4 research outputs found

    The Activities and Aspirations of the Estonian Grassland Society

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    The aim of the Estonian Grassland Society (EGS) is to develop the flow of grassland-based knowledge between different stakeholders and multidisciplinary research and to create international contacts. The EGS is a non-profit organisation and more than 100 interdisciplinary researchers, plant breeders, advisors and farmers are actively involved in the work of the society. The interdisciplinary activities are becoming more and more attractive and important and bring together different target groups. At present seminars, which are focused on the adaptation producers to the EU rules and support system for farmers are attractive. Nowadays the essential goal for the EGS is to find solutions for integrating efficient grassland management and biodiversity, including socio-economic aspects. Novel approaches to combine the benefits for wildlife and the grass producer will be highlighted in the future EGS activities

    Changes in Grass Quality of Coastal Meadows in Estonia

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    In Estonia the reason for reduction in coastal meadows and expansion of the stands of the common reed (Phragmites australis) is the discontinuation of traditional use of grasslands which were previously grazed and cut. Phragmites australis usually produces dense and monospecific stands at the waterline, where species richness is low. It can survive in ungrazed shore meadows, but it suffers from grazing (Tyler, 1969). The investigated Phragmitetum australis association had been influenced by grazing activities, but it remained rather sparse and due to that had relatively low productivity, reaching 3.11 t DM/ha. Traditionally coastal meadows have been used for grazing and have given stable quality of feed and good animal performance. The quality of fodder is an important factor for farms using the coastal areas for grazing. The aim of the study was to determine the changes in quality of the different plant associations in the coastal area