36 research outputs found
Diferentes tratamentos de antecipação da estação reprodutiva em ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana
Este trabalho foi realizado na cidade de Bragança com o intuito de estudar o efeito da melatonia, e de tratamentos progestagénicos associados à eCG na sincronização/indução do estro e, as melhorias reprodutivas desencadeados pelos mesmos. Quanto aos progestagénios foram utilizadas esponjas intravaginais impregnadas em acetato de fluorogestrona (FGA), compararam-se também os resultados obtidos quanto ao momento da administração da eCG, 24h antes ou no momento da retirada das esponjas.
No ensaio, foram utilizadas 94 ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana. Em 25 delas foram colocados implantes subcutâneos de melatonina (18mg) (grupo Melatonina). Quarenta e cinco dias depois, estas ovelhas foram tratadas com esponjas vaginais impregnadas com 20 mg de FGA (acetato de fluorogestrona). Este tratamento foi igualmente aplicado às demais 69 ovelhas (grupo controlo). O tratamento progestagénico teve a duração de 12 dias. Vinte e quatro horas antes da remoção das esponjas vaginais, a 32 das ovelhas controlo foram administradas 500 UI de eCG (Gonadotropina Coriónica equina) (Grupo dia -1). Quando da remoção das esponjas vaginais, às ovelhas Melatonina (n=25) e às restantes ovelhas Controlo (n=37) foram igualmente injectadas 500 UI de eCG (Grupo dia 0). Nessa altura foram introduzidos no rebanho 5 carneiros munidos de arneses marcadores. Todas as ovelhas foram sujeitas a diagnóstico de gestação, por ultrasonografia, 41 dias pós-introdução dos carneiros. Depois do parto, foram calculadas as taxas de fertilidade aparente, fecundidade e prolificidade.
No final concluiu-se que a melatonina não tinha evidenciado resultados estatisticamente significativos (P> 0.05) quanto sincronização/indução do estro, ovulação e gestação no Grupo melatonina (76,0%; 100%; 48,0%), respectivamente, em relação ao Grupo controlo (83,8%; 97,3%; 45,9%). Contudo o momento de administração da eCG demonstrou melhoria significativas nas taxas de ovelhas em cio e gestantes para os animais administrados com eCG no momento da remoção das esponjas intravaginais (83,8%; 45,9%), respectivamente, contra (71,9%; 31,3%) para as ovelhas que receberam o tratamento progestagénico 24h antes. No que se refere às taxas de ovulação, não foram afectadas pelo momento de administração da eCG. This work was conducted in the city of Bragança in order to study the effect of melatonin, and progestagenic treatments associated to eCG in synchronization / induction of estrus, and breeding improvements triggered by them. Regarding progestagens were used intravaginal sponges impregnated in fluorogesterone acetate (FGA), were compared the results obtained by diferent administration timing of eCG, 24 h before or at the time of sponge removal.
In this experiment, were used 94 ewes Churra Galega Bragançana. In 25 of them were placed subcutaneous implants of melatonin (18mg) (Melatonin group). Forty-five days later, these sheep were treated with vaginal sponges impregnated with 20 mg of FGA (fluorogesterone acetate). This treatment was applied also to the other 69 sheep (control group). The progestagen treatment lasted 12 days. Twenty-four hours before the removal of vaginal sponges, to 32 control sheep were administered 500 IU eCG (Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin) (Group days -1). When the removal of vaginal sponges, melatonin to sheep (n = 25) and the remaining control sheep (n = 37) were also injected with 500 IU eCG (Group day 0). At that time were introduced in five sheep flock bearing harnesses markers. All sheep were subjected to pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography, 41 days after the introduction of rams. After delivery, we calculated the apparent fertility, fecundity and prolificacy rates.
At the end it was concluded that melatonin was not demonstrated statistically significant (P> 0.05) as synchronization / induction of oestrus, ovulation and pregnancy in the melatonin group (76.0%, 100%, 48.0%), respectively, compared to the control group (83.8%, 97.3%, 45.9%). However, the time of eCG administration demonstrated significant improvement in rates of ewes in heat and pregnant for the animals administered with eCG at the time of removal of intravaginal sponges (83.8%, 45.9%), respectively, against (71.9%, 31.3%) for the sheep that received progestagen treatment 24h before. Ovulation rates were not affected by the time of administration of eCG
Evaluation of renal injury caused by acute volume replacement with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 or Ringer's lactate solution in pigs
This work aimed to evaluate the effects on renal tissue integrity after hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 and Ringer’s lactate (RL) administration in pigs under general anesthesia after acute bleeding. A total of 30 mL/kg of blood were passively removed from the femoral artery in two groups of Large White pigs, under total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil. After bleeding, Group 1 (n =11) received RL solution (25 mL/kg) and Group 2 (n = 11) received HES 130/0.4 solution (20 mL/kg). Additionally, Group 3 (n = 6) was not submitted to bleeding or volume replacement. Pigs were euthanized and kidneys were processed for histopathological and
immunohistochemical analyses. Minimal to moderate glomerular, tubular, and interstitial changes, as well as papillary necrosis, were observed in all experimental groups. Pre-apoptosis and apoptosis indicators were higher in pigs that received HES 130/0.4, indicating a higher renal insult. Both HES 130/0.4 and RL administration may cause renal injury, although renal injury may be more significant in pigs receiving HES 13/0.4. Results also suggest that total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil may cause renal injury, and this effect can be dose related.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Use of artificial neural networks to predict concrete compression strength / Uso de redes neurais artificiais na predição da resistência à compressão do concreto
Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials, being composed of different components with different properties, which makes the task of dosing and strength determination complex. Artificial Neural Networks is a tool that has the ability to generalize and learn from previous experiences that are provided by a previously built database. This work aims the implementation of RNA in determining the compressive strength of concrete of various ages. The input data is the material quantities and the output is the compressive strength. The results obtained are satisfactory and promising from the point of view of civil engineering.
Evaluation of renal injury caused by acute volume replacement with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 or Ringer's lactate solution in pigs
This work aimed to evaluate the effects on renal tissue integrity after hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 and Ringer’s lactate (RL)
administration in pigs under general anesthesia after acute bleeding. A total of 30 mL/kg of blood were passively removed from the femoral
artery in two groups of Large White pigs, under total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil. After bleeding, Group 1 (n =
11) received RL solution (25 mL/kg) and Group 2 (n = 11) received HES 130/0.4 solution (20 mL/kg). Additionally, Group 3 (n = 6) was not
submitted to bleeding or volume replacement. Pigs were euthanized and kidneys were processed for histopathological and
immunohistochemical analyses. Minimal to moderate glomerular, tubular, and interstitial changes, as well as papillary necrosis, were observed
in all experimental groups. Pre-apoptosis and apoptosis indicators were higher in pigs that received HES 130/0.4, indicating a higher renal
insult. Both HES 130/0.4 and RL administration may cause renal injury, although renal injury may be more significant in pigs receiving HES
13/0.4. Results also suggest that total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil may cause renal injury, and this effect can be
dose relate
Alterações psicomotoras por meio das aulas de Educação Física em crianças de 8 a 9 anos de uma escola municipal de Anápolis-GO
Objetivo: comparar as alterações psicomotoras por meio das aulas de Educação Física, em crianças de 8 a 9 anos de uma escola municipal de Anápolis-Go. Método: a amostra foi composta por 31 alunos de uma escola municipal de Anápolis-GO. Incluiu a realização da bateria psicomotora de Oliveira, que avaliou coordenação motora, equilíbrio, esquema corporal, lateralidade, estruturação espaço-temporal. Houve uma intervenção de 06 meses, e duas avaliações pré e pós. A amostra foi submetida a duas aulas de Educação Física por semana, com duração de 50 minutos, envolvendo atividades lúdico–recreativas, com base nas necessidades encontradas no primeiro teste, finalizando com a reavaliação psicomotora a fim de constatar as alterações ocorridas durante a intervenção. Foi realizado o test “t de Mann-Whitney para comparar o pré e pós avaliação por meio do software SPSS 21.0, com nível de significância de p≤0,05. Resultados: constatou-se que as crianças analisadas se encontravam dentro da faixa de aprendizagem. Melhoras significativas na coordenação motora e equilíbrio, no esquema corporal e na estrutura espacial foram observadas a partir da intervenção psicomotora de seis meses. Considerações finais: os aspectos psicomotores dos escolares, após o desenvolvimento de práticas corporais que envolviam elementos psicomotores por meio das aulas de Educação Física, aprimoraram os parâmetros esperados para a sua faixa etária
Implant of Port-o-Cath for antineoplastic chemotherapy in a canine: case report
O Port-o-Cath é um cateter venoso central totalmente implantável, o qual permite a infusão de quimioterápicos, hemoderivados, nutrição parenteral e coleta de sangue. Este trabalho relata o caso de um canino com um tumor no membro pélvico que foi tratado cirurgicamente e recebeu o cateter para a quimioterapia antineoplásica. A paciente possuía um sarcoma sinovial, tumor incomum em cães, que acomete normalmente as articulações e exige terapia multimodal. O tratamento foi feito em duas etapas; na primeira, o membro foi amputado e, na segunda, foi realizado o implante do Port-o-Cath e exérese de nódulo metastático. A cadela respondeu satisfatoriamente à cirurgia e realizou as sessões de quimioterapia com perfeito funcionamento do cateter, indo a óbito por outras causas 90 dias após o procedimento. O implante de Port-o-Cath para a quimioterapia é um grande aliado à terapia multimodal preconizada para o câncer, podendo o cateter ser considerado em pacientes que necessitem de medicação quimioterápica por longo período.The Port-a-Cath is a totally implantable central venous catheter that allows the infusion of chemotherapeutic agents, blood products, parenteral nutrition, and blood sample collection. This work reports the case of a dog with a tumor in the pelvic limb that was treated surgically and received the catheter for cancer chemotherapy. The patient was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, an uncommon tumor in dogs that usually affects the joints and requires multimodal therapy. The treatment was done in two steps, in the first the limb was amputated and in the second the Port-a-Cath implantation and the excision of the metastatic nodule were performed. The dog responded well to surgery and chemotherapy sessions held with proper functioning of the catheter, and died from other causes 90 days after the procedure. The implantation of Port-a-Cath for chemotherapy is a great ally of multimodal therapy recommended for cancer, so this catheter may be considered for patients requiring chemotherapy medication for a long period
Effects of Acute Bleeding Followed by Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4 or a Crystalloid on Propofol Concentrations, Cerebral Oxygenation, and Electroencephalographic and Haemodynamic Variables in Pigs
Bleeding changes the haemodynamics, compromising organ perfusion. In this study, the effects of bleeding followed by replacement with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES) or lactated Ringer’s (LR) on cerebral oxygenation and electroencephalogram-derived parameters were investigated. Twelve young pigs under propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia were bled 30 mL/kg and, after a 20-minute waiting period, volume replacement was performed with HES (GHES; N=6) or LR (GRL; N=6). Bleeding caused a decrease of more than 50% in mean arterial pressure (P<0.01) and a decrease in cerebral oximetry (P=0.039), bispectral index, and electroencephalogram total power (P=0.04 and P<0.01, resp.), while propofol plasma concentrations increased (P<0.01). Both solutions restored the haemodynamics and cerebral oxygenation similarly and were accompanied by an increase in electroencephalogram total power. No differences between groups were found. However, one hour after the end of the volume replacement, the cardiac output (P=0.03) and the cerebral oxygenation (P=0.008) decreased in the GLR and were significantly lower than in GHES (P=0.02). Volume replacement with HES 130/0.4 was capable of maintaining the cardiac output and cerebral oxygenation during a longer period than LR and caused a decrease in the propofol plasma concentrations
Avaliação da citologia vaginal do ciclo estral fisiológico de um grupo de fêmeas bovinas comparado a um grupo de fêmeas com ciclo estral induzido por um protocolo de IATF: Evaluation of vaginal cytology in physiological estrus cycle of a group of bovine females compared to a group of females with estrus cycle induced by an iatf protocol
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo demonstrar a efetividade da técnica de citologia vaginal em vacas, analisando os diferentes tipos celulares presentes em cada fase do ciclo estral (proestro, estro, metaestro e diestro) verificando se há diferença do epitélio vaginal entre um ciclo estral fisiológico e um induzido por protocolo de IATF. Em um dos lotes, os animais foram submetidos a um protocolo de IATF e após isso foi realizada a citologia vaginal, no outro lote de animais com o ciclo estral fisiológico foi realizada também a citologia vaginal. Posteriormente foram feitas as lâminas citológicas e analisadas no microscópio óptico
Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer
Importance Application of deep learning algorithms to whole-slide pathology images can potentially improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.
Objective Assess the performance of automated deep learning algorithms at detecting metastases in hematoxylin and eosin–stained tissue sections of lymph nodes of women with breast cancer and compare it with pathologists’ diagnoses in a diagnostic setting.
Design, Setting, and Participants Researcher challenge competition (CAMELYON16) to develop automated solutions for detecting lymph node metastases (November 2015-November 2016). A training data set of whole-slide images from 2 centers in the Netherlands with (n = 110) and without (n = 160) nodal metastases verified by immunohistochemical staining were provided to challenge participants to build algorithms. Algorithm performance was evaluated in an independent test set of 129 whole-slide images (49 with and 80 without metastases). The same test set of corresponding glass slides was also evaluated by a panel of 11 pathologists with time constraint (WTC) from the Netherlands to ascertain likelihood of nodal metastases for each slide in a flexible 2-hour session, simulating routine pathology workflow, and by 1 pathologist without time constraint (WOTC).
Exposures Deep learning algorithms submitted as part of a challenge competition or pathologist interpretation.
Main Outcomes and Measures The presence of specific metastatic foci and the absence vs presence of lymph node metastasis in a slide or image using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The 11 pathologists participating in the simulation exercise rated their diagnostic confidence as definitely normal, probably normal, equivocal, probably tumor, or definitely tumor.
Results The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for the algorithms ranged from 0.556 to 0.994. The top-performing algorithm achieved a lesion-level, true-positive fraction comparable with that of the pathologist WOTC (72.4% [95% CI, 64.3%-80.4%]) at a mean of 0.0125 false-positives per normal whole-slide image. For the whole-slide image classification task, the best algorithm (AUC, 0.994 [95% CI, 0.983-0.999]) performed significantly better than the pathologists WTC in a diagnostic simulation (mean AUC, 0.810 [range, 0.738-0.884]; P < .001). The top 5 algorithms had a mean AUC that was comparable with the pathologist interpreting the slides in the absence of time constraints (mean AUC, 0.960 [range, 0.923-0.994] for the top 5 algorithms vs 0.966 [95% CI, 0.927-0.998] for the pathologist WOTC).
Conclusions and Relevance In the setting of a challenge competition, some deep learning algorithms achieved better diagnostic performance than a panel of 11 pathologists participating in a simulation exercise designed to mimic routine pathology workflow; algorithm performance was comparable with an expert pathologist interpreting whole-slide images without time constraints. Whether this approach has clinical utility will require evaluation in a clinical setting