1,219 research outputs found

    Debate: Should the elderly receive thrombolytic therapy, or primary angioplasty, for acute myocardial infarction? The case for primary angioplasty

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    As the population ages the number of elderly patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) will continue to increase. There has been no head-to-head trial of thrombolytic therapy versus primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in this patient cohort, but there is evidence that favors primary PCI. Most elderly patients are candidates for primary PCI, but many have contraindications to thrombolytic therapy. Hemorrhagic complications are more common in the elderly, and many of these patients present with conditions in which thrombolytic agents have decreased efficacy, such as heart failure or prior bypass surgery. PCI can also obviate the need for further risk stratification in most patients

    Pengaruh Spiritualitas Di Tempat Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Kerja Di Maha Vihara Maitreya, Medan

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    The background of this research is the author's interest in knowing the effect of spirituality in the workplace on work commitment at Maha Vihara Maitreya, Medan.  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spirituality in the workplace on employee work commitment.  This research uses associative quantitative method.  This research is supported by the distribution of questionnaires to respondents.  The sample of this research is Maha Vihara Maitreya employees, totaling 60 employees.  The sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique.  The results of the normality test for spirituality in the workplace are 0.072 and work commitment is 0.064 where the value is greater than the standard significant = 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data tested are normally distributed.  The results of the linearity test showed that between spirituality at work and work commitment had a linear relationship with a significance of 0.000.  The results of the correlation between spirituality at work with a strong work commitment with the results of 0.764.  The results of the determination coefficient test that the spirituality variable at work affects the work commitment variable by 58.4% while 41.6% is influenced by other factors.  The result of simple linear regression is Y = (-14,584) + 1,234 X, which means that every increase or increase of 1 unit of spirituality will increase work commitment by 1,234 times.  The results of hypothesis testing the calculated T value of 8.95 and obtained the T table value of 2.001.  Where T count > T table (8.95 > 2.001), then Ho is rejected. Ha is accepted, which means that spirituality at work affects work commitment at Maha Vihara Maitreya, Medan.  Thus it can be concluded that "Spirituality in the Workplace has an effect on Work Commitment at Maha Vihara Maitreya"


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    Increase in empowerment and accurate representation for lower socioeconomic status groups is a dire and growing need in America. This dissertation examines how participatory media processes can serve as catalysts for change in populations of poverty and homelessness in the U.S. Using critical theory and qualitative analyses, I analyze the relationship between participatory media and voice, dialogue, and critical consciousness at two case studies, POOR Magazine and Sanctuary Women’s Development Center, and argue that through the interaction of these key components in the participatory media process, an increase in empowerment and agency will result. I also examine where the possibility lies for civic engagement in the participatory media process. Additionally, this study argues that the participatory media process can serve as a reflexive lens for people in poverty and homelessness to critically analyze structural forms of oppression and their role in creating social change. Ultimately, I propose the concept of digital reflexivity and assert that digital reflexivity serves as a critical catalyst throughout processes of voice, dialogue, and critical consciousness for the increase of empowerment and agency

    Pengaruh Net Profit Margin, Debt To Equity Ratio, Perputaran Piutang Dan Perputaran Kas Terhadap Roa Pada Sektor Aneka Industri Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2016-2019

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    The aims of this study to analyze and examine how the influence of NPM, DER, Accounts Receivable Turnover and Cash Turnover on ROA in various industrial sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2019 Period. The populations is 51 companies in the automotive sector listed on the IDX for the period 2016-2019 and obtained a sample of 20. Purposive sampling was the sampling technique of this study. The method used in this research is quantitative method, the nature of the research used is explanatory or explanatory, and uses data collection techniques in the form of documentation, types, and data sources in the form of financial reports of various industrial subsectors listed on the IDX 2016-2019. Keywords : Net Profit Margin, Debt To Equity Ratio, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Cash Turnover, Return On Asset

    Simplified three-dimensional tissue clearing and incorporation of colorimetric phenotyping.

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    Tissue clearing methods promise to provide exquisite three-dimensional imaging information; however, there is a need for simplified methods for lower resource settings and for non-fluorescence based phenotyping to enable light microscopic imaging modalities. Here we describe the simplified CLARITY method (SCM) for tissue clearing that preserves epitopes of interest. We imaged the resulting tissues using light sheet microscopy to generate rapid 3D reconstructions of entire tissues and organs. In addition, to enable clearing and 3D tissue imaging with light microscopy methods, we developed a colorimetric, non-fluorescent method for specifically labeling cleared tissues based on horseradish peroxidase conversion of diaminobenzidine to a colored insoluble product. The methods we describe here are portable and can be accomplished at low cost, and can allow light microscopic imaging of cleared tissues, thus enabling tissue clearing and imaging in a wide variety of settings

    Characterization of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli from slaughter calves and fattening pigs: A pilot study for monitoring antimicrobial resistance by whole genome sequencing in Switzerland.

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    Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was introduced into Swiss antimicrobial resistance monitoring in 2022 as an additional method to phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing by broth microdilution to characterize presumptive third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GC-R) Escherichia coli. Caecal samples from Swiss slaughter calves and fattening pigs, as well as beef and pork meat from Swiss retail taken in 2021, were analyzed for the presence of 3GC-R E. coli according to European harmonized protocols. In 2021, 3GC-R E. coli was detected in 23,8 % of slaughter calves, 5,9 % of fattening pigs, and 0 % of meat. Comparative analysis of the antimicrobial resistance results obtained by phenotypic measurement and those obtained by the detection of corresponding underlying molecular mechanisms by WGS showed very high agreement (99 %). Resistance to third-generation cephalosporins (3GCs) was mainly associated with the presence of blaCTX-M-15 in E. coli isolates from calves and blaCTX-M-1 in E. coli isolates from pigs and mutations in the ampC-promoter (g.-42 C>T) in E. coli isolates from both animal species. Moreover, WGS data were used for phylogenetic analysis based on multi locus sequence types (MLST) and core genome MLST(cgMLST) revealing that 3GC-R E. coli isolated from Swiss slaughter calves and fattening pigs were genetically diverse. In this study, it was shown that using WGS alone to monitor antimicrobial resistance could detect trends in known molecular antimicrobial resistance mechanisms while also providing other valuable information about the isolates, such as genetic relatedness. However, only by combining phenotypic susceptibility testing and WGS early detection of previously unknown resistance mechanisms will be possible

    Evaluation of Available Medical Interpretation Resources Available to Spanish-Speaking Patients in NJ AHEC Counties

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    According to the US Census Bureau Spanish is the most common non-English language spoken in the US. Despite the growing population of Spanish-speaking individuals, most healthcare providers can only communicate in English. Linguistic differences between patients and providers have been identified to impact the quality of care received, therefore, it is not surprising that Spanish-speaking patients have been found to be less satisfied with healthcare. Language barriers in healthcare lead to poor compliance and underuse of services which eventually negatively impact health outcomes. Several studies found that the most effective communication tools are often underutilized, with healthcare providers relying on untrained interpreters instead, oftentimes leading to medical errors, incorrect treatment and misdiagnosis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the availability of interpretation services offered by New Jersey healthcare providers in Camden, Gloucester, Atlantic, Salem, and Cumberland County and increase awareness of interpretation services available in these healthcare settings

    Reactivity of Certain Organophosphorus Insecticides toward Hydroxyl Radicals at Elevated Air Temperatures

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    Methods were developed to determine OH reaction rates for medium-weight organophosphorus pesticides in the gas phase. A 57-L chamber was constructed that utilized xenon arc irradiation (>290 nm) to photolyze the OH precursor, methyl nitrite. Experiments were performed at elevated temperatures ranging from 60 to 80°C to minimize wall sorption. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) sampling of the gas phase was employed to assess the simultaneous rate of loss of the pesticides in relation to the rate of loss of two reference substances with known OH rate constants. An internal gas-phase standard (hexachlorobenzene), relatively stable to hydroxyl radicals, was used to assess other processes, which included dilution and wall sorption. The relative reaction rates of the organophosphorus insecticides, diazinon and chlorpyrifos, when compared to reference compounds, were unaffected by various air temperatures between 60 and 80°C. Although both insecticides were expected to react at similar rates on the basis of structural activity model predictions, diazinon reacted 3 times more rapidly than chlorpyrifos and gave estimated environmental OH half-lives of 0.5 and 1.4 h, respectively. The degree of sorption onto the chamber walls was minimal and similar for each of the compounds examined. Experimental gas-phase determinations at elevated temperatures may provide important information that can be used when in the assessment of the potential of airborne pesticide risks to nontarget and ecologically sensitive areas


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    RINGKASAN – Menurunnya pertumbuhan perusahaan pada perusahaan yangtelah go public berdampak pada menurunnya harga saham di pasar modal. Hal inimerupakan masalah bagi pemegang saham karena harga saham mencerminkankemakmuran pemegang saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji danmenganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas (ROE), struktur modal (DER), dan ukuranperusahaan (FS) terhadap harga saham yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang pengertian danpenjabaran yang berkaitan dengan profitabilitas (ROE), struktur modal (DER),dan ukuran perusahaan (FS) terhadap harga saham. Pendekatan yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitiandeskriptif dan sifat penelitian explanatory. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalahseluruh sektor konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebanyak 37perusahaan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive samplingyaitu pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Sampelyang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 19 perusahaan dan periode penelitian sebanyak5 tahun sehingga jumlah sampel adalah 95 sampel. Model analisis penelitian yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda yangbertujuan untuk mengetahui hipotesis yaitu pengaruh profitabilitas (ROE),sturktur modal (DER), dan ukuran perusahaan (FS) terhadap harga saham.Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis secara simultan profitabilitas (ROE), strukturmodal (DER) dan ukuran perusahaan (FS) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hargasaham dengan hasil koefisien determinasi sebesar 49,2% sedangkan sisanyasebesar 50,8% dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel lain diluar model penelitian ini.Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis secara parsial, profitabilitas (ROE), struktur modal(DER), dan ukuran perusahaan (FS) berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap hargasaham.Kata Kunci : Profitabilitas (ROE), Struktur Modal (DER), Ukuran Perusahaan(FS), Harga Saha

    Mitigating bias blind spot via a serious video game

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    We employed a serious video game to train participants on bias blind spot (BBS), capturing training effects on BBS mitigation and knowledge at three points in time. Experiment 1 (N = 703) compared the effects of hybrid training (a combination of implicit and explicit training) to implicit training; Experiment 2 (N = 620) tested the effects of just-in-time versus delayed feedback; and Experiment 3 (N = 626) examined the effects of singleplayer versus multiplayer learning environments. We also tested differences in game duration (30 vs. 60 minute play) and repetition (single vs. repeated play). Overall, the video game decreased BBS linearly over time and increased BBS knowledge at posttest, but knowledge decayed at 8-week posttest. These and other results are discussed, along with the implications, limitations, and future research directions
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