64 research outputs found

    The main topic around the birth of academic start-up: a selective review

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    The role of Intellectual Capital has become increasingly important in the modern competitive sys-tem. The main objective of this study is to analyse the role and the relationship between Intellectual Capital and academic entrepreneurship. The Intellectual Capital in the Universities - created or existent - is not capable by itself to generate new entrepreneurship. For this reason, it is necessary to understand all the changes that the Intellectual Capital undertakes to become entrepreneurship. The final aim of this research is to understand how Intellectual Capital is changed over time during the process of creation of new academic entrepreneurship. The used methodology is divided in two phases. In a first phase we proceed to an analysis of the lit-erature; in the second phase, we will attempt to theorize the main aspects of the relationship between IC and academic entrepreneurship.The outcomes of this study have different implications. First of all the results will help the university to better manage the process of exploitation of the Intellectual Capital produced through the spin-off creation. At the same time, the findings can help the external actors of the university to understand the business opportunities based on Intellectual Capital and competitive advantage in the marke


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    Il lavoro, partendo da un excursus delle politiche pubbliche che hanno incentivato le imprese sociali dalla loro introduzione nel sistema italiano (D.lgs. 155/2006), ha voluto impostare le premesse per un futuro uno studio sull’impatto economico di tali politiche sul Prodotto Interno Lordo calabrese. Tale risultato verrà raggiunto in una successiva ricerca che, partendo dalla considerazioni di questo lavoro, e tramite implementazione del modello di regressione esposto, andrà a individuare le variabili più coerenti per definire il trend del Prodotto Interno Lordo calabrese, con lo scopo di comprendere il peso economico delle imprese sociali. Il paper, che rappresenta il primo step di un processo di analisi più ampio, intende indagare l’impatto delle principali variabili, sia dal punto di vista quantitativo sia dal punto di vista qualitativo, delle politiche pubbliche di incentivazione delle imprese sociali avuto sull’economia calabrese e sul tessuto imprenditoriale. A livello europeo le politiche pubbliche volte a migliorare la situazione delle imprese sociali si distinguono in tre linee d’intervento: 1) agevolare l’accesso ai finanziamenti; 2) dare loro maggiore visibilità; 3) ottimizzare il quadro giuridico. L’ammontare dei fondi pubblici stanziati a beneficio delle imprese sociali sono oltre 85 milioni di euro. Si tratta di ingenti finanziamenti che, senza adeguate policies, rischiano di essere rilevarsi un enorme spreco dato l’impatto delle stesse imprese sociali sullo sviluppo economico locale. L’intento, quindi, è quello fornire delle riflessioni sulle politiche pubbliche

    Agri-Food Firms and Knowledge in Uncertain Times: A Research Agenda

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    The current competitive context - highly uncertain and rapidly changing - requires organizations to exploit resources such as knowledge and innovation. The introduction of new knowledge within organizations represents a response to the changes and uncertainty of the competitive environment. Not all organizations are able to generate new knowledge - useful for generating competitive advantage - internally. For this reason, they must establish inter-organizational relationships with the main producers and disseminators of new knowledge. The main producers and disseminators of new knowledge are the Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). There is a strong integration between the university system and the business system. For this reason, understanding the relationships between organizations and universities represents a perspective of analysis as a response to uncertainty. This study is based on a systemic review of the literature methodology. The literature review is based on two multidisciplinary databases (SCOPUS and WEB of SCIENCE). Subsequently, the selected scientific documents - through a search string and following the PRISMA protocol (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes) - were processed through bibliometric software to highlight some aspects of the scientific landscape such as co-citation analysis, keywords most used and relationship between keywords. The results of this study offer a mapping of the main theories on agrifood firms and inter-organizational relationships with university structures - under the perspective of knowledge management - as a response to the continuous changes of the external environmen

    Corporate Museum and Organizational Memory in AgriFood Organization Sector

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    The competitive environment is becoming more complex. For this reason, it is called VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). Firms must identify new ways to maintain and increase their competitive advantage. Firms based their competitive advantage on the enhancement of knowledge and innovation. From this perspective, despite the vast literature on KM, corporate museums represent a little observed phenomenon. Corporate museums represent a new mechanism for the enhancement of knowledge and organizational memory. Despite this, studies on corporate museums focus only on the aspects of marketing and corporate branding. Few studies have addressed this phenomenon from the point of view of organizational memory and knowledge transfer. This study fits into this gap in the academic debate. From the point of view of organizational theory, the study analyzes the phenomenon of the corporate museum as a mechanism for transferring knowledge and organizational memory. This work uses a descriptive qualitative methodology. The study analyzes information from a public dataset. The analyzes focus on corporate museums in Italy, with particular attention to the agri-food sector. The results of this study highlight that the corporate museum assumes a strategic value to reduce the risk of “organizational oblivion” and increase the sharing of organizational culture. This study offers some initial observations on the phenomenon of the business museum and on the relationship with organizational memor

    L'impatto sul personale dipendente dei processi di pianificazione strategica e di riorganizzazione aziendale

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    L’impatto sul personale dipendente dei processi di pianificazione strategica e di riorganizzazione aziendal

    Rethink university system: toward entrepreneurial university

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    Purpose – The role of knowledge has become increasingly important in the modern economic system. The knowledge is the main strategic asset for the creation and growth of new firms. For this reason, the higher educational system play a role in the national innovation process. The main objective of this exploratory study investigates on modern changes in the education system of today. The study will be to understand the relational context in the process of creating academic spin-offs (ASOs). In particular, the analysis of the coordination and relation mechanisms in the process can show how different geographies factors, with different mechanism of relations, can favour the creation of new academic entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of entrepreneurial universities are based on the views of many famous scientists, namely, Audretsch (2014), Awbrey (2003), Etzkowitz and Zhou (2008), Guerrero et al. (2016), Rasmussen and Wright (2015), Walshok and Shapiro (2014), Jacob et al. (2003), Dominici and Levanti (2015), Sharif and Baark (2008), Wright and Fu (2015) etc. We propose an approach divided in two-step. In the first step we want to make a longitudinal study on literature of educational system, academic entrepreneurship and spinoffs. In particular, we want to understand the main challenges that the higher educational system faces in the modern economic system. In the second phase, by a cross analysis of databases we will attempt to theorize the main aspects of the recent changes on higher educational system. The first database7 created from the collaboration between the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Marche, Netval and Institute of Management of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, which collects all the spin-offs in Italy. The data have been observed until the date of 08/14/2016. At that date, the spin-offs appear to be no. 1287. The large number of sample being analyzed has allowed highlighting different aspects of the phenomenon. The other databases include the data on incubators and universities9 in Italy. All databases are public. In this work, we use qualitative and descriptive tools. Originality/value – The paper wants to examine the current role of the university in modern economic system. The originality of this investigation lies in its ability to offer a picture and first analysis about main actors and of the entrepreneurial university system. In particular, we offer several consideration about the entrepreneurial university and spin-off system. The continuous changes of university system generates profound on academic spinoff. This study highlights these changes. Practical implications – The outcomes of this study have different implications. First of all the results will help the university to better manage the process of changes and exploitation of the academic knowledge through the spin-off creation. At the same time, the findings can help the external actors of the university to understand the business opportunities based on academic knowledge and competitive advantage in the market

    Rethinking the university system: toward the entrepreneurial university (the case of Italy)

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate contemporary changes in the education system. In particular, an analysis of the mechanisms of coordination and communication involved in the process can show how different geographical factors with different relational mechanisms may contribute to the creation of a new academic entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – The authors propose a methodology with two-step approach. In the first part of the paper, they use a theoretical approach to carry out a longitudinal study of academic literature on the topics of “entrepreneurial university,” “academic entrepreneurship” and “spin-off organizations.” In the second part, they use cross-database analysis to theorize the main aspects of recent developments in higher education in Italy. To this end, the authors use three public and open-access databases on spin-offs, universities and higher education institutions and incubators in Italy. Findings – First, issues relating to the formation and best practices of entrepreneurial universities are discussed, based on the works of researchers from 25 countries. Second, a hypothesis is put forward to suggest that the organizational model of entrepreneurial university affects microeconomic competitiveness. Third, a case study of Italian spin-off organizations suggests that the number of incubators and spin-offs, and the type of academic knowledge, all directly affect the entrepreneurial university. Originality/value – This paper aims to examine the role of the university in the modern economic system. The originality of this investigation lies in its ability to offer a picture and first analysis of the main actors and of the entrepreneurial university system


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    Purpose – This study aims to analyze the levels of Culture Shock (CS) that university students manifest after the period of Distance Learning and physical return to university structures. The research deals with the phenomenon from the theoretical perspective of human resource development (HRD). Design/methodology/approach –Data were collected through a Mumford (1998) questionnaire for the measurement of culture shock (CSQ). 341 questionnaires were collected. The survey sample is made up of university students from 5 Italian universities. Statistical analyzes were carried out to test the hypotheses. Originality/value – The main innovation of this study consists in evaluating the culture shock of university students, in the phase of returning to university structures, after the distance learning period. Additionally, the study offers an original application to Mumford's (1998) CSQ questionnaire. Findings - The results show that university students suffer from culture shock upon returning to university structures after the distance learning. The category of university students most affected by culture shock are women, from large universities with an average age of over 30 Practical implications – The results of this study show that universities should focus their attention on the psychological and emotional well-being of student

    Organizational Memory and Knowledge Transfer in Agri-Food Organization: the Corporate Museum Way

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    Corporate museums represent an unexplored phenomenon under various aspects. In fact, numerous studies on corporate museum focus on marketing aspects. Although, the first corporate museums appeared in the early 1900s, few studies have addressed this phenomenon from the perspective of organizational memory and the transfer of knowledge. This study fits into this gap in the literature. From the perspective of organizational theory, the study analyzes the phenomenon of the corporate museum as a mechanism for knowledge transfer and organizational memory. To achieve this goal, this work uses a descriptive qualitative methodology, based on the analysis of a public dataset. The corporate museums in Italy were analyzed, with particular attention to the agri-food sector. The results of this study, highlight that the corporate museum assumes a strategic value to reduce the risk of \u201corganizational forgetting\u201d and increase the sharing of organizational culture. This study offers some first observations on the phenomenon of the corporate museum and the relationship with organizational memor

    Il contratto di rete e la gestione delle risorse umane. Inquadramento normativo del fenomeno

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    Il 2018 è stato definito da più parti l’anno del ritorno alla terra da parte dei giovani. L’Italia, con quasi 55mila aziende agricole giovanili, è, infatti, il primo Paese in Europa per la presenza di giovani agricoltori sotto i trentacinque anni. Tra il 2016 e il 2017 si è riscontrato un aumento del 6% dei cosiddetti Millennial farmers. I giovani non sembrano spaventati dalle problematiche operative e gestionali dell’agroalimentare, che unisce le peculiarità dell’economia del settore primario – di complicata razionalizzazione – alle più consuete logiche di mercato del mondo industriale. In questo scenario nasce il Convegno Nazionale dell’Unione Giovani Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili che si terrà a Foggia dal 4 al 5 ottobre 2018, dal tema “Il dottore commercialista attore nell’Agri-food italiano: analisi del business e strategie per la crescita”
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