5 research outputs found

    The prevalence of malnutrition and its risk factors in children attending outpatient clinics in the city of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.

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    O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a preval?ncia de desnutri??o e fatores de risco em crian?as de 0-10 anos, atendidas em ambulat?rios em Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. Foi conduzido um estudo epidemiol?gico transversal em uma amostra de 347 crian?as. As entrevistas foram realizadas com os pais ou respons?veis, foram coletados dados socioecon?mico e de consumo alimentar de cada crian?a. Para avalia??o diet?tica utilizou-se um question?rio semiquantitativo de freq??ncia alimentar. Amostras de fezes foram examinas por microsc?pio ?tico. Medidas antropom?tricas foram transformadas em percentis e z-escore e o estado nutricional foi avaliado pelos indicadores do National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) e do Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Fatores de risco associados ? desnutri??o foram analisados usando modelo de regress?o log?stica com efeito aleat?rio. As preval?ncias de baixo peso, d?ficit de estatura e d?ficit de peso foram 18,1, 15,5 e 10,7% pela refer?ncia do CDC e 14,3, 17,3 e 4,4% do NCHS. A preval?ncia de d?ficit de peso foi maior quando estimada pelo CDC em compara??o ao NCHS (p=0,02). A preval?ncia de parasitoses intestinais foi de 58,8%. Os fatores de risco associados a desnutri??o foram: baixo n?vel educacional dos respondentes (OR=4.55), ingest?o cal?rica <54.5 kcal/kg (OR=4.55), crian?as na faixa et?ria de 6-10 anos (OR=3.54), e consulta pedi?trica como motivo de visita ao ambulat?rio (OR=2.71). Na popula??o estudada, desnutri??o (baixo peso, d?ficit de estatura e d?ficit de peso) e infec??o parasit?ria ainda representam um problema de sa?de p?blica. Os fatores de risco confirmam a influ?ncia dos fatores s?cio econ?micos no estado nutricional das crian?as.The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of malnutrition and its risk factors in children aged 0-10 years attending outpatient clinics in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of a population of 347 children was conducted. Data concerning socio-economic levels and food consumption were obtained by interviewing the accompanying guardian of each child. Dietetic evaluation was conducted using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, and faecal samples were examined by optical microscopy. Anthropometric measurements were transformed into percentiles and z-scores, and nutritional status was evaluated by reference to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicators. Factors associated with undernutrition were analysed using a random-effects logistic regression model. The overall prevalences of underweight, stunting and wasting were 18.1, 15.5 and 10.7%, respectively, with reference to CDC growth curves, and 14.3, 17.3 and 4.4%, respectively, with reference to NCHS growth curves. The overall prevalence of wasting was statistical higher according to the CDC reference than that estimated using the NCHS reference (P=0.02). The prevalence rate of intestinal parasites was 58.8%. Risk factors associated with malnutrition were: low educational level of guardian respondent (OR=4.55), energy intake <54.5 kcal/kg (OR=4.55), children in age group 6-10 years (OR=3.54), and attendance at outpatient clinic for paediatric visit (OR=2.71). In the studied population, malnutrition (stunting, underweight and wasting) and parasite infection still represent serious public health problems. The risk factors identified in the present study confirm the influence of socio-economic factors on the nutritional status of children

    Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors are associated with severity of kidney dysfunction in pediatric chronic kidney disease.

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    Background In adult chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, there is a positive association between inflammation and progressive renal dysfunction. Higher levels of soluble receptors of tumor necrosis factor (sTNFR) have been related to worst prognosis of adult CKD patients. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate soluble TNF receptors in children and adolescents with CKD and to search for an association with clinical and laboratory features. Methods Demographic, clinical, anthropometric, and laboratory data were evaluated in 34 pediatric patients with CKD and in 34 healthy sex- and age-matched controls. Blood samples were collected in both groups to measure sTNFR by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The modified Schwartz formula was used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Results Pediatric patients with CKD had significantly higher plasma concentrations of soluble TNF receptors types 1 and 2 (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) in comparison to sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Plasma levels of sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 increased progressively as renal function worsened, being inversely and significantly correlated with GFR (r =???0.853 for sTNFR1 and GFR, r =???0.729 for sTNFR2 and GFR). Conclusions Children and adolescents with CKD exhibited higher plasma levels of sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 than healthy controls, which increased in relation to renal function deterioration. Plasma levels of sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 emerge as markers of progressive CKD in pediatric patients

    10 km running race induces an elevation in the plasma myokine level of nonprofessional runners.

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    Purpose Acute and chronic physical exercise is believed to have benefcial efects on human health. Exercise is also able to modulate immune function. We hypothesed that exercise is able to induce many benefts for human health by modulating immune functions through the production and release of many myokines. Here, we investigated the efects of a running race on the level of plasmatic myokines. Methods Nine male volunteers took part in this study. Blood samples were obtained before, immediately after and 24 h after the race. Results Participants completed the 10 km running race in 49.85?7.04 min. The levels of IL-6 elevated after exercise (0.94?0.4?2.82?0.3 pg/ml). The IL-15 plasma level was also higher immediately after (0.88?0.25?1.29?0.36 pg/ml), and 24 h after (1.30?1.01 pg/ml), the end of the exercise. Irisin increased only 24 h after exercise (632.60?188.40? 974.70?232.30 pg/ml). FABP3 increased after exercise (829.60?68.93?1306.00?319.10 pg/ml). The plasma levels of BDNF (4719.00?701.80?5557.00?810.30 pg/ml) and Fractalkine increased after exercise (101.2?34.96?134.90?43.62 pg/ ml). The level of FSTL (7265.00?1553.00?9074.00?1662.00 pg/ml) and Osteonectin (16.52?3.54?15.71?3.38 pg/ml) also increased after exercise, and then returned to baseline level 24 h after the end of the session. Conclusion Taken together, these results suggest that a 10 km running race induces elevation of important myokine plasma levels

    Strength training session induces important changes on physiological, immunological, and inflammatory biomarkers.

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    Strength exercise is a strategy applied in sports and physical training processes. It may induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The hypertrophy is dependent on the eccentric muscle actions and on the inflammatory response. Here, we evaluate the physiological, immunological, and inflammatory responses induced by a session of strength training with a focus on predominance of the eccentric muscle actions. Twenty volunteers were separated into two groups: the untrained group (UTG) and the trained group (TG). Both groups hold 4 sets of leg press, knee extensor, and leg curl at 65% of personal one-repetition maximum (1RM), 90?s of recovery, and 2conc/3eccen of duration of execution in each repetition. Blood samples were collected immediately before and after, 2 hours after, and 24?h after the end of the exercise session. The single session of strength training elevated the heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), visual analog scale (VAS), and lactate blood level in UTG and TG. Creatine kinase (CK) levels were higher at 2 and 24?h after the end of the exercise in UTG and, in TG, only at 24?h. The number of white blood cells (WBC) and neutrophils increased in UTG and TG, post and 2?h after exercise. Lymphocytes increased postexercise but reduced 2?h after exercise in both groups, while the number of monocytes increased only immediately after the exercise session in UTG and TG. The strength training session elevated the levels of apelin and fatty acid-binding proteins-3 (FABP3) in both groups and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in TG. The single exercise session was capable of inducing elevated HR, RPE, lactate level, and CK levels. This protocol changed the count/total number of circulating immune cells in both groups (UTG and TG) and also increased the level of plasmatic apelin, BDNF, and FLTS1 only in TG and FABP3 myokines in both groups

    Mechanisms underlying fat pad remodeling induced by fasting : role of PAF receptor.

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    Objectives: Fasting has long been practiced for political and religious reasons and to lose weight. However, biological responses during fasting have yet to be fully understood. Previous studies have shown that cytokines may control fat pad expansion, at least in part, owing to the induction of lipolysis. Indeed, we have previously shown that mice with a lower inflammatory response, such as platelet-activating factor receptor knockout mice (PAFR / ), are prone to gain weight and adiposity. The aims of this study were to determine whether adipose tissue becomes inflamed after fasting and to evaluate whether the PAF signaling is a fator in the fat loss induced by fasting. Methods: Wild-type (WT) and PAFR / mice were fasted for 24 h. Adiposity, leukocyte recruitment, and cytokine levels were evaluated. Multiple comparisons were performed using two-way analysis of variance and post hoc Fisher exact test. Results: After fasting, male WT mice showed lower adiposity (P 0.05). Conclusion: Despite low-grade inflammation being associated with metabolic syndrome, at least in part, the inflammatory milieu is also important to induce proper fat mobilization and remodeling of adipose tissue