18 research outputs found

    Achieving Market Leadership: The Next Challenge for Technology Firms from Growing Countries

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    Technology industries tend to follow a "winner-takes-all" model where the whole market belongs to an oligopoly of firms. Those companies are achieving an overriding position with a product or service whose dominant design is adopted by an overwhelming number of customers and makes it a de facto market standard. We have identified seven different moves used by the firms from the developed world to push their technology-intensive solutions to the market so that they become indisputable leaders. They offer a compatible or open technology to generate increasing returns; besides they create a supportive network; they also actively promote their technology through an aggressive branding; they go after the global market in order to reach the maximum volume of users; they minimize their production costs in order to lower their price and get to new customers; finally they constantly invest more than their competitors in order to reach a critical mass which make their solution unavoidable. Technology industries have long been dominated by companies from the developed world. However in the recent years, new players are coming from growing economies, especially from China for high tech products and India for technology services. In this paper, we will explore how those technology companies from growing countries -mostly China and India- can also apply those different actions in order to reach market leadershi

    Una tipología de competencias claves de marketing para la innovación

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    Este trabajo argumenta que falta una taxonomía de las competencias de marketing esenciales para que las innovaciones tengan éxito en el mercado. Intentamos suplir esta carencia proponiendo un modelo que integra dos clases de competencias clave de marketing (CCM) para las empresas que innovan con éxito. La primera categoría de competencias clave está relacionada con la capacidad de la empresa para identificar y conectar con las necesidades reales del mercado a través de la innovación, al preparar la fase de lanzamiento del nuevo producto. Una vez la innovación está en el mercado, interviene un segundo grupo de competencias asociadas a la capacidad de la empresa para aplacar las tensiones de los clientes, facilitar la aceptación de la innovación y convertirla en un éxito a través de su adopción y difusión. Para concluir, se subraya la importancia del papel que tienen estas dos categorías de competencias clave de marketing (CCM) en las empresas innovadoras

    Adaptación al español de una escala de motivación emprendedora

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    This study follows the theoretical framework put forward by Robichaud on entrepreneurial motivation. The objective was to adapt the original French scale of 17 items into Spanish and to analyze its psychometric properties. The participants in the present study were 981 Spanish employees (46.5 % men and 53.5 % women). After carrying out exploratory factor analyses and ESEM (RMSEA = .06; CFI = .95 and TLI = .95), revealed a structure comprised of three factors: Family security (α =.82), Independence and autonomy (α =.83), and Intrinsic motivations (α =.77). These three factors displayed adequate reliability. We also found evidence of validity with regard to a series of external correlates and various scales that have to do with workaholism, irritation and burnout. The present scale may prove useful for adequately identifying entrepreneurial motivation.Este estudio sigue el marco teórico propuesto por Robichaud sobre motivación emprendedora. El objetivo fue adaptar la escala original francesa de 17 ítems al español y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Los participantes del presente estudio fueron 981 empleados españoles (46.5% hombres y 53.5% mujeres). Después de llevar a cabo el análisis factorial exploratorio y el ESEM (RMSEA = .06; CFI = .95 y TLI = .95), se determinó una estructura compuesta de tres factores: Seguridad de la familia (α =.82), Independencia y autonomía (α =.83) y Motivaciones intrínsecas (α =.77). Los tres factores muestran una fiabilidad adecuada. También se encuentran evidencias de validez respecto a una serie de correlatos externos y varias escalas que hacen alusión a la adicción al trabajo, la irritación y el burnout. La presente escala puede resultar adecuada para identificar adecuadamente la motivación emprendedora

    Successful Marketing Strategy for High Tech Firms

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    Key features and importance of professional information technology-based services

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    Professional information technology (IT)-based services are growing rapidly and successfully. However, the academic literature virtually ignores them. This article defines and describes key features of professional IT-based services, focuses on their specific business rules, and pinpoints key success factors and the strategic trade-off necessary for maximum results.Information technology Professional IT-based services High-technology industry


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