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Život i rad u vili Torre di Pordenone
Le recenti verifiche archeologiche (2008-2009) nel giardino del Castello di Torre di Pordenone hanno consentito di indagare in estensione questo settore di un più ampio complesso individuato alla metà del secolo scorso: gli studi precedenti avevano già posto in relazione la villa (c.d. “terme romane”) presso il fiume Noncello, nella zona più bassa, con i resti emergenti oltre il corso d’acqua al di sotto della chiesa parrocchiale; sul pianoro sommitale era stata accertata la presenza di alcune tombe di inumati (di datazione incerta fra l’epoca tardoantica e quella altomedievale), che rioccuparono alcuni ambienti spoliati. Lo scavo areale ha chiarito che le sepolture tardoromane si sovrapponevano parzialmente ad un unico edificio, costituito da una quindicina di piccoli vani quadrangolari con portico sulla fronte ed alcuni ambienti annessi: se ne discute una destinazione utilitaria, mentre la coerenza di orientamento lo ricollega alla villa.U svjetlu rezultata arheoloških iskopavanja provedenih 2008. i 2009. godine u parku Castella di Torre, na području koje se nalazi neposredno iznad glavnog proizvodnog prostora vile koja je svjetlost dana ugledala sredinom prošlog stoljeća te koja je već temeljito istražena, ovom prilikom predlažemo cjelovito ponovno tumačenje prostranog rezidencijalnog sklopa sastavljenog od više građevinskih terasastih jedinica koji se nalaze na obje strane današnjeg toka rijeke Noncello. Nedavno istražene građevinske strukture ukazuju na uporabnu namjenu ovog sektora. Naime, otkriven je niz od 15 četverokutnih prostora, mogućih spremišta ili pomoćnih prostorija, koji se proteže neprekidno od područja gdje počinje nasip na rijeci prema središtu zaravni sve dokle je taj niz bilo moguće slijediti (otprilike 60 m). Ovo je područje proizvodnog prostora na prednjem dijelu imalo portikat okrenut prema jugozapadu, za koji se pretpostavlja da je gledao na otvoreni prostor. Na drugoj su strani otkriveni i drugi prostori (njih pet ili šest te još jedan manji prostor), koji su također bili pomoćni prostori, a koji se jednim dijelom mogu povezati sa slijedećom fazom gradnje. Kod svih spomenutih građevinskih struktura jedino su temelji sačuvani, za razliku od barem dvaju prostora koji s njima graniče i koji se nalaze na sjeveru te kod kojih su pronađeni tragovi podova, u jednom slučaju podne pločice od terakote, u drugom pod od opeke, kao i tragovi sustava za grijanje s hipokaustom. Za razliku od prethodnih iskapanja, tijekom kojih je pronađen malen broj nalaza koji se mogu datirati kako u fazu izgradnje tako i u fazu kada je sklop bio napušten, novija istraživanja polučila su nalaze koji daju važne kronološke podatke vezane uz život i kraj života sklopa
Effect of land use on soil erosion in a small watershed in Emilia –Romagna Region
The study of the environmental impact of soil erosion due to water runoff is important to protect soil quality and fertility. In order to estimate erosion at a watershed scale, discharge and sediment content in a stream draining a small watershed were studied.
The Centonara watershed (197 ha), located in a hilly area South East of Bologna, Italy, has been monitored for water and suspended sediment discharge since 1994. Meteorological and hydrological data have been recorded continuously with the use of an ISCO flow meter and water samples have been collected from the stream in order to estimate transported sediment. Several thematic maps were produced (slope, pedological, geolithological and morphological). In each agricultural season, the land use (tillage, crop, chemical treatment, fertilisation, etc.) was mapped (1:5000). Seasonal soil losses from the watershed, due to soil particles transported by water, were measured and related to the precipitation’s characteristics and to the different agricultural soil use and management. The results showed large yearly variability of the amount of transported sediment and a relation with the agronomic land use and management. In particular, the annual erosion of the watershed was related to the percentage of grass (meadows and set-aside) covered surface. The quantity of suspended and dissolved sediments and the electrical conductivity of water were found to be dependent on the season and the flow rate
Il Mitreo di Duino e altre attestazioni archeologiche del mitraismo in Friuli Venezia Giulia
A review of the evidence related to the Mithraic cult in the current Friuli Venezia Giulia region is proposed, encompassing five to six sites in the cities and ancient territories of Aquileia, Tergeste, Iulium Carnicum (whilst concerning the Mithraum of Camporosso, in western Noricum, see S. Bonomi in this volume). Most of them are identified thanks to inscriptions and other finds, but the the precise location and structures of the sanctuaries are poorly or not at all known: an exception is represented by the Mithraeum in Duino - San Giovanni del Timavo, subject of an in-depth analysis and discussion
Adicción a redes sociales y agresividad en estudiantes de quinto de secundaria de una institución educativa pública de Ate, 2018
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la Adicción a Redes
Sociales y Agresividad en estudiantes de quinto de secundaria de una institución educativa
pública de Ate, 2018. El estudio utilizó el diseño no experimental, transeccional, de tipo
descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra fue censal, conformada por 152 estudiantes
adolescentes. Los instrumentos empleados fueron el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes
Sociales (ARS) (Escurra y Salas, 2014) y el Cuestionario de Agresión (AQ) (Buss y Perry,
1992), adaptada al contexto peruano. Los resultados mostraron que existe una relación entre
la Adicción a Redes Sociales y Agresividad. Además, la mayoría de los estudiantes presentó
un nivel medio de Adicción a Redes Sociales con un 53.3%, mientras que un nivel alto y
medio de Agresividad con un 31% y 28%, respectivamente. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que
los estudiantes que presentaron este tipo de adicción, también tendieron a manifestar
Adicción a redes sociales y agresividad en estudiantes de quinto de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Pública de Ate, 2018
El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la relación entre la Adicción a redes sociales
y Agresividad en estudiantes de quinto de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Pública
de Ate, 2018. El estudio utilizó el diseño no experimental, transeccional, de tipo descriptivo
y correlacional. La muestra fue censal, conformada por 152 estudiantes adolescentes. Los
instrumentos empleados fueron el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes Sociales (ARS)
(Escurra y Salas, 2014) y el Cuestionario de Agresión (AQ) (Buss y Perry, 1992), adaptada
al contexto peruano. Los resultados mostraron que existe una relación entre la Adicción a
Redes Sociales y Agresividad. Además, la mayoría de los estudiantes presentó un nivel
medio de Adicción a Redes Sociales con un 53.3%, mientras que un nivel alto y medio de
Agresividad con un 31% y 28%, respectivamente. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que los
estudiantes que presentaron este tipo de adicción, también tendieron a manifestar
Ultralong Organic Phosphorescence in the Solid State: The Case of Triphenylene Cocrystals with Halo- and Dihalo-penta/ tetrafluorobenzene
The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) triphenylene (TP) has been reacted with halo-pentafluorobenzene (XF5, X = Br, I) and 1,4-dihalo-tetrafluorobenzene (X2F4, X = Br, I) to yield the corresponding cocrystals TP·BrF5, TP·Br2F4, TP·IF5, and TP·I2F4 form I. These materials have been synthesized by dissolving TP into an excess of liquid or molten coformer, and single crystals have been grown via seeding chloroform solutions. They have been fully characterized by a combination of techniques including X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and luminescence spectroscopy in the solid state. TP·I2F4 form I was found to undergo a single-crystal to single-crystal (SCSC) polymorphic phase transition induced by temperature (when cooled down to 100 K) leading to the new form TP·I2F4 form II, which is transformed back into the first structure when brought again at RT. This behavior was confirmed also by Raman spectroscopy. Upon cocrystallization and as a result of the external heavy atom effect, all crystalline materials exhibited bright room temperature phosphorescence clearly visible by the naked eye. The latter was almost exclusive for cocrystal TP·I2F4, whereas for TP·Br2F4 both fluorescence and phosphorescence were detected. In TP·Br2F4, the phosphorescence lifetime was on the order of 200 ms, and with the visual outcome of an orange phosphorescence lasting for a couple of seconds upon ceasing the excitation, that makes this compound classifiable as an ultralong organic phosphorescent (UOP) material. The results evidenced
the role of the nature of the heavy atom in governing the phosphorescence output from organic cocrystals
Young open clusters in the Carina region
We present results of a new investigation (Carraro et al. 2002) aimed at clarifying the mutual relationship between the three most prominent young open clusters close to η Carinæ, namely Trumpler 16, Trumpler 14 and Collinder 232
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