facilitate the logistics sector and to develop sustainable spatial policies – that for example reduce congestion-it is important that spatial planners have insights in logistics location patterns. This paper analyses some trends in the spatial patterns of DC settlements within the Netherlands, based on real estate data. We find that the shares of logistics real estate of the provinces Limburg and Noord-Brabant marginally increased in the period 2004 – 2014, while the shares of all four Randstad provinces marginally decreased. This indicates that, although absolute growth has been high in the periphery (especially along the line Rotterdam – Noord-Brabant – Venlo), on a national level no significant sprawl of logistics real estate from the Randstad towards peripheral regions can be observed. On the regional level, polarization in the periphery is visible within regions that have been forming new logistics clusters. Another phenomenon which is relevant for spatial planners is the growing demand for very large DCs, in particular for e-commerce logistics activities. This implies that municipalities increasingly will have to supply large logistics land plots. Extra attention of spatial policy makers is also needed for re-use or transformation of existing distribution centres – of which the floor space is often considered too small-to prevent further increase of unsalable DCs. This study has not investigated possible explanations for the spatial patterns of logistics real estate within the Netherlands. We hope to follow up the present study with an explanatory analysis.Transport and LogisticsTransport and Plannin

    Stedelijk goederenvervoer nu en in de toekomst

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    OTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen