10 research outputs found

    Dendroflora grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću ā€“ na primjeru parkova zagrebačke Zelene potkove, parkova Ribnjak, Maksimir i TuÅ”kanac

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    Although the city of Zagreb has a long tradition of designing gardens and city green areas, the data on the species used are mostly recent and refer primarily to the 20th and 21st centuries. On the other hand, references to the species used in the design of public and private green areas in the 19th century are rare, i.e. they are mentioned only sporadically and marginally within the literature that deals with the wider history of Zagreb or the history of Zagreb\u27s landscape architecture. The aim of this work was to determine the woody species used in the landscaping of public green areas of the city of Zagreb in the 19th century. The analysis was carried out with the use of available literature data. Based on the secondary literature sources used, a database of ornamental woody species that were used on public green areas of the city of Zagreb in the 19th century was compiled. Data were collected on the species used, year (or other time frame) of mention, purpose and specific location. Research has established that in the 19th century deciduous tree species were mostly used as alley trees or solitaires. The most frequently planted species were from the genera: Platanus, Acer, Populus, Liriodendron, Betula, Tilia and Morus, and, from the woody climbers, ivy (Hedera helix) and vines (Vitis vinifera) were noted. Roses (Rosa spp.) were widely used.Premda grad Zagreb ima dugu tradiciju uređenja vrtova i gradskih zelenih povrÅ”ina, podaci o vrstama koje se pritom koriste su uglavnom novijeg datuma i odnose se prvenstveno na 20. i 21. stoljeće. S druge strane, navodi o vrstama koje su se koristile u uređenju javnih i privatnih zelenih povrÅ”ina u 19. stoljeću su rijetki tj. spominju se tek sporadično i marginalno u sklopu literature koja obrađuje Å”iru povijest Zagreba ili povijest zagrebačke krajobrazne arhitekture. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi koje su drvenaste vrste koriÅ”tene u uređenju javnih povrÅ”ina zelenila grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću. Analiza je provedena uz upotrebu dostupnih literaturnih podataka. Na temelju sekundarnih izvora podataka, sastavljena je baza ukrasnih drvenastih vrsta koje su se sadile na javnim povrÅ”inama zelenila grada Zagreba u 19. stoljeću. Sakupljeni su podaci o koriÅ”tenim vrstama, godini (ili drugoj vremenskoj odrednici) spominjanja, namjeni te specifičnoj lokaciji. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da su u 19. stoljeću uglavnom u primjeni listopadne stablaÅ”ice kao alejna stabla, grupacije stabala ili soliteri. NajčeŔće sađene vrste bile su iz rodova: Platanus, Acer, Populus, Liriodendron, Betula, Tilia i Morus, a od drvenastih penjačica zabilježene su brÅ”ljan (Hedera helix) i vinova loza (Vitis vinifera). Naveliko su se koristile ruže (Rosa spp.)

    Posttraumatic stress disorder of Croatian soliders at east-slavonian front

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    Hrvatski su branitelji u Istočnoj Slavoniji gotovo godinu dana izloženi brutalnoj agresiji tehnički nadmoćnijeg neprijatelja. U ovom ratu, punom teÅ”kih stresova, oni najčeŔće gube život poslije potpisanih primirja. Autori svi testirali skalom kriterija za posttraumatski stresni poremećaj 200 slučajno izabranih hrvatskih vojnika koji su na prvim linijama obrane proveli viÅ”e od 3 mjeseca. Impresivan je broj vojnika koji zadovoljavaju kriterije za ovaj poremećaj, a obavljaju borbene zadatke ne tražeći psiholoÅ”ko-psihijatrijsku pomoć. Zanemariv je broj onih koji ovaj rat podnose bez ikakvih psihičkih smetnji.Croatian defenders in East - Slavonia have been exposed to brutal aggresion of the technically superior enemy for almost one year. In this war, full of severe stress they usually loose their lives ƶfter cease five singing. The authors tested 200 randomly selected Croatian soldiers, who had spent more than 3 months at the first defence live, by scale of PTSD criteria. The number of the soldiers who ful-fifled a requirement for PTSD and still perform their duties without asking for psychological and psychiatric help in impressive. The number of those who experience this war without mental disturbances is negligible

    Posttraumatic stress disorder of Croatian soliders at east-slavonian front

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    Hrvatski su branitelji u Istočnoj Slavoniji gotovo godinu dana izloženi brutalnoj agresiji tehnički nadmoćnijeg neprijatelja. U ovom ratu, punom teÅ”kih stresova, oni najčeŔće gube život poslije potpisanih primirja. Autori svi testirali skalom kriterija za posttraumatski stresni poremećaj 200 slučajno izabranih hrvatskih vojnika koji su na prvim linijama obrane proveli viÅ”e od 3 mjeseca. Impresivan je broj vojnika koji zadovoljavaju kriterije za ovaj poremećaj, a obavljaju borbene zadatke ne tražeći psiholoÅ”ko-psihijatrijsku pomoć. Zanemariv je broj onih koji ovaj rat podnose bez ikakvih psihičkih smetnji.Croatian defenders in East - Slavonia have been exposed to brutal aggresion of the technically superior enemy for almost one year. In this war, full of severe stress they usually loose their lives ƶfter cease five singing. The authors tested 200 randomly selected Croatian soldiers, who had spent more than 3 months at the first defence live, by scale of PTSD criteria. The number of the soldiers who ful-fifled a requirement for PTSD and still perform their duties without asking for psychological and psychiatric help in impressive. The number of those who experience this war without mental disturbances is negligible

    Frequency of PTSD among hospitalized patients in the period 1993-1995

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    Autori su promatrali pojavnost PTSP-a kao jedinog poremećaja, ali i PTSP uz druge psihičke poremećaje hospitaliziranih odraslih bolesnika na Psihijatrijskoj klinici u Osijeku kroz tri godine (1993., 1994. i 1995. g.). Uočili su relativno mali broj bolesnika sa PTSP-om u prvoj godini praćenja pojavnosti (3% od ukupnog broja liječenih bolesnika), da bi se narednih godina taj broj upadno povećavao (1994. godine 12,17%, 1995. godine 20,57%). Prema dobnim skupinama najčeŔće su obolijevale osobe od 31 do 40. godine života (43,35%), a prema spolu, kroz sve tri promatrane godine, izrazito je zastupljen veći broj muÅ”karaca u odnosu na žene (86,47% : 13,53%), Å”to je i razumljivo jer su kod oboljelih dominirali pripadnici HV i policije. Samo je 1993. godine obolijevao veći broj civila u odnosu na uniformirane osobe (3,9% : 2,75%) dok su 1994. i 1995. godine pripadnici vojske i policije čeŔće obolijevali odnosu na civile. Å to se tiče bračnog stanja, kroz sve godine čeŔće su obolijevali od PTSP-a i drugih psihičkih poremećaja oženjeni, odnosno udane osobe (69,5% u promatranom uzorku). Uz PTSP, najčeŔći psihički poremećaji bili su iz grupe neurotskih poremećaja (28,9%), alkoholizma (8,2 6%), disocijalnih poremećaja osobnosti (5,73%), psihosomatske reakcije (4,13%), depresija (3,44%), psihotične reakcije (3,44%), organskog psihosindroma (3,21%), te manji broj psihoza - Sch (1,38%). Javljanje drugih dijagnostičkih skupina je zanemarivo. Autori ostavljaju za raspravu sve učestaliju pojavnost PTSP-a samog i s drugim dijagnostičkim skupinama, sugeriraju potrebitost daljeg praćenja pojavnosti s pomenutih psihičkih poremećaja, kao i ujednačenost kriterija pri dijagnosticiranju PTSP-a.The authors observed the occurrence of PTSD as a single disorder or combined with other psychic disturbances in adult patients hospitalized at the Clinic of Psychiatry in Osijek in the period from 1993 -1995. In the first year the number of cases with PTSD was quite small (3% of the total number of treated patients), but it increased rapidly in the following years (12.17% in 1994 and 20.57% in 1995). Patients aged 31-40 years suffered most frequently. In all three years of observation there was a notably higher number of males, compared to the females (86.47%: 13.53%), which is understandable since a dominant number of patients belonged to army or police forces. Only in 1993 were the more civilians suffering from the illness than the members of police and military were. As for marital status, married people suffered from PTSD and other psychic disturbances most often (69.5%). Beside PTSD, the most frequent psychic disturbances were general anxious disturbances (28.9%), alcoholism (8.26%), personality disorders (5.73%), psychosomatic reactions (4.13%). depression (3.44%), psychotic reactions (3.44%), organic psycho-syndrome (3.2 1%) and a small number of psychoses (1.38%). The occurrence of other diagnostic groups was insignificant. The authors offer discussion on increasing occurrence of PTSD alone and with other diagnostic groups in the observed period. They suggest the need for further observation of the stated psychic disturbances as well as for setting equal criteria for PTSD diagnosis

    Partial hospitalisation in psychiatry

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    Parcijalna hospitalizacija kao način liječenja psihijatrijskih poremećaja razvijala se tijekom viÅ”e od 50 godina. Cilj parcijalne hospitalizacije je popuniti prazninu između bolničkog načina liječenja s jedne strane i ambulantnog načina liječenja s druge strane. Kao dio sveukupne psihijatrijske službe parcijalna hospitalizacija pruža viÅ”e mogućnosti i za bolesnike i za profesionalno osoblje nego ambulantni način liječenja, a također u isto vrijeme prevenira bolničko liječenje. Možemo razlikovati nekoliko tipova podjela parcijalne hospitalizacije kao i nabrajati mnogorodne i raznovrsne funkcije. Ovim člankom ćemo pružiti pregled razvoja parcijalne hospitalizacije kroz povijest, vrste kao i funkcije parcijalne hospitalizacije.Partial hospitalisation as a treatment modality for psychiatric disorders has been evolving over more than 50 years. In terms of treatment intensity, partial hospitalisation aims to fill the wide gap between in-patient or full-time hospitalisation on one hand and outpatient treatment on the other. As a part of the comprehensive psychiatric service, partial hospitalisation has the potential for patients and professional staff to offer more than low frequency out-patient visits while at the same time it prevents the disadvantages of hospital admission. We can distinguish several types of partial hospitalisation as well its diverse functions. This paper will present retrospection of partial hospitalisation through history, its types and its functions

    Paranoid states treated at the Department of psychiatry in Osijek (possibility of sociotherapy)

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    Autori su u svom radu analizirali paranoidna stanja (Å”ifre: 290,2; 291,5; 295,3; 297; 298,3 i 301,0), liječena na Psihijatrijskoj klinici u Osijeku tijekom Å”est godina (od osnutka Psihijatrijske klinike 1987. godine do 1992. godine). Ukratko se osvrću na teorijske koncepte socioterapije - posebno u stacionarnim uvjetima. Terapijski tim (psihijatar, psiholog, socijalni radnik, radni terapeut, glazboterapeut, medicinska sestra) odlučivao je o vremenu uključivanja bolesnika u socioterapijske postupke, a nakon akutne faze bolesti, uz prethodnu primjenu psihofarmakoterapije i relativnog smirivanja bolesnika. Terapijski tim se s bolesnicima sastajao na određenom mjestu u određeno vrijeme. Nakon početne sumnjičavosti bolesnika, terapijski tim aktivno je nastojao uspostaviti komunikaciju među bolesnicima u stacionaru, najčeŔće aktualizirajući događanja na Kliničkom odjelu. Autori spominju nekoliko načina socioterapijskih postupaka: grupne sastanke, radnookupacijsku terapiju i glazboterapiju. Uočavali su početne poteÅ”koće uključivanja bolesnika u socioterapijske postupke. Autori se posebno osvrću na poteÅ”koće odvijanja socioterapije za vrijeme rata u neprikladnim, improviziranim podrumskim prostorima, govore o Ā»Psihijatriji bez vrataĀ«. Autori socioterapiju smatraju sastavnim dijelom liječenja paranoidnih stanja uz farmakoterapiju. Ističu osobitu važnost bolničkog ozračja koje se osniva na liberalizaciji i humanizaciji, te socijalizaciji duÅ”evnih bolesnika s paranoidnim stanjima.The authors analysed in their work paranoid delusions (code 290,2; 291,5; 295,3; 297; 298,3 and 301,0) that have been treated at the Osijek Psychiatry Clinic during the last 6 (six) years (from 1987 - When the Clinic was opened to 1992.). The authors deal briefly with the theoretical outlines of sociotherapy - especially in stationary conditions. The entire therapy team (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, occupational, music therapist and nurse) decided about the time of including patients into the Sociotherapeutic treatment, after the acute phase of the illness that followed after the use of psychopharmacotherapy and relative soothing of the patient. The therapy team was meeting with the patients at certain places at definite time. After the first suspicion disappeared, the therapy team tried activly to establish communication aniong the patients at the stationary, mostly by actualizing the events from that Clinic ward. The authors mention several kinds of sociotherapeutic treatments group meetings, occupational therapy as well as music-therapy. They were noticing difficulties in joining the patients to these sociotherapeutic treatments. The authors pay a special attention to the difficulties of the therapy that occured during the was in inadequate improvised basement rooms; they talk about the Ā»Psychiatry with no doorsĀ«. The authors consider the Sociotherapy to be a component part of treating paranoic delusions in pharmacotherapy. They point out the importance of good hospital atmosphere that is based on liberalization and humanization as well as sozialisation of mental patients with paranoic delusions

    Suicide epidemiology in Osijek area

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    U raduje prikazano epidemioloÅ”ko istraživanje samoubojstava na osječkom području od 1986. do 2000. godine. Autori uspoređuju pojavnost suicida kroz prijeratno, ratno i poratno razdoblje u odnosu na spol, dob, vrijeme i način izvrÅ”enja te vjerojatnost motiva po miÅ”ljenju okoline. Uočen je porast suicida u prve tri ratne godine i poratnoj 1997. godini. Prema načinu izvrÅ”enja suicida dominira vjeÅ”anje, dok u ratnom i poratnom razdoblju značajno raste upotreba vatrenog oružja i eksplozivnih tijela uz značajno povećanu potroÅ”nju alkohola.. Vjerojatnost motiva kroz sva tri razdoblja je krizno stanje i/ili tjelesna bolest.This study presents epidemiological research on suicide in Osijek area from 1986 to 2000. The authors analyze the rate of suicides during peace, war and postwar period, in relation to gender, age, time, method and possible motives for committing suicide. Higher suicide rates were recorded in the first three years of the war period and in the postwar year 1997. Concerning the method of suicide, the suicide by hanging dominates, however, during the war and postwar period the use of firearms and explosives increased along with significantly higher alcohol abuse. The possible motives during all three periods are crisis and/or physical illness

    Posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans with a limb amputation

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    Istraživanje je provedeno u skupini veterana s amputacijom jednog ili oba donja ekstremiteta. Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi pojavnost i obilježja posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja uzrokovanog ratnom traumom u veterana s amputacijom. U skladu s DSM-IV klasifikacijom i rezultatima na CAPS-u u skupini veterana s amputacijom 55% ispitanika udovoljava dijagnostičkim kriterijima za posttraumatski stresni poremećaj. Traumatski događaj u ispitivanoj skupini je gubitak noge praćen strahom. Izraženi su simptomi iz skupine izbjegavanja i povlačenja i simptom iz skupine pojačane podražljivosti. Subjektivna uznemirenost je umjerena s mogućnoŔću kontrole, dok je socijalno funkcioniranje koje uključuje partnerski odnos, obiteljske uloge, roditeljsku ulogu, kontakte s drugima i uključenost u zajednicu te radno funkcioniranje koje se odnosi na sudjelovanje u kućnim aktivnostima i Å”kolovanje, sukladno preostalim sposobnostima, oÅ”tećeno.The research has been carried out on a group of war veterans with the amputation of one or both lower limbs. The aim of the research was to establish the manifestation and the characteristics of PTSD caused by a war trauma in veterans with an amputation or amputations. In accordance with DSM-IV classification and the results on CAPS in a group of veterans with amputation, it has been concluded that 55% of amputees meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The traumatic experience in the group is the loss of a leg accompanied by fear. The expressed symptoms are. those of avoidance and withdrawal, as well as the symptom from the group of increased irritability/ excitability. Subjective agitation/perturbation in the group is moderate with the possibility of control and the social functioning which includes partnership, family roles, parental role, contacts with other people and engagement in the community as well as working activities which refer to household activities and additional education according to residual abilities, is damaged

    Posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans with a limb amputation

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    Istraživanje je provedeno u skupini veterana s amputacijom jednog ili oba donja ekstremiteta. Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi pojavnost i obilježja posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja uzrokovanog ratnom traumom u veterana s amputacijom. U skladu s DSM-IV klasifikacijom i rezultatima na CAPS-u u skupini veterana s amputacijom 55% ispitanika udovoljava dijagnostičkim kriterijima za posttraumatski stresni poremećaj. Traumatski događaj u ispitivanoj skupini je gubitak noge praćen strahom. Izraženi su simptomi iz skupine izbjegavanja i povlačenja i simptom iz skupine pojačane podražljivosti. Subjektivna uznemirenost je umjerena s mogućnoŔću kontrole, dok je socijalno funkcioniranje koje uključuje partnerski odnos, obiteljske uloge, roditeljsku ulogu, kontakte s drugima i uključenost u zajednicu te radno funkcioniranje koje se odnosi na sudjelovanje u kućnim aktivnostima i Å”kolovanje, sukladno preostalim sposobnostima, oÅ”tećeno.The research has been carried out on a group of war veterans with the amputation of one or both lower limbs. The aim of the research was to establish the manifestation and the characteristics of PTSD caused by a war trauma in veterans with an amputation or amputations. In accordance with DSM-IV classification and the results on CAPS in a group of veterans with amputation, it has been concluded that 55% of amputees meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The traumatic experience in the group is the loss of a leg accompanied by fear. The expressed symptoms are. those of avoidance and withdrawal, as well as the symptom from the group of increased irritability/ excitability. Subjective agitation/perturbation in the group is moderate with the possibility of control and the social functioning which includes partnership, family roles, parental role, contacts with other people and engagement in the community as well as working activities which refer to household activities and additional education according to residual abilities, is damaged