152 research outputs found

    Cluster subtypes appropriate for preventing postpartum smoking relapse

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    Objective: While the majority of women quit smoking either before or during pregnancy, 60 to 80% relapse in the postpartum period. The objective of this research was to examine postpartum women who quit smoking during their pregnancies and to determine the predictive factors for relapse in the postpartum period by identifying different subgroups that predict risk of relapse. Method: One hundred forty four postpartum women who were abstinent at the time of delivery were recruited. Data regarding the Acquisition Stage of Change, Decisional Balance and Situational Temptations to Smoke were assessed in the immediate postpartum period. Based on their intention to remain abstinent, 121 women identified in the acquisition-Precontemplation (aPC) group comprised the study sample. Smoking status was assessed again at 2 months postpartum. Results: A cluster analysis was performed to idenitfy subgroups of the acquisition-Precontemplation (aPC) group. Four subgroups were identified and were labeled Most Protected, Ambivalent, Risk Denial, and High Risk. Logistic regression was performed to establish external validity of the clusters. The clusters and exclusive breastfeeding were the only statistically significant variables associated with relapse at 2 months postpartum. Conclusions: The results confirmed the clusters identified in previous prevention research with both adolescents and postpartum women, The cluster profiles can serve to guide the development of a tailored intervention program

    Typology of alcohol users based on longitudinal patterns of drinking

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    Objective: Worldwide, alcohol is the most commonly used psychoactive substance. However, heterogeneity among alcohol users has been widely recognized. This paper presents a typology of alcohol users based on an implementation of idiographic methodology to examine longitudinal daily and cyclic (weekly) patterns of alcohol use at the individual level. Method: A secondary data analysis was performed on the pre-intervention data from a large randomized control trial. A time series analysis was performed at the individual level, and a dynamic cluster analysis was employed to identify homogenous longitudinal patterns of drinking behavior at the group level. The analysis employed 180 daily observations of alcohol use in a sample of 177 alcohol users. Results: The first order autocorrelations ranged from − .76 to .72, and seventh order autocorrelations ranged from − .27 to .79. Eight distinct profiles of alcohol users were identified, each characterized by a unique configuration of first and seventh autoregressive terms and longitudinal trajectories of alcohol use. External validity of the profiles confirmed the theoretical relevance of different patterns of alcohol use. Significant differences among the eight subtypes were found on gender, marital status, frequency of drug use, lifetime alcohol dependence, family history of alcohol use and the Short Index of Problems. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that individuals can have very different temporal patterns of drinking behavior. The daily and cyclic patterns of alcohol use may be important for designing tailored interventions for problem drinkers

    Mediation analysis of decisional balance, sun avoidance and sunscreen use in the precontemplation and preparation stages for sun protection

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    Objective: Mediation analyses of sun protection were conducted testing structural equation models using longitudinal data with three waves. An effect was said to be mediated if the standardised path between processes of change, decisional balance and sun protection outcomes was significant. Design: Longitudinal models of sun protection using data from individuals in the precontemplation (N = 964) and preparation (N = 463) stages who participated of an expert system intervention. Main outcome measures: Nine processes of change for sun protection, decisional balance constructs of sun protection (pros and cons), sun avoidance behaviour and sunscreen use. Results: With the exception of two processes in the preparation stage, processes of change predicted the pros (r = .126–.614), and the pros predicted the outcomes (r = .181–.272). Three models with the cons as mediator in the preparation stage, and none in the precontemplation stage, showed a mediated relationship between processes and outcomes. Conclusion: In general, mediation analyses found both the process of change-to-pros and pros-to-behaviour paths significant for both precontemplation and preparation stages, and for both sun avoidance and sunscreen use outcomes. Findings provide support for the importance of assessing the role of underlying risk cognitions in improving sun protection adherence

    Contraceptive and Condom Use Adoption and Maintenance: A Stage Paradigm Approach

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    The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change was examined for its applicability to contraceptive and condom use adoption and maintenance using N = 248 heterosexually active college-age men and women. The model posits that individuals do not go directly from old behaviors to new behaviors, but progress through a sequence of stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. The stages of change offer a temporal dimension that provides information regarding when a particular shift in attitudes, intentions, and behavior may occur. The model also postulates a set of constructs that act as sensitive intervening or outcome variables—the pros and cons of change and self-efficacy. The results demonstrated that individuals were furthest along in the stages of change for general contraceptive use, followed closely by condom use with other (e.g., casual) partners, and then condom use with main partners. Although no sex differences were found for the stages for the three separate contraceptive behaviors, males and females differed on the pros and cons and levels of self-efficacy when engaging in intercourse with the two types of partners. MANOVA/ANOVA results indicated that the relationship between stages and other constructs follows predicted patterns suggesting that the transtheoretical model may provide a useful framework or paradigm for understanding contraceptive and condom use behavior

    Transtheoretical principles and processes for quitting smoking: A 24-month comparison of a representative sample of quitters, relapsers, and non-quitters

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    This longitudinal study compared 14 principles and processes of change applied by successful quitters, relapsers and non-quitters over 24 months in a representative sample of 4144 smokers in intervention and control groups. The successful quitters showed a decrease in the use of experiential processes (cognitive, affective and effective) and an increase in behavioral processes (e.g., counter-conditioning and stimulus control). The non-quitters showed little change in their use of almost all of the processes. The relapsers\u27 use of the processes tended to initially parallel the successful quitters, but over time, their use ended up between the quitters and the non-quitters. In general, the relapsers ended up working harder but not smarter than the successful quitters. The pattern of use of change processes in the treatment and control groups were remarkably similar, suggesting common pathways to change

    Methods of quantifying change in multiple risk factor interventions

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    Objective: Risky behaviors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity, and poor diet are detrimental to health, costly, and often co-occur. Greater efforts are being targeted at changing multiple risk behaviors to more comprehensively address the health needs of individuals and populations. With increased interest in multiple risk factor interventions, the field will need ways to conceptualize the issue of overall behavior change. Method: Analyzing data from over 8000 participants in four multibehavioral interventions, we present five different methods for quantifying and reporting changes in multiple risk behaviors. Results: The methods are: (a) the traditional approach of reporting changes in individual risk behaviors; (b) creating a combined statistical index of overall behavior change, standardizing scores across behaviors on different metrics; (c) using a behavioral index; (d) calculating an overall impact factor; and (e) using overarching outcome measures such as quality of life, related biometrics, or cost outcomes. We discuss the methods\u27 interpretations, strengths, and limitations. Conclusion: Given the lack of consensus in the field on how to examine change in multiple risk behaviors, we recommend researchers employ and compare multiple methods in their publications. A dialogue is needed to work toward developing a consensus for optimal ways of conceptualizing and reporting changes in multibehavioral interventions

    The benefits and challenges of multiple health behavior change in research and in practice

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    Objective: The major chronic diseases are caused by multiple risks, yet the science of multiple health behavior change (MHBC) is at an early stage, and factors that facilitate or impede scientists\u27 involvement in MHBC research are unknown. Benefits and challenges of MHBC interventions were investigated to strengthen researchers\u27 commitment and prepare them for challenges. Method: An online anonymous survey was e-mailed to listservs of the Society of Behavioral Medicine between May 2006 and 2007. Respondents (N = 69) were 83% female; 94% held a doctoral degree; 64% were psychologists, 24% were in public health; and 83% targeted MHBC in their work. Results: A sample majority rated 23 of the 24 benefits, but only 1 of 31 challenge items, as very to extremely important. Those engaged in MHBC rated the total benefits significantly higher than respondents focused on single behaviors, F(1,69) = 4.21, p \u3c .05, and rated the benefits significantly higher than the challenges: paired t(57) = 7.50, p \u3c .001. The two groups did not differ in ratings of challenges. Conclusion: It appears that individuals focused solely on single behaviors do not fully appreciate the benefits that impress MHBC researchers; it is not that substantial barriers are holding them back. Benefits of MHBC interventions need emphasizing more broadly to advance this research area

    Replicating cluster subtypes for the prevention of adolescent smoking and alcohol use

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    Introduction: Substance abuse interventions tailored to the individual level have produced effective outcomes for a wide variety of behaviors. One approach to enhancing tailoring involves using cluster analysis to identify prevention subtypes that represent different attitudes about substance use. This study applied this approach to better understand tailored interventions for smoking and alcohol prevention. Methods: Analyses were performed on a sample of sixth graders from 20 New England middle schools involved in a 36-month tailored intervention study. Most adolescents reported being in the Acquisition Precontemplation (aPC) stage at baseline: not smoking or not drinking and not planning to start in the next six months. For smoking (N = 4059) and alcohol (N = 3973), each sample was randomly split into five subsamples. Cluster analysis was performed within each subsample based on three variables: Pros and Cons (from Decisional Balance Scales), and Situational Temptations. Results: Across all subsamples for both smoking and alcohol, the following four clusters were identified: (1) Most Protected (MP; low Pros, high Cons, low Temptations); (2) Ambivalent (AM; high Pros, average Cons and Temptations); (3) Risk Denial (RD; average Pros, low Cons, average Temptations); and (4) High Risk (HR; high Pros, low Cons, and very high Temptations). Conclusions: Finding the same four clusters within aPC for both smoking and alcohol, replicating the results across the five subsamples, and demonstrating hypothesized relations among the clusters with additional external validity analyses provide strong evidence of the robustness of these results. These clusters demonstrate evidence of validity and can provide a basis for tailoring interventions

    Outcomes of cluster profiles within stages of change for sun protection behavior

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    Objective: Predictive and external validity was studied among cluster profiles for sun protection behavior within stages from Transtheoretical Model of behavior change using follow-up data. Methods: Data from participants in a home-based expert system were analyzed. Longitudinal patterns of clusters on the precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change were assessed. Differences between clusters on membership in action/maintenance stages and scores on the Sun Protection Behavior Scale (SPBS) were measured at 12 and 24 months after intervention. Results: Differences between clusters on stage progression and on scores from the SPBS were found at 12 and 24 months after intervention at all stages. Discussion: Predictive and external validity of sun protection subtypes was established using sun protection variables after a stage-matched intervention. Results provide information to improve interventions for sun protection

    Cluster subtypes within the precontemplation stage of change for sun protection behavior

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    The aim of this study is to identify replicable cluster subtypes within the precontemplation stage of change for sun protection. Secondary data analysis of baseline data from a sample of participants in a home-based expert system intervention was performed. Three random samples were selected from participants in the precontemplation stage (N = 570). Cluster analyses were performed using the scales of pros, cons, and self-efficacy. Interpretability of pattern, pseudo F-test, and dendograms were used to determine the number of clusters. A four-cluster solution replicated across subsamples. Significant differences between clusters on the nine processes of change and on behavioral measures were found. Cluster solutions were robust, interpretable and with good initial external validity. They replicated patterns found for other behaviors, demonstrating long-term predictability and providing basis for tailored interventions
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