56 research outputs found

    Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair With Ovation Alto Stent Graft: Protocol for the ALTAIR (ALTo endogrAft Italian Registry) Study

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    Background: Since 2010, the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System has offered an innovative sealing option for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) by including a sealing ring filled with polymer 13 mm from the renal arteries. In August 2020, the redesigned Ovation Alto, with a sealing ring 6 mm closer to the top of the fabric, received CE Mark approval. Objective: This registry study aims to evaluate intraoperative, perioperative, and postoperative results in patients treated by the Alto stent graft (Endologix Inc.) for elective AAA repair in a multicentric consecutive experience. Methods: All consecutive eligible patients submitted to endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) by Alto Endovascular AAA implantation will be included in this analysis. Patients will be submitted to EVAR procedures based on their own preferences, anatomical features, and operators experience. An estimated number of 300 patients submitted to EVAR with Alto stent graft should be enrolled. It is estimated that the inclusion period will be 24 months. The follow-up period is set to be 5 years. Full data sets and cross-sectional images of contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan performed before EVAR, at the first postoperative month, at 24 or 36 months, and at 5-year follow-up interval will be reported in the central database for a centralized core laboratory review of morphological changes. The primary endpoint of the study is to evaluate the technical and clinical success of EVAR with the Alto stent graft in short- (90-day), mid- (1-year), and long-term (5-year) follow-up periods. The following secondary endpoints will be also addressed: operative time; intraoperative radiation exposure; contrast medium usage; AAA sac shrinkage at 12-month and 5-year follow-up; any potential role of patients' baseline characteristics, valuated on preoperative computed tomography angiographic study, and of device configuration (number of component) in the primary endpoint. Results: The study is currently in the recruitment phase and the final patient is expected to be treated by the end of 2023 and then followed up for 5 years. A total of 300 patients will be recruited. Analyses will focus on primary and secondary endpoints. Updated results will be shared at 1- and 3-5-year follow-ups. Conclusions: The results from this registry study could validate the safety and effectiveness of the new design of the Ovation Alto Stent Graft. The technical modifications to the endograft could allow for accommodation of a more comprehensive range of anatomies on-label

    Banning Cassandra from the Market? An Empirical Analysis of Short-Selling Bans during the Covid-19 Crisis

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    During the recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis, stock markets around the world have witnessed an abrupt decline in security prices and an unprecedented increase in security volatility. In response to a week of financial turmoil on the main European stock markets, some market regulators in Europe, including France, Austria, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Belgium, passed temporary short-selling bans in an attempt to stop downward speculative pressures on the equity market and stabilize and maintain investors’ confidence. This paper examines the effects of these short-selling bans on market quality during the recent pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19. Our results suggest that during the crisis, banned stocks had higher information asymmetry, lower liquidity, and lower abnormal returns compared with non-banned stocks. These findings confirm prior theoretical arguments and empirical evidence in other settings that short-selling bans are not effective in stabilizing financial markets during periods of heightened uncertainty. In contrast, they appear to undermine the policy goals market regulators intended to promote

    Riduzione del capitale sociale : art. 2445-2447

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    Il volume contiene i commenti alle norme del codice civile in materia di riduzione del capitale sociale (volontaria ed obbligatoria) nelle società per azioni (artt. 2445-2447). I commenti, aggiornati alle più recenti novità legislative e giurisprudenziali, presentano una ricostruzione completa e sistematica degli istituti analizzati, sia pure con adozione di un taglio espositivo che rende agevole la consultazione da parte del lettore su singole questioni imterpretative. Nel dare conto dei diversi orientamenti della giurisprudenza e della dottrina sui temi che tuttora rivestono maggiore importanza applicativa, gli autori si sono soffermati, in particolare, sulle modifiche apportate dalla riforma del 2003 e sull'analisi delle relazioni con altri istituti introdotti dalla stessa. Con riferimento alla disciplina della riduzione del capitale per perdite, particolare attenzione è stata dedicata al coordinamento con le recenti riforme in materia concorsuale e, segnatamente, con il tema delle "soluzioni concordate" alle crisi di impresa

    Esclusione del diritto d'opzione nelle società con azioni quotate nei limiti del dieci per cento del capitale e determinazione del prezzo di emissione

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    L'articolo esamina la disciplina applicabile in caso di esclusione del diritto d'opzione nei limiti del dieci per cento del capitale sociale, prevista per le società quotate. Il lavoro si concentra in particolare sulle regole per la determinazione del prezzo d'emission

    Disclosing Directors

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    Is there a correlation between the composition of the board of directors and the quantity and quality of information disclosed to the market, and in particular with respect to the disclosure of privileged, price-sensitive information? Our work examines this question with respect to the Italian Stock Exchange, also considering the role of minority-appointed directors in light of the Italian rules on slate voting that facilitate the election of directors by institutional investors and other minority shareholders. Based on a unique dataset of hand-picked data, we answer the basic research question in the affirmative. Independent directors and minority-appointed directors appear to have a positive impact on the amount and, to some extent, quality of disclosure, in particular if they have specific professional and educational qualifications (‘highly skilled directors’). We also tested if the market reacts to the information that is made public in order to consider the possible objection that outside directors simply require more disclosure of unimportant information. The event studies we conducted, however, indicate abnormal returns in the correspondence on the announcements we considered. The study sheds light on the role of independent and minority-appointed directors suggesting that they foster corporate transparency

    Small abdominal aortic aneurysms.

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    The endovascular management of open aortic surgery complications with emergency stent-graft repair in high-risk patients

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    The aim of the study was to demonstrate the utility of endovascular stent-graft repair for emergency management of aorto-iliac surgery complications. Between 1997 and 2004, in our institute, 201 patients underwent transluminal endovascular graft placement. In 3 patients (1.4%), previously submitted to conventional aortic surgery, endovascular treatment was carried out due to the occurrence of late complications: 1 secondary aortocaval fistula, 1 impending rupture of aortic pseudoaneurysm and 1 secondary aorto-enteric fistula. All candidates were high surgical risk patients (ASA III-IV) suitable for endoprosthesis positioning by endovascular stent-graft implantation presenting with severe worsening conditions in an emergency situation. The patients were treated under local anesthesia and mild sedation. After treatment there was complete resolution of the clinical presentation and an improvement of general conditions in all 3 patients. In the 1(st) patient legs edema disappeared and in the 2(nd) patient mesogastric pain is absent, respectively at 30 and 8 months. The 3(rd) patient, with secondary aorto-enteric fistula, was submitted 2 months later to aortic graft removal and axillo-bifemoral bypass because of infection development. For the treatment of abdominal aortic surgery complications in high risk patients, particularly in emergency situations, endovascular approach is a feasible and safe alternative to conventional open repair. Further evaluation of this technique and longer follow-up will determine its exact role in the management of these life-threatening complications

    Argos : bulletin van het Veterinair Historisch Genootschap

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    From the publisher: This book is a multipurpose text that can be used in any class with a focus on comparative legal systems for corporations, taught in the U.S. or abroad. It contains cases, statutes, analysis and readings, the majority of which are from foreign jurisdictions. It also has extensive notes and questions. The focus is primarily on the U.S., U.K., major European continental civil law systems (France, Germany, Italy) and European Union law, and Japan; with references to other jurisdictions such as China, India and Brazil. In addition to law schools, the book may also appeal to non-law school professors of business administration, economics, and political science.https://elibrary.law.psu.edu/fac_books/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Comparative corporate law

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