176 research outputs found

    Fluid Sloshing Characteristics in Spacecraft Propellant Tanks with Diaphragms

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    All spacecraft are launched from the Earth as payloads on a launch vehicle. During portions of the launch profile, the spacecraft could be subjected to nearly purely translational oscillatory lateral motions as the launch vehicle control system guides the rocket along its flight path. All partially-filled liquids tanks, even those with diaphragms, exhibit sloshing behavior under these conditions and some tanks can place large loads on their support structures if the sloshing is in resonance with the control system oscillation frequency. The objectives of this project were to conduct experiments using a full-scale model of a flight tank to 1) determine whether launch vehicle vibrations can cause the diaphragm to achieve a repeatable configuration, regardless of initial condition, and 2) identify the slosh characteristics of the propellant tank under flight-like lateral motions for different diaphragm shapes and vibration levels. The test results show that 1) the diaphragm shape is not affected by launch vibrations, and 2) the resonance-like behavior of the fluid and diaphragm is strongly affected by the nonlinear stiffness and damping provided by the diaphragm

    A mulher do médico: o despertar do feminino em "Ensaio sobre a cegueira"

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    O trabalho tem a finalidade de mostrar a forma com a qual se constrói a identidade feminina no livro Ensaio sobre a cegueira de José Saramago, discutindo os elementos discursivos que compõem a figura feminina da esposa do médico. Também analisa os discursos produzidos por essa obra literária, buscando sua possível influência em se deparar com uma mulher de papel ínfimo que vai se tornando a heroína da história e demonstrando, assim, uma escrita que acentua as representações femininas. Neste trabalho, analisei os papéis desempenhados pela mulher e esposa do médico no livro que compõem o corpo principal da obra. A partir de uma perspectiva de análise do discurso, procuro manter uma perspectiva que possa vincular a construção de textos literários com a construção de figuras femininas. Os resultados sugerem que, em geral, a imagem feminina circula no imaginário do nosso discurso social. É por meio deles que podemos destacar o discurso do mundo das mulheres versus outros discursos baseados em estereótipos femininos inseridos em diferentes contextos históricos e sociais. Por meio de uma semântica global, tento capturar palavras que pertencem ao universo feminino nas palavras e ações das personagens; ao mesmo tempo, percebe-se que a presença dos temas construídos no livro ajuda a dar sentido à figura feminina. Isso permite determinar que o significado que o livro propõe é um estudo montado a partir de uma visão que, ao mesmo tempo é crítica, mas, por outro lado é de uma humanidade lançada sobre o mundo e sobre as pessoas com que nos relacionamos. Por fim, percebemos que a narrativa construída sobre o papel do feminino em Ensaio sobre a cegueira suscita, de certa forma, um novo olhar para o que podemos chamar de segundo sexo, ou de sexo dependente: seria a mulher da contemporaneidade, aquela com a qual a existência e as ações são de suma importância nesse mundo. Nessa linha, a autoconsciência de todas as personagens femininas, sobretudo a do papel principal, que é a personagem da mulher do médico que foi o policentrismo que deferiu para atingir um lindo e inovador perfil feminino já intrínseco em toda mulher

    Experiências de ensino e aprendizagem: Pibid e a escola

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este estudo apresenta uma análise da vivência de acadêmicas do Curso de Graduação em Letras Português-Inglês, como bolsistas do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID). O objetivo é refletir acerca da experiência de inserção no espaço escolar, durante a participação como bolsistas do PIBID, considerando a formação inicial. Como objetivos específicos destacam-se: analisar as contribuições para os futuros docentes na participação do PIBID; aprender a lidar com a multiplicidade e desafios da rotina escolar; observar os impactos causados nos alunos através dos bolsistas do PIBID. Conclui-se que a participação no PIBID contribuiu significativamente na formação profissional e pessoal, tanto dos bolsistas como dos aluno


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    This article aims to highlight the educational practices for students with deafness in the Specialist Educational Attendance - AEE. In the teaching practice, the main difficulties encountered in the process of school inclusion of people with deafness refer, for example, the lack of sign language and the lack of adequate methodological strategies to a school that respects the uniqueness of the deaf individual. In this scenario, the AEE comes in order to create and improve the conditions for learning and school education for all. This is a theoretical essay based on a critical review of the literature. Discussions on the teaching practices for students with hearing loss in the AEE will be presented focusing on elements that enhance the view of the actual conditions of educating deaf, motivated by the belief in their potential for development and learning. It is necessary to strengthen the functioning of the AEE but in contrast to a use driven by fads and/or the desire of speeches to be only an inclusive practice. Keywords: Deafness Students. Teaching and learning. Specialized educational assistance.En este artículo se pretende poner de manifiesto las prácticas educativas para los estudiantes con sordera en el Atendimiento Educacional Especializado - AEE. En la práctica docente, las principales dificultades encontradas en el proceso de inclusión escolar de las personas con sordera se atribuyen, por ejemplo, al desconocimiento del lenguaje de signos y a la falta de estrategias metodológicas adecuadas para una enseñanza que respete la singularidad de la persona sorda. En este escenario, la AEE surge con el fin de crear y mejorar las condiciones para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza para todos. Se trata de un ensayo teórico basado en una revisión crítica de la literatura. Las discusiones sobre las prácticas pedagógicas para estudiantes con sordera en el AEE se presentarán centrándose en los elementos que mejoren la visión de las condiciones reales del educando sordo, motivadas por la creencia en su potencial de desarrollo y aprendizaje. Es necesario fortalecer el funcionamiento del AEE, pero contraponiéndolo a un uso impulsado por las modas y / o por el deseo de los discursos de ser solamente una práctica inclusiva. Palabras clave: Estudiantes con sordera. Enseñanza y aprendizaje. Atendimiento educacional especializado.Este artigo tem o propósito de evidenciar as práticas pedagógicas para o aluno com surdez no âmbito do Atendimento Educacional Especializado – AEE. Na prática docente, as principais dificuldades encontradas no processo de inclusão escolar de pessoas com surdez referem-se, por exemplo, ao desconhecimento da língua de sinais e a falta de estratégias metodológicas adequadas a um ensino que respeite a singularidade do indivíduo surdo. Diante desse cenário, o AEE surge com o intuito de criar e aprimorar as condições para o aprendizado e o ensino escolar para todos. Trata-se de um ensaio teórico fundamentado numa revisão crítica da literatura. As discussões sobre as práticas pedagógicas para alunos com surdez no âmbito do AEE serão apresentadas focalizando elementos que ampliem a visão sobre as reais condições do educando surdo, motivados pela crença no seu potencial de desenvolvimento e de aprendizagem. É necessário reforçar o funcionamento do AEE, mas se contrapondo a uma utilização movida por modismos e/ou pelo afã dos discursos de ser apenas uma prática inclusiva. Palavras-chave: Alunos com surdez. Ensino e aprendizagem. Atendimento educacional especializado

    Os desdobramentos neurológicos da suplementação do ácido fólico: uma análise da infância à fase adulta

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    This review aims to compile the medical literature on folic acid supplementation and its effective consequences on quality of life and treatment at different ages. Online search platforms (Pubmed, Cochrane and Medline) were used to search for the markers “folic acid”, “supplementation”, “neurology”, “neural development” and “neural diseases”. It is concluded that folic acid supplementation is beneficial at different ages and according to the indicated need, it can present good prognosis for patients with mental disorders, for elderly people in cognitive decline and is essential during pregnancy.Esta revisão objetiva compilar a literatura médica acerca da suplementação de ácido fólico e seus desdobramentos efetivos na qualidade de vida e tratamento em diferentes idades. Foram utilizados plataformas de busca online (Pubmed, Cochrane e Medline) com pesquisa dos marcadores  “folic acid”, “supplementation”, “neurology”, “neural development” e “neural diseases”.  Conclui-se que a suplementação de ácido fólico é benéfica em diferentes idades e de acordo com a necessidade indicada, pode apresentar bons prognósticos para pacientes com transtornos mentais, para idosos em declínio cognitivo e apresenta-se como fundamental durante a gravidez.&nbsp

    Leukotoxicity of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in generalized aggressive periodontitis in Brazilians and their family members

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the leukotoxin promoter types of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans clones in subjects with generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP) and in their family members (FM). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-five patients with GAgP (33.9±7.1 years), 33 of their FM (22.8±11.4 years), and 41 patients with chronic periodontitis (CP) (44.1±9.4 years) were clinically analyzed using the plaque index, gingival index, probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level (CAL). Subgingival biofilm samples were collected from four interproximal periodontal sites (>;PD and >;CAL) of each patient. The presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans and its leukotoxic clone was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: A. actinomycetemcomitans was observed in 23 (51.1%) GAgP patients and 16 (30.1%) CP patients. Thirty-seven (94.8%) patients showed minimally leukotoxic strains and 2 (5.1%) showed highly leukotoxic strains. In the FM group, 10 (30.3%) had aggressive periodontitis (AgP), 12 (36.3%) had CP, 11 (33.3%) were periodontally healthy or had gingivitis, and 12.2% were A. actinomycetemcomitans positive. Greater full mouth PD and CAL were observed in GAgP patients positive for the bacteria than those negative for it (

    1.12 Selection matrix for Brazilian bee species to risk assessment of pesticides

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    Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non‐Apis species in pesticides risk assessment. A selection matrix for Brazilian bee species was built to support the selection process. To be considered as a candidate representative species in the Brazilian agricultural scenario a bee should have a wide geographic distribution, and be recorded in at least 4 agricultural crops. The selection matrix provides a foundation to elect meliponines (stingless bees) as a priority group. Therefore, in the near future Ibama intends to assess the need for changes in the risk assessment procedure for bees, eventually including a stingless bee as a representative species.Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non‐Apis species in pesticides risk assessment. A selection matrix for Brazilian bee species was built to support the selection process. To be considered as a candidate representative species in the Brazilian agricultural scenario a bee should have a wide geographic distribution, and be recorded in at least 4 agricultural crops. The selection matrix provides a foundation to elect meliponines (stingless bees) as a priority group. Therefore, in the near future Ibama intends to assess the need for changes in the risk assessment procedure for bees, eventually including a stingless bee as a representative species

    Anatomy-Physiology of stress and the process of illness

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    Contemporary production organization has imposed a competitive lifestyle on citizens, with the threat of unemployment, long working hours, the need to consume, as well as other difficulties. During stressful events, a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response that secretes the hormone cortisol occurs. Depending on the duration and intensity of the stressor, the high level of cortisol may cause pathologies. The present study sought to understand the anatomical and physiological bases of the process of illness caused by chronic stress. Among the most studied pathologies caused by hypercortisolism are hypertension, increased blood glucose, muscle weakness, stretch marks, osteoporosis, obesity, degeneration of the brain and reduction of immunity. It is important to emphasize that people emit different responses to stress, so that the signs and symptoms will not be equal among the affected. Finally, any public or private initiative that establishes social, economic and emotional stability can suppress the pathologies associated with stress.Contemporary production organization has imposed a competitive lifestyle on citizens, with the threat of unemployment, long working hours, the need to consume, as well as other difficulties. During stressful events, a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response that secretes the hormone cortisol occurs. Depending on the duration and intensity of the stressor, the high level of cortisol may cause pathologies. The present study sought to understand the anatomical and physiological bases of the process of illness caused by chronic stress. Among the most studied pathologies caused by hypercortisolism are hypertension, increased blood glucose, muscle weakness, stretch marks, osteoporosis, obesity, degeneration of the brain and reduction of immunity. It is important to emphasize that people emit different responses to stress, so that the signs and symptoms will not be equal among the affected. Finally, any public or private initiative that establishes social, economic and emotional stability can suppress the pathologies associated with stress