177 research outputs found

    The visibility of mission agencies in general and USPG in particular among recently ordained Anglican clergy : an empirical enquiry

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    Attitudes toward mission agencies in general, and toward the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (USPG) in particular, were assessed using two 10-item scales completed by 833 recently ordained Anglican clergy from the UK. Clergy were generally positive toward mission agencies and willing for their churches to engage with them, but more reluctant to form personal links. Most clergy felt agencies should give priority to the relief of poverty and to development needs, rather than to spreading specifically Christian beliefs. Results for the USPG indicated more uncertain responses than for mission agencies generally, which probably indicated a lower visibility for this agency among some clergy, especially evangelicals

    The psychological temperament of Anglican clergy in ordained local ministry (OLM) : the conserving, serving pastor?

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    This study draws on psychological type theory as originally proposed by Jung (1971) and psychological temperament theory as proposed by Keirsey and Bates (1978) to explore the hypothesis that ordained local ministers (OLMs) within the Church of England reflect a psychological profile more in keeping with the profile of Church of England congregations than with the profile of established professional mobile clergy serving in the Church of England. Data provided by 135 individuals recently ordained as OLMs (79 women and 56 men) supported the hypothesis. Compared with established professional mobile clergy there is a higher proportion of the Epimethean Temperament (SJ) among OLMs. Oswald and Kroeger (1988) characterise SJ religious leaders as ‘the conserving, serving pastor’. The implications of these findings are discussed for the evolving ministry of the Church of England

    Attitude toward homosexuality among Anglicans in England: the effects of theological orientation and personality

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    Disapproval of homosexuality (homonegativity) was assessed using a four-item summated scale in a sample of 7,295 readers of the Church Times who were regular worshippers at Anglican churches in England. The theological orientation of respondents was assessed on three scales measuring preference for liberal or conservative, catholic or evangelical, and charismatic or non-charismatic expressions of faith. Individual differences in personality were assessed using the abbreviated form of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised (EPQR-A). Scores on the homonegativity scale were generally high, indicating disapproval of same-sex intercourse, same-sex marriage and the ordination or consecration of practising homosexuals. After allowing for sex and age, the main predictors of homonegativity were the three measures of individual theological orientation, each having an independent and additive effect. All four scales of the EPQR-A predicted homonegativity to some extent, but the most important relationships were a negative correlation with the psychoticism scale and a positive correlation with the lie scale. In liberal catholic and broad churches, it appeared that those who were psychologically most susceptible to social conditioning were most likely to be homonegative, but this was not the case in conservative evangelical churches

    All in the mind? : psychological, social and religious predictors of civic volunteerism among churchgoers in England

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    A number of studies have shown links between volunteerism and a range of sociological and religious variables, mostly based on work from the USA. This study of volunteering among 5220 lay Anglicans in England tested the idea that individual differences in personality could predict civic participation even after allowing for the effects of socio-demographic and religious variables on civic participation. Extraversion significantly increased the probability of civic participation, and the number of different areas of activity among those who did participate. Emotional stability (Neuroticism scale) also significantly increased the chances of volunteering, but not the number of areas of activity among participants. Tender- versus tough-mindedness (Psychoticism scale) had no influence on civic participation in what was a generally tender-minded sample. The results suggest that while socio-demographic factors may affect the opportunities for civic participation, personality and theological orientation may affect the propensity of individuals to participate

    Factors Predicting Engagement With Society Among Anglicans In England

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    This chapter examines five different measures of social engagement among a religiously committed sample of churchgoers in the Church of England. The five measures include a measure of civic participation, three measures of social concern and a measure of social conscience. In each case these dependent variables are compared with predictor variables that are classified into four groups: individual variables, social variables, individual religious variables, and congregational variables. Assessing theological orientation for Anglicans in the Church of England requires a combination of scales that reflect the different historical and theological traditions in the denomination. The chapter is based on analysis of lay people from the Church Times survey of 2001. The results for the analysis of the Civic Participation Index (CPI) have been reported in detail elsewhere and are given in order to compare them with the analyses of social conscience and social concern, presented here for the first time. Keywords: Anglicans; Civic Participation Index (CPI); Englan

    Ecology of the Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) in relation to vole abundance at Eskdalemuir, south Scotland

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D34019/81 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Psychological type and the pulpit : an empirical enquiry concerning preachers and the SIFT method of biblical hermeneutics

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    A sample of 389 experienced preachers completed a measure of psychological type. They then read Mark 1:29-39 and recorded their evaluations of the four reflections on this passage proposed by Francis (1997) and which were derived from the SIFT method of biblical hermeneutics and liturgical preaching. Three main conclusions are drawn from these data. First, compared with the United Kingdom population norms, preachers within this sample were significantly more likely to prefer introversion, intuition, feeling and judging. Second, preachers were four times more likely to prefer a sensing interpretation of the text rather than a thinking interpretation, emphasising the richness of the narrative rather than facing the theological questions posed by it. Third, there was little evidence to suggest that preachers were less likely to appreciate interpretations consonant with their less preferred or inferior function than those consonant with their most preferred or dominant function. In this sense, the richness of the SIFT method should be accessible to preachers of all psychological types
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