446 research outputs found

    Research Notes : Phytoestrogens in wild perennial relatives of the soybean

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    A systematic survey of phenolic compounds in the leaves of species from the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Willd. (Hymowitz and Newell, 1981) is currently in progress in this laboratory. Two phenolic compounds, genistin (genistein-7-glucoside) and coumestrol, have long been known to have estrogenic activity (Bickoff et al., 1969) and both compounds have been reported from annual species of the genus Glycine (Wada and Masataka, 1964; Walz, 1931). Coumestrol and genistin were isolated and identified from leaves of Glycine tabacina using the methods of Mabry et al. (1970)

    Monitoring and Collecting of the Azuki Bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis) Genepool in Tottori and Okayama Prefectures, Japan 22rd-24th September 1999

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    From 22nd to 24th September, 1999 key populations of the Vigna angularis complex in Tottori prefecture were visited to record changes compared since previous visits. These same populations have been subjected to detailed laboratory analysis by the RAPD and AFLP methodologies^. In addition, a more detailed survey of populations of the Vigna angularis complex was made around Tottori city and between Tottori and Okayama. Distinct changes were observed in populations monitored and new population types were observed. This trip reconfirmed the abundance and diversity of the V. angularis complex populations in the region visited. On the way to Tottori the Kyoto herbarium was visited and data on a total of 142 herbarium specimens of Vigna and Visia were recorded.アズキ野生型-雑草型-栽培型複合を生息域内で効率的に保存するための方法を開発する目的で, 今までに国内に自生する集団の調査を行ってきた. RAPD 分析および AFLP 分析によって, 鳥取県の野生型および雑草型の混生集団はその近辺から収集した野生型のみの集団や雑草型のみの集団よりも遺伝的多様性の大きいことが明らかになったので^, 長期的なモニタリングを想定している. 今回, 1999年9月22日から9月24日にかけて混生集団の動態を調査したところ, 集団の分布パターンに変化がみられた. さらに, 鳥取市周辺および鳥取県から岡山県にかけて探索を行い, 新たにアズキ野生型-雑草型-栽培型複合を形成する集団を見いだした. 今回調査した地域には様々なタイプの集団が数多く存在することがわかった

    Wild relatives of crops conservation in Japan with a focus on Vigna spp. : 6. Collecting mission on Shikoku. 23^<rd>-30^<th> October 1998

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    Wild legume genetic resources were the focus of a collecting trip to Shikoku (四国) between the 25^ to 31^ October, 1998. Collecting wild Vigna and soybeans on Shikoku (四国) was notable for the near absence of wild Vigna and wild Glycine on the north of the island. Only one population of each species was found near Matsuyama (松山) Ehime (愛姫県). However, in southern Shikoku (四国) small populations of both wild Vigna and wild Clycine were common in all areas visited. The reasons for these differences are not clear but may be due to climate, urban development or other environmental differences between the north and the south of Shikoku (四国). Weedy and complex populations of Vigna were not found on Shikoku (四国). However, in one location near Koochi (高知) escaped cowpea (Vigna unguigulata) was found. In conversations with several farmers it was learned that Takeazuki (Vigna umbellata) was grown some years ago but was no longer grown.We did not find or hear of Vigna umbellata being currently grown during the tnp. A total of 27 populations were collected in addition 96 single plant samples were collected from 5 populations of Vigna angularis var. nipponensis and 4 populations of Glycine soja (Table below). In most cases herbarium specimens and root nodules were also collected日本に自生する作物近縁野生種の代表として野生アズキと野生ダイズの生育地点を調査し, 遺伝資源を収集するための探索を四国で行った。調査は, 1998年10月23日から30日にかけて行った。四国の瀬戸内海側ではほとんど野生アズキ, 野生ダイズ集団を発見できず, この地域ではこれら両種の生育密度が低いことが判明した。これに対し, 四国の南側では両種の生育密度は高く, 数地点の両野生種生育地を発見できた。四国では雑草アズキは発見できなかった。高知県でササゲのエスケープ集団を発見した。数人の農民からの聞き取りによると以前はツルアズキ (タケアズキ, V. umbellata) を栽培していたが, 現在は栽培しなくなったという。本探索によって, 27点の植物遺伝資源を収集した。野生アズキ5集団, 野生ダイズ4集団からは個体別に種子を収集した。ほとんどの集団から根粒を収集し, 植物標本を作成した

    Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant Candidate G312.5-3.0

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    The radio images from the Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) Southern Sky Survey at 4850 MHz have revealed a number of previously unknown radio sources. One such source, G312.5-3.0 (PMN J1421-6415), has been observed using the multi-frequency capabilities of the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at frequencies of 1380 MHz and 2378 MHz. Further observations of the source were made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) at a frequency of 843 MHz. The source has an angular size of 18 arcmin and has a distinct shell structure. We present the reduced multi-frequency observations of this source and provide a brief argument for its possible identification as a supernova remnant.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Collection of the Wild Relatives of Crops 1997. : 3. The Azuki Bean (Vigna angularis var angularis) Genepool and Soybean (Glycine max) Genepool in the Kinki Region of Honshu, Japan 4-1 1^<th> November

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    Wild azuki beans (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) was found in disturbed, open, habitats of rural areas throughout the region visited. This species is well adapted to riverside banks, herbaceous waste land and roadside verges. Population size varied from less than 10 plants to populations of several 100m^2. Four populations appeared be weedy V. angulalis and one population appeared to be a mixture of wild and weedy azuki. Two explanations for the origin of weedy azuki are that it is a hybrid between the wild and cultivated species (possibly the situation with collection no. 97069 and 97097) or that it is an escape from cultivation (possibly the situation with collection no. 97074 and 97091). Glycine soja was generally more abundant than Vigna angularis var nipponensis but was not common in the interior parts of Wakayama (和歌山) and Mie (三重) prefectures. In several sites Glycine soja and wild Vigna grew together, even growing up the same plant. Where the two species grew together Glycine soja was usually the more abundant the exception was collection site 58 (collection numbers 97095 and 96) where wild Vigna was the more abundant.A total of 36 seed samples were collected (Table below) in most cases herbarium specimens and root nodule samples were also collected. All collecting sites were located using a global positioning system and complete passport data was obtained. After seed increase, accessions will be preserved in the MAFF genebank. Herbarium specimens are deposited in the MAFF genbank herbarium

    Wild relatives of crops conservation in Japan with a focus on Vigna spp. : 4. Collecting mission on Kyushu 16^<th>-21^<st> October 1998

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    Previously collection specifically for wild relatives of azuki bean was conducted by Tomooka (1997) in the area of Fukuoka (福岡), Kumamoto (熊本) and Saga (佐賀) prefectures. During that trip 4 populations of wild azuki were collected. The trip reported here continues the collecting on Kyushu (九州) of the previous mission report of this volume (Tomooka et al., 1999b). The main observations during the trip were that, in less densely populated areas, wild Vigna angularis is sporadically found. Weedy Vigna was found in only one place an unusual shaded habitat. Most of the plants of this weedy population were beneath young coniferous trees. It is possible that the habitat had once been an azuki field and was subsequently planted with trees perhaps about 10 years previously. One seemingly small complex population was found with wild plants and very large plants with very big leaves which appeared to be weedy Vigna. The large size of the plant similar to collection made in Tottori (鳥取) in 1997 (Tomooka et al., 1999a) may have been due to its shady location. Wild soybean (Glycine soja) populations were commonly found throughout the journey. In addition escaped cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was collected at widely scattered locations in Kyushu (九州). A total of 43 bulk samples were collected, in addition 148 single plant samples were collected from 11 populations of wild or weedy V angularis, and 5 populations of Glycine soja (Table below). For most populations both root nodules and herbarium specimens were obtained.九州では、1996年に福岡、熊本、佐賀において野生アズキを中心とした探索を行い、野生アズキ4集団を収集した (友岡、1997)。本探索は、本報告書のひとつ前の探索報告 (友岡ら、1999a) の隊に続いて福岡から出発し、長崎半島を除く九州を一周したものである。雑草アズキは1集団見つかったが、この生息地はこれまで雑草アズキが良くみられた生育環境とは異なり、若い針薬樹林の下の低日照環境であった。ここは、以前アズキ畑であった場所に針葉樹が10年ほど前に植林された可能性も考えられる。一つの野生アズキ集団では、雑草アズキかと思われる大きな葉を持った大型の個体が混生していたが、これには生息場所の低照度も影響しているかもしれない。野生ダイズは、九州の各地で頻繁にみられた。また、九州ではササゲのエスケープ集団が多くの場所で形成されていることが確認された。本探索では、43集団を調査し種子の収集を行った。11地点の野生・雑草アズキ集団および5地点の野生ダイズ集団からは個体別に種子の収集を行った。また、ほとんどの集団から、根粒を収集し植物体の標本を作成した

    作物近縁野生種の収集と調査, 1997 : 2. 本州中部地域におけるアズキおよびダイズ近縁野生種

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    An exploration was conducted from 15^ to 24^ October to find growing sites of wild azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) and wild soybean (Glycine soja) and to collect seeds, nodules and herbarium specimens. A total of 44 samples from 26 sites were collected, which consist of 16 samples of wild soybean, 9 of wild azuki bean, 8 of weedy azuki bean, 4 of cultivated azuki bean, 4 of wild and weedy azuki complex and 3 of Vicia sp. Among 26 sites, wild soybean and wild azuki bean were sympatric in 6 sites. In some cases (Site No. 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83), variation in seed color and/or pod color were observed for wild and weedy azuki bean populations. In Tottori site (Site No. 72 and 73), wild, weedy and cultivated azuki bean were growing sympatrically. These sites may be interesting to study gene flow and origin of "weedy" type of azuki. After seed increase, accessions will be preserved in the MAFF genebank. Herbarium specimens are deposited in the MAFF genebank herbarium

    Wild Relatives of Crops Conservation in Japan with a focus on Vigna spp. Introduction.

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    The wild relatives of Vigna cultigens have been chosen as the first focus group for our studies on in-situ conservation and population dynamics. One reason is that this genus in Japan includes a crop complex within which geneflow between wild, "weedy" and cultivated components can occur. In this introduction to the following 4 exploration reports we summarise the 4 explorations undertaken in 1997 and a preliminary exploration made in 1996. In addition, we present the objectives of the collecting missions and related research

    Report of a Collaborative Multi-crop and Crop Wild Relatives Collection Mission in Papua New Guinea : Focus Genera Manihot, Metroxylon, Oryza and Vigna. 12^<th>-28^<th> June 2005

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    This second year of collaboration between the National Agricultural Research Institute, Papua New Guinea and National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan focussed on the northern provinces of East Sepik and Madang. In accordance with the workplan wild Oryza, legumes (Vigna) and sago (Metroxylon spp.) were the main focus of the collecting. In the East Sepik Oryza ridleyi was found and collected at 4 locations. This is the first report of this species from East Sepik. It appears to be common along the banks of the Sepik River and tributaries. O. rufipogon was also collected in the Blackwater area along a tributary of the Sepik. Surprisingly it was not found in the Chambri Lakes. In Madang Province O. ridleyi was collected in the lower Ramu and O. schlechteri in two locations along the Jamu River a tributary of the Minjeng River. There have been no previous reports of Vigna from East Sepik Province hence all the collections from there are new records. V. reflexo-pilosa was found along the road side in the forested hills between Wewak and Maprik. On the native grass Sepik plains between Maprik and Pagwi an unidentified Vigna species, of the Vigna minima complex, was found in two locations. Along the Sepik River and abundantly in the Chambri Lakes V. radiata var. sublobata was found. The taxonomic status of these Vigna species will be clarified based on observations of growing them with closely related germplasm. In Madang Province V. reflexo-pilosa and V. radiata var. sublobata were collected in several locations. In several villages in East Sepik and Madang provinces local residents supplied suckers of Sago and these materials will form the basis of the NARI Sago collection. A few samples of cassava were also collected for the cassava collection maintained by NARI at Laloki.生物研と NARI (パプアニューギニア) は植物遺伝資源共同探索調査の MOU を2003年に取り交わし, 今回の探索はその3年計画の2年目にあたる. 1年目のパプアニューギニア中山間部や東部の探索 (Fig. 1) については友岡ら (2005) が報告している. 今回はパプアニューギニアのなかでもアクセスが極めて困難で, ほぼ手付かずの高温多湿の熱帯雨林が広がるパプアニューギニア北部 (Fig. 1)においてイネ (Oryza), マメ (Vigna), サゴヤシ (Metroxylon) およびキャッサバ (Manihot) の探索を行った. 調査期間は平成17年6月12日~6月28日である. 調査地域は Fig. 1 に示した East Sepik 州と Madang 州の2地域である. East Sepik 州ではWewak~Pagwi を車で, 広大な Sepik 川の氾濫原はボートで探索した. Madang 州では Usino~Madang~Namnam を車で, Ramu 川の氾濫原をボートで, Minjeng 川渓谷 Asui 村は徒歩で探索した (Table 1). その結果, イネ属野生種3種9系統, アズキ亜属野生種3種20系統およびササゲ亜属野生種2種を収集することができた (Table 2). 昨年度の探索で見つかっているダイズ属野生種やライマメ, ササゲ, シカクマメなどのマメ科作物は確認できなかった. 今回訪問した EastSepik 州の低湿地林帯の住民はサゴデンプンを主食としており, 各村が独自のサゴヤシを維持していた. アクセスが困難なためこの地域のサゴヤシはこれまで収集されていなかったが, サゴヤシ栽培型12系統および野生型4系統の吸枝を収集することができた. また, Madang 州ではキャッサバ在来種3系統および雑草型4系統を収集した. イネ属野生種 (Fig. 2) : O. rufipogon については Blackwater 湖で収集できたが (Photo 1), 広大な分布が期待された Chambri 湖では全く見つからなかった. East Sepik 州 Sepik 川とその支流, Chambri 湖周辺の低湿地林合計4ヶ所で Oryza ridleyi を発見した (Photo 2). East Sepik 州での記録は今回がはじめてである. Madang 州では, Ramu 川の低湿地林で O. ridleyi を, Minajim 川上流の支流 Jamu 川の2ヶ所において, これまで国内で入手不可能であった O. schlechteri を発見した (Photo 3 および4).これらからは種子および集団構造分析用のサンプルを収集し, O. rufipogon と O. schlechteri については生茎葉も持ち帰った. アズキ亜属野生種 (Fig. 3) : East Sepik 州でのアズキ亜属野生種に関する記録は今回がはじめてである. Sepik 川とChambri 湖の湿地帯5ヶ所においてリョクトウ野生種 (V. radiata var. sublobata) と考えられる植物を見出した (Photo 5). これらは乾燥したサバンナ植生で見つかったリョクトウ野生種とは明らかに異なる生育地に広く分布し, 形態的にもやや異なる特徴を持っていた. East Sepik 州 Maprik から Pagwi の草原帯のなかの道路沿いの比較的湿った場所で, イネ科植物に巻き付いた V. minima に近縁と考えられる植物を発見した (Photo 7 および8). この植物の花は小さく, 葉は植物全体にわたり極めて細長く, 種子の臍があまり突出していないなど, 典型的な V. minima とは異なる複数の特徴を持っていた. また, これら2種については分類学上の位置づけが明らかでないので, 今後持ち帰った収集品を調査する予定である

    野生ダイズ, 栽培ダイズおよび両種の自然交雑集団の探索, 収集とモニタリング : 秋田県, 茨城県, 高知県, 佐賀県における現地調査から

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    During 2003 and 2004, a total of 11 individuals of hybrid derivatives between wild and cultivated soybean were found at Akita (1 individual from one site) and Saga (8, 1 and 1 individuals from three sites). The aim of the present survey was to monitor and explore for hybrid derivatives at prefectures of Akita, Ibaraki, Kochi and Saga. In 2005, only one hybrid individual was found in a site at Saga, and no hybrid derivatives were newly found among 39 sites of wild soybean populations, including 14 sites, which were adjacent to soybean field the previous year. These results suggest that 1) pollen flow from soybean to wild soybean is a rare event, and 2) hybrid derivatives are subject to natural selection and obvious hybrid plants are transient in natural habitats