3 research outputs found

    The Effect of Sustainability Report Disclosure on Company Value with Profitability as Moderating Variables in Indonesian Companies Asia Sustainability Reporting Award Recipient Rating

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    This study aims to determine the effect of sustainability report disclosure on firm value with profitability as a moderating variable in Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award. In this study, the researcher uses a quantitative approach with a population of Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award. Determination of the sample in this study using purposive sampling technique, in order to obtain 13 of 67 companies. The research period was 3 years, so that 39 samples were obtained. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics, classical assumption test (residual normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity test), linear regression analysis test using the MRA method, and hypothesis testing (coefficient of determination test and t test). The results of the study show that the disclosure of sustainability reports does not significantly affect the value of companies in Indonesian companies that receive the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award in 2019-2021. The results of this study also show that profitability as a moderating variable can strengthen the relationship between sustainability report disclosures and the value of Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award


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    Abstrak: Integrasi Pasar Tenaga Kerja ASEAN dan Dampak Sosial Terhadap Migrasi Tenaga Kerja Tidak Terampil. Sebagian besar negara–negara anggota ASEAN membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional dan tenaga kerja yang tidak terampil. Tenaga kerja profesional memiliki hak–hak khusus, fasilitas, dan berbagai keuntungan, sedangkan tenaga kerja tidak terampil hanya memiliki sedikit hak dan lebih jarang menjadi topik utama kerjasama integrasi antar negara. Artikel ini akan membahas dampak sosial integrasi, terutama bagi tenaga kerja tidak terampil, dengan mengaitkan hubungan antara migrasi dan remittance di ASEAN, sektor tenaga kerja, dan pengelolaan imigrasi yang dilakukan pemerintah. Sebagian besar negara anggota ASEAN harus meningkatkan standar kinerja dan gaji, menyediakan pelatihan, dan meningkatkan tingkat pendidikan. Terdapat beberapa dampak sosial yang muncul. Namun, beberapa dampak tersebut akan dapat ditangani apabila pemerintah memiliki komitmen dalam menerapkan kebijakannya.   Kata kunci: integrasi ekonomi, remittance, pekerja migran, tenaga kerja tidak terampil   Abstract: ASEAN Labor Market Integration and Its Social Effects for Unskilled Labor Migration. Member states of ASEAN mainly needed two criteria of foreign labor: highly skilled professionals or its counterpart, unskilled workers. High-skilled professionals are provided with some rights and benefits. Unskilled migrants are equipped with very limited rights and hardly subject to integration approaches. This paper will discuss the social effect of integration, notably the unskilled labor, by linking migration and remittance in ASEAN, labor based on sectored pattern, and immigration governance. Countries need to improve working conditions and wages, provide professional training and improve education for every level of workers. There are some social effects but can be managed if the governments committed to their policy.   Keywords: economic integration, remittance, migrant worker, unskilled labo