52 research outputs found

    Učinak začina i različitih biljaka na preživljavanje i rast bakterije Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

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    In this study, the antibacterial activity of a total of 16 spices at a final concentration of 2.5 % against V. parahaemolyticus at two different temperatures, 5 and 37 ºC, was tested. Anise seed, chili, cloves, cinnamon, coriander seed, cumin, curry, garlic, ginger, oregano, paprika, black and white pepper, rosemary, thyme and turmeric, were collected from a retail store from the same producer. Prior to antibacterial screening, the spices were analyzed using standard microbiological procedures for: aerobic spore forming bacteria, sulfite-reducing clostridia, yeast and molds, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci, and the presence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. For detection of anti-Vibrio activity, the same amount of V. parahaemolyticus culture in NaCl-BHI broth, at 104 cfu/mL, was added to the 5 % suspension of spices, incubated for 24 h and then inoculated onto TCBS agar. After screening, minimal inhibitory concentrations were determined for spices, which showed strong antimicrobial activity. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli and coagulase-positive staphylococci were not detected in any of the spice samples. Aerobic spore forming bacteria were present in 93.7 %, sulfite reducing clostridia in 43.7 %, yeasts in 12.5 %, molds in 62.5 % and Enterobacteriaceae in 18.7 % of the spice samples. At 5 °C, all spices except anise and coriander seed showed antibacterial activity against V. parahaemolyticus, with viable count reduced by at least 1 log; strong antibacterial activities at this temperature were found for oregano, garlic, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, curry, rosemary, ginger and turmeric. Oregano, garlic, thyme, cloves and cinnamon showed strong antibacterial activity at 37 °C. The lowest minimal inhibitory concentration at 37 °C was 0.078 % in cloves, and at 5 °C was 0.0012 % in turmeric. The effect of the accompanying microflora of the spices on the number of V. parahaemolyticus was not observed. This result showed that some spices have potential for reducing the risk of contaminating V. parahaemolyticus in seafood, combined with low temperature.U ovom istraživanju pretražena je antibakterijska aktivnost ukupno 16 začina finalne koncentracije 2,5 % prema V. parahaemolyticus, na temperaturi od 5 i 37 ºC. Anis, čili, klinčić, cimet, korijander, kumin, curry, češnjak, đumbir, origano, paprika, crni i bijeli papar, ružmarin, timijan i kurkuma, kupljeni su u maloprodaji od istog proizvođača. Prije pretraživanja antibakterijske aktivnosti, začini su pretraženi standardnim mikrobiološkim postupcima na: aerobne sporogene bakterije, sulfitreducirajuće klostridije, kvasce i plijesni, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke, te prisutnost bakterija Salmonella spp. i Listeria monocytogenes. Za utvrđivanje anti-vibrio aktivnosti, 5 % otopini začina dodana je kultura V. parahaemolyticus u NaCl-BHI bujonu u broju 104 cfu/mL, te je uslijedila inkubacija 24 sata, a zatim nacjepljivanje na TCBS agar. Nakon utvrđivanja antibakterijske aktivnosti, utvrđena je i minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija za začine koji su pokazali jaku aktivnost. Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli i koagulaza-pozitivni stafilokoki nisu nađeni niti u jednom uzorku začina. Aerobne sporogene bakterije utvrđene su u 93,7 %, sulfitreducirajuće klostridije u 43,7 %, kvasci u 12,5 %, plijesni u 62,5 % i Enterobacteriaceae u 18,7 % uzoraka začina. Na temperaturi od 5 °C, svi začini osim anisa i korijandera pokazali su antibakterijsku aktivnost protiv V. parahaemolyticus smanjivši ukupan broj bakterija za najmanje 1 log cfu/mL, a jaku antibakterijsku aktivnost na toj temperaturi pokazali su origano, češnjak, timijan, klinčić, cimet, curry, ružmarin, đumbir i kurkuma. Na 37 °C, origano, češnjak, timijan, klinčić i cimet su pokazali antibakterijsku aktivnost, i to jaku. Minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija na 37 °C bila je 0,078 % za klinčić, i 0,0012 % za kurkumu na 5 °C. Nije primijećen utjecaj prateće mikroflore začina na broj V. parahaemolyticus. Ovi rezultati su pokazali da neki začini imaju potencijal za smanjenje rizika od V. parahaemolyticus u proizvodima ribarstva, a u kombinaciji s niskom temperaturom


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    I male greške u komunikaciji o rizicima u hrani mogu narušiti ugled i povjerenje u institucije ukljucene u sustav sigurnosti hrane ili proizvoace hrane i srušiti trud koji je potrebno godinama ulagati u izgradnju povjerenja kod potrošaca. U kriznim situacijama tvrtke koje proizvode hranu mogu se preko noci naci u situaciji u kojoj se od njih ocekuje isprika, objašnjenje, tumacenje razine opasnosti za potrošace i sl. Pri tome je i za državne institucije i za proizvoace hrane bitno razumijevanje razlicitosti u percepciji javnosti na pojedine opasnosti u hrani, kao i predvidivost mogucih reakcija javnosti. Ukljucivanje svih zainteresiranih strana u dijalog olakšava upraviteljima rizika proces evaluacije rizika, identificiranje i balansiranje izmeu mogucih opcija upravljanja rizikom, kao i implementaciju i evaluaciju donesenih mjera, a u proizvo- aca hrane reducira gubitak povjerenja potrošaca. Ovaj dvosmjerni sustav naziva se interaktivna komunikacija o rizicima u hrani.Even small mistakes in communication on the risks in food can tarnish reputation and confidence in institutions included into the system of food safety or food producers, and inflicts damage to the effort which takes years to invest to earn consumers’ confidence. In crisis situations, companies that produce food can find themselves overnight in a situation where they are expected to apologize, justify, explain the level of danger for consumers, etc. In that process, it is important even for the public institutions and food producers to understand the differences in perception of the public of certain risks in food, as well as to predict any possible reactions of the public. Including all the interested parties to a dialogue makes it easier for risk managers to evaluate the risk, to identify and balance between the possible options in risk management, as well as to implement and evaluate measures to be taken up, and it also reduces the loss of consumers’ confidence to a food producer. This two- way system is called interactive communication on risks in food

    El efecto de la refrigeración y de la congelación sobre la calidad y la microflora de la carne

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    Hlađenje i zamrzavanje mesa kao metode konzerviranja imaju brojne prednosti u očuvanju svojstava mesa čiji kemijski sastav karakteriziraju visokovrijedne bjelančevine, minerali i vitamini B kompleksa. U usporedbi s ostalim postupcima konzerviranja, hlađenjem i zamrzavanjem se najbolje očuvaju nutritivno vrijedni sastojci mesa. Kakvoća tako konzerviranog mesa prvenstveno ovisi o brzini i temperaturi postupka hlađenja i zamrzavanja, te o kristalima leda koji nastaju tijekom zamrzavanja, njihovom položaju i veličini. Higijenska kakvoća ohlađenog i zamrznutog mesa ovisi prije svega o mikroflori sirovine, ali i o načinu i vremenu pohrane, načinu prijevoza i pravilnom čuvanju mesa u velikoprodajnim i maloprodajnim centrima. U radu se raspravlja o učincima hlađenja i zamrzavanja na kakvoću i mikrofloru mesa.The cooling and freezing of meat, as a preservation method, has many advantages in terms of preserving the properties of meat, whose chemical composition is characterised by high-quality proteins, minerals and B-complex vitamins. Compared to other preservation methods, nutritionally valuable meat ingredients are best preserved by cooling and freezing. The quality of preserved meat primarily depends on the speed and temperature of cooling and freezing process, and on ice crystals that form during freezing, their position and size. The hygienic quality of chilled and frozen meat depends, above all, on microflora in raw meat, but also on the manner and time of storage, the method of transport and the proper storage of meat in wholesale and retail centres. This paper discusses effects of cooling and freezing on meat quality and microflora.Das Kühlen und Einfrieren von Fleisch hat als Konservierungsmethode zahlreiche Vorteile beim Erhalt der Eigenschaften von Fleisch, dessen chemische Zusammensetzung durch hochwertige Eiweiße, Mineralstoffe und B-Vitamine gekennzeichnet ist. Im Vergleich zu anderen Konservierungsverfahren werden durch Kühlen und Einfrieren die nutritiv wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe des Fleischs am besten geschützt. Die Qualität des konservierten Fleischs hängt in erster Linie von der Geschwindigkeit und der Temperatur des Kühlens und Einfrierens sowie von den während des Einfrierens entstandenen Eiskristallen, deren Position und Größe ab. Die hygienische Qualität des gekühlten und gefrorenen Fleisches hängt insbesondere von der Mikroflora des Rohstoffes ab, jedoch auch von der Art und Dauer der Lagerung, der Transportweise und der ordnungsgemäßen Lagerung von Fleisch im Groß- und Einzelhandel. In der Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen des Kühlens und Einfrierens auf die Qualität und die Mikroflora von Fleisch erörtert.La refrigerazione e il congelamento della carne come metodo di conservazione hanno numerosi vantaggi nella preservazione delle proprietà della carne, la cui composizione chimica è caratterizzata da proteine d’elevata qualità, minerali e vitamine del complesso B. A confronto con gli altri metodi di conservazione, con la refrigerazione e il congelamento si preservano meglio gli elementi a più alto valore nutrizionale della carne. La qualità della carne conservata in questo modo dipende dalla velocità e dalla temperatura del processo di refrigerazione e congelamento e dai cristalli di ghiaccio che si formano durante il congelamento, dalla loro posizione e dalle loro dimensioni. La qualità igienica della carne refrigerata e congelata dipende innanzitutto dalla microflora della materia prima, come anche dalle modalità e dal tempo di stoccaggio, dalle modalità del trasporto e dalla corretta conservazione della carne nei centri di vendita all’ingrosso e al minuto. Nello studio si discute degli effetti della refrigerazione e del congelamento sulla qualità e sulla microflora della carne.La refrigeración y la congelación son los métodos de la conservación de la carne con numerosas ventajas para la conservación de las características de la carne, cuya composición química está caracterizada por las proteínas de alto valor biológico, minerales y las vitaminas del complejo B. En comparación con otros procedimientos de la conservación, los ingredientes nutritivamente valiosos de la carne se conservan mejor por la refrigeración y la congelación. La calidad de la carne conservada por este método depende principalmente de la velocidad y la temperatura de la refrigeración y de la congelación, y también de los cristales del hielo formados durante la congelación, su posición y su tamaño. La calidad higiénica de la carne refrigerada y congelada depende primero que nada de la microflora de la materia prima y también de la manera y del tiempo del almacenamiento, de la manera del transporte y del mantenimiento adecuado de la carne en los centros de venta mayorista y minorista. En este trabajo se discuten los efectos de la refrigeración y la congelación sobre la calidad y la microflora de la carne

    Utjecaj sezone na kemijski sastav mlijeka i broj somatskih stanica.

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    The aim of our research was to establish the influence of the season on the chemical composition of bulk tank cow’s milk and the somatic cell count in it. The bulk tank cow’s milk samples were collected daily during a period of one year. When the milk was brought to the dairy in special tanks, before pouring bulk tank milk, samples were taken that we marked as «tours». Milk samples were taken in three tours from the tanks every seven days, and 144 tours were processed in total. Comparing chemical indicators of milk quality, milk fat levels were significantly higher in the winter and the autumn (P0.05), and the highest levels were registered during the winter. Lactose level was significantly higher during the winter and the spring (P<0.05), and the NFDM (non fat dry matter) was significantly lower in the summer, in comparison to the other seasons (P<0.05). Determining the somatic cell count (SCC) in the bulk tank cow’s milk samples, we established that during the winter the somatic cell count was significantly higher in comparison to the other seasons (P<0.05). However, we did not determine significant, high or positive correlations between the chemical composition of the milk and the somatic cell count in either of the seasons. Based on the results of our research, we concluded that the season has an influence on the somatic cell count and the chemical composition of fresh cow’s milk, but not on the correlations between them.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utječe li godišnje doba na kemijski sastav mlijeka i broj somatskih stanica u njemu. Mlijeko je tijekom godine dana sakupljano svaki dan. Pri dolasku mlijeka u mljekaru posebnim cisternama prije istakanja uzimani su uzorci. Uzorci mlijeka uzimani su iz cisterne svakih sedam dana od tri dopremljene količine. Ukupno je bilo obrađeno 144 dopremljenih količina. Usporedbom kemijskih pokazatelja kakvoće mlijeka razina masti bila je značajno veća zimi i u jesen (P<0,05) u odnosu na proljeće i ljeto. Vrijednosti proteina značajno su se razlikovale među godišnjim dobima (P>0,05), a najviša razina zabilježena je zimi. Razina laktoze bila je značajno veća zimi i u proljeće (P<0,05), a vrijednosti BST-a bile su značajno niže ljeti u odnosu na druga godišnja doba (P<0,05). Određujući broj somatskih stanica u mlijeku zimi je zabilježen značajno veći (P<0,05) broj somatskih stanica u odnosu na ostala godišnja doba. Međutim, nisu ustanovljene značajne, jake i pozitivne korelacije između pokazatelja kemijskoga sastava mlijeka i broja somatskih stanica ni u jednomu godišnjemu dobu. Na osnovi rezultata zaključeno je da godišnje doba utječe na broj somatskih stanica i na kemijski sastav mlijeka, ali ne i na korelacije između njih


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    Konjsko meso u prehrani ljudi upotrebljava se tisućljećima a njegova je potrošnja uvelike ovisila o regiji, navikama potrošača te dostupnim količinama. Zamjetan je trend povećanja proizvodnje konjskog mesa u svijetu. Unutar članica EU prosječna potrošnja konjskog mesa po stanovniku je 0,4 kg godišnje, no radi nedostatne vlastite proizvodnje uvozom pokrivaju 66,7% potreba tržišta. Konjsko se meso smatra osobito vrijednom prehrambenom namirnicom. Veći udio vode, proteina i glikogena te manji udio masti u konjskom mesu čine ga pogodnijim u prehrani osobito zahtjevnijih kategorija ljudi spram svinjskog i goveđeg mesa. Hrvatska je po proizvodnji i potrošnji konjskog mesa skromna. Zemljopisni položaj, neiskorištenost velikih pašnjačkih površina te pasminska struktura populacije konja Hrvatske daju dobre izglede za rentabilnu proizvodnju konjskog mesa uz moguću izvoznu orijentaciju. Iskustva vodećih zemalja u proizvodnji konjskog mesa mogu poslužiti kao primjer u odabiru odgovarajućih sustava.Horse meat has been used in human nutrition for thousands of years and its usage greatly depended on region, customs of the users and available quantities. A trend of an increased production of horse meat in the world is noticeable. Within the member countries of the EU, an average consumption of horse meat per inhabitant is 0.4 kg a year, but because of the insufficient one’s own production, the import covers 66.7% of the market needs. Horse meat is considered to be an especially valuable food. A higher content of water, proteins and glycogen, and lesser content of fat in horse meat make it more suitable for nutrition of especially more demanding categories of people in comparison to pork and beef. The Republic of Croatia is modest in production and consumption of horse meat. Geographical position, under- utilization of great pasture grounds and breeding structure of horse population in Croatia give good chances for a profitable production of horse meat with the possible export orientation. Experiences of the leading countries in horse meat production can be used as an example in choosing adequate systems

    The bacteriological contamination of the carp meat

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    Na uzorcima mesa šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) koji su uzeti iz tri ribnjaka u Slavoniji, obavljena je bakteriološka pretraga 3 i 48 sati nakon eutanazije. Svrha rada bila je dokazati razinu bakterijskog onečišćenja i stupanj higijenske ispravnosti ribe nakon određenog vremena pohrane. Bakteriološkom pretragom ustanovili smo da je 20-30% uzoraka ribe nakon 48 sati pohrane na temperaturi do +4 oC bilo onečišćeno aerobnim mezofilnim bakterijama i enterobakterijama u većem broju od dozvoljenog prema odredbama Pravilnika o mikrobiološkoj ispravnosti namirnica (NN 40/01). S obzirom na rezultate valja predložiti da je nakon ulova ribe nužno provoditi sve mjere radi sprečavanja onečišćenja nepoželjnim mikroorganizmima, a vrijeme od nabavke ribe do pripreme u domaćinstvu maksimalno skratiti.Samples of fresh-water fish (carp), taken from three fish ponds in Slavonia, were analysed for bacteriological changes, which occurred three and 48 hours after euthanasia. The aim of investigation was to determine the level of bacteriological contamination and a degree of hygienic quality of fish after a certain period of storage. The bacteriological analysis showed that 20-30% of fishsamples were contaminated with unwanted microorganisms, mesophilic aerobic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae exceeding the permissible level according to the Regulations on microbiological quality of food (NN 40/01). In 40% of samples the count of unwanted bacteria exceeded the limit indicated in the Regulations. After the catch of fish it is necessary to follow all the measures to stop contamination with unwanted microorganisms. Time period between purchase and preparation in households should be shortest possible

    Sastav mikroflore sirovog kravljeg mlijeka i identifikacija enterokoka primjenom MAL DI-TOF MS - kratko priopćenje.

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    Raw milk consumption could present a potential risk for public health due to the presence of foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria. In this research, microbiota or raw cow’s milk was studied with particular reference to the presence of enterococcal opportunistic pathogens. Total viable count, psychrophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, enterococci, enterobacteria, Listeria spp. and sulfitereducing clostridia were evaluated using standard culture methods. Milk samples originated from healthy (n = 17) and antibiotic-treated cow’s udders (n = 19). Presumptive enterococci (n = 43) were randomly selected from chromogenic media and subjected to phenotypic identification by API 20 Strep, followed by Matrix- Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization - Time of Flight Mass Spectometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) regarding the udder status were found in the total viable count and lactic acid bacteria. MALDI-TOF MS determination showed 100% concordance with API 20 Strep in the identification of Enterococcus faecalis. Strains determined to the genus level only, or non-determined strains by API 20 Strep were successfully identified using MALDI-TOF MS to the strain level as E. faecalis, E. faecium and E. durans. Results showed that MALDI-TOF MS could be applied as a reliable method in the routine identification of enterococcal species from raw milk.Konzumiranje sirovog mlijeka može predstavljati potencijalni rizik za potrošače uslijed prisutnosti patogenih bakterija i bakterija kvarenja. U ovom radu istražen je sastav mikroflore sirovog kravljeg mlijeka s posebnim naglaskom na prisutnost enterokoka. Određivan je ukupni broj bakterija, psihrofilnih bakterija, bakterija mliječne kiseline, stafilokoka, Escherichia coli, enterokoka, enterobakterija, Listeria spp. i sulfitreducirajućih klostridija primjenom standardnih mikrobioloških metoda. Mlijeko je potjecalo od zdravih krava (n = 17) i krava s liječenim mastitisom (n = 19). Kolonije enterokoka (n = 43) su nasumično odabrane sa selektivne podloge te podvrgnute fenotipskoj identifikaciji pomoću API 20 Strep, a potom MALDI-TOF masenom spektrometrijom. Statistički značajne razlike (P<0,05) s obzirom na zdravstveni status vimena zabilježene su u ukupnom broju bakterija i bakterija mliječne kiseline. Rezultati identifikacije izolata Enterococcus faecalis bili su u potpunom suglasju primjenom MALDI-TOF MS i API 20 Strep. MALDI-TOF MS tehnikom identificirani su izolati enterokoka koje API 20 Strep sustavom nije bilo moguće identificirati ili su bili identificirani do razine roda. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se MALDI-TOF MS može smatrati pouzdanom metodom u rutinskoj identifikaciji enterokoka iz sirovog mlijeka

    Pathology of puerperium in goats

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    Pologija puerperija odnosi se na patološka stanja koja se klinički očituju tijekom puerperija, a obuhvaća upale spolnih organa, intoksikacije i različite deficitarne bolesti. Puerperalne intoksikacije su patološka stanja u koza koja nastaju zbog resorpcije toksina saprofitskih bakterija koje ulaze u porođajni kanal tijekom jarenja i puerperija te raspadnih produkata ploda, posteljice i sadržaja maternice. Upale mogu nastati za vrijeme puerperija kod koza i nazivaju se puerperalne upale. S obzirom na lokalizaciju i proširenost u organizmu mogu biti lokalne i opće, a s obzirom na vrstu uzročnika i bolest koju uzrokuju mogu biti specifične i nespecifične. Razlika između puerperalnih intoksikacija i upala jest stalno prisutna povišena temperatura kod upala i teži poremećaj općeg stanja. Specifične opće puerperalne infekcije rijetko se pojavljuju, a to su plinoviti edemi i tetanus, protiv kojih se koze mogu preventivno cijepiti. Puerperalna hipokalcemija jest poremećaj mijene tvari koji nastaje zbog nedostatnog snabdijevanja kalcijem i magnezijem. Liječenju puerperalnih patoloških stanja treba pristupiti što ranije, a liječenje, ovisno o bolesti, može biti lokalno ili simptomatsko.The pathology of puerperium refers to pathologies that are clinically manifested during the puerperium, and includes genital inflammation, intoxication, and various deficiency diseases. Puerperal intoxications are a pathological condition of goats that occurs as a result of resorption of toxins from saprophytic bacteria that enter the birth canal during parturition and puerperium, and the disintegrated products of the fetus, placenta and uterine contents. Inflammations that can occur during puerperium in the doe are called puerperal inflammations. In relation to their localization and distribution in the body, they may be local or general, and in terms of the type of pathogen and the disease they cause, they may be specific or nonspecific. The difference between puerperal intoxications and inflammation is the constant presence of fever during inflammation, and the more severe disorders of the general condition. Specific general puerperal infections are rare, but they are gaseous edema and tetanus against which goats can be vaccinated preventively. Puerperal hypocalcemia is a metabolic disorder caused by an insufficient supply of calcium and magnesium. Treatment of puerperal pathological conditions should be approached as early as possible, and the treatment, depending on the disease, may be local or symptomatic