130 research outputs found

    Drug Repurposing for Rare Diseases

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    Currently, there are about 7000 identified rare diseases, together affecting 10% of the population. However, fewer than 6% of all rare diseases have an approved treatment option, highlighting their tremendous unmet needs in drug development. The process of repurposing drugs for new indications, compared with the development of novel orphan drugs, is a time-saving and cost-efficient method resulting in higher success rates, which can therefore drastically reduce the risk of drug development for rare diseases. Although drug repurposing is not novel, new strategies have been developed in recent years to do it in a systematic and rational way. Here, we review applied methodologies, recent accomplished progress, and the challenges associated in drug repurposing for rare diseases

    Cantu syndrome–associated SUR2 (ABCC9) mutations in distinct structural domains result in KATP channel gain-of-function by differential mechanisms

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    The complex disorder Cantu syndrome (CS) arises from gainof-function mutations in either KCNJ8 or ABCC9, the genes encoding the Kir6.1 and SUR2 subunits of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, respectively. Recent reports indicate that such mutations can increase channel activity by multiple molecular mechanisms. In this study, we determined the mechanism by which KATP function is altered by several substitutions in distinct structural domains of SUR2: D207E in the intracellular L0-linker and Y985S, G989E, M1060I, and R1154Q/R1154W in TMD2. We engineered substitutions at their equivalent positions in rat SUR2A (D207E, Y981S, G985E, M1056I, and R1150Q/R1150W) and investigated functional consequences using macroscopic rubidium (86Rb-) efflux assays and patchclamp electrophysiology. Our results indicate that D207E increases KATP channel activity by increasing intrinsic stability of the open state, whereas the cluster of Y981S/G985E/M1056I substitutions, as well as R1150Q/R1150W, augmented Mg-nucleotide activation. We also tested the responses of these channel variants to inhibition by the sulfonylurea drug glibenclamide, a potential pharmacotherapy for CS. None of the D207E, Y981S, G985E, or M1056I substitutions had a significant effect on glibenclamide sensitivity. However, Gln and Trp substitution at Arg-1150 significantly decreased glibenclamide potency. In summary, these results provide additional confirmation that mutations in CS-Associated SUR2 mutations result in KATP gain-of-function. They help link CS genotypes to phenotypes and shed light on the underlying molecular mechanisms, including consequences for inhibitory drug sensitivity, insights that may inform the development of therapeutic approaches to manage CS

    Three-dimensional facial morphology in Cantu syndrome

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    Cantú syndrome (CS) was first described in 1982, and is caused by pathogenic variants in ABCC9 and KCNJ8 encoding regulatory and pore forming subunits of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, respectively. It is characterized by congenital hypertrichosis, osteochondrodysplasia, extensive cardiovascular abnormalities and distinctive facial anomalies including a broad nasal bridge, long philtrum, epicanthal folds, and prominent lips. Many genetic syndromes, such as CS, involve facial anomalies that serve as a significant clue in the initial identification of the respective disorder before clinical or molecular diagnosis are undertaken. However, an overwhelming number of CS patients receive misdiagnoses based on an evaluation of coarse facial features. By analyzing three-dimensional images of CS faces, we quantified facial dysmorphology in a cohort of both male and female CS patients with confirmed ABCC9 variants. Morphometric analysis of different regions of the face revealed gender-specific significant differences in face shape. Moreover, we show that 3D facial photographs can distinguish between CS and other genetic disorders with specific facial dysmorphologies that have been mistaken for CS-associated anomalies in the past, hence assisting in an earlier clinical and molecular diagnosis. This optimizes genetic counseling and reduces stress for patients and parents by avoiding unnecessary misdiagnosis

    Behavioral and cognitive functioning in individuals with Cantu syndrome

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    Cantú syndrome (CS) is caused by pathogenic variants in ABCC9 and KCNJ8 encoding the regulatory and pore-forming subunits of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP ) channels. CS is characterized by congenital hypertrichosis, distinctive facial features, peripheral edema, and cardiac and neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Behavioral and cognitive issues have been self-reported by some CS individuals, but results of formal standardized investigations have not been published. To assess the cognitive profile, social functioning, and psychiatric symptoms in a large group of CS subjects systematically in a cross-sectional manner, we invited 35 individuals (1-69 years) with confirmed ABCC9 variants and their relatives to complete various commonly applied standardized age-related questionnaires, including the Kaufman brief intelligence test 2, the social responsiveness scale-2, and the Achenbach system of empirically based assessment. The majority of CS individuals demonstrated average verbal and nonverbal intelligence compared to the general population. Fifteen percent of cases showed social functioning strongly associated with a clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Both externalizing and internalizing problems were also present in this cohort. In particular, anxiety, anxiety or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum behaviors were predominantly observed in the younger subjects in the cohort (≥25%), but this percentage decreased markedly in adults

    Glibenclamide reverses cardiovascular abnormalities of Cantu syndrome driven by KATP channel overactivity

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    Cantu syndrome (CS) is a complex disorder caused by gain-of-function (GoF) mutations in ABCC9 and KCNJ8, which encode the SUR2 and Kir6.1 subunits, respectively, of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) KATP channels. CS includes dilated vasculature, marked cardiac hypertrophy, and other cardiovascular abnormalities. There is currently no targeted therapy, and it is unknown whether cardiovascular features can be reversed once manifest. Using combined transgenic and pharmacological approaches in a knockin mouse model of CS, we have shown that reversal of vascular and cardiac phenotypes can be achieved by genetic downregulation of KATP channel activity specifically in VSM, and by chronic administration of the clinically used KATP channel inhibitor, glibenclamide. These findings demonstrate that VSM KATP channel GoF underlies CS cardiac enlargement and that CS-associated abnormalities are reversible, and provide evidence of in vivo efficacy of glibenclamide as a therapeutic agent in CS

    Whole Genome Analysis of Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumors Reveals Tumor Heterogeneity and a High-Grade TP53-Specific Subgroup

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    Adult granulosa cell tumors (AGCTs) harbor a somatic FOXL2 c.402C>G mutation in ~95% of cases and are mainly surgically removed due to limited systemic treatment effect. In this study, potentially targetable genomic alterations in AGCTs were investigated by whole genome sequencing on 46 tumor samples and matched normal DNA. Copy number variant (CNV) analysis confirmed gain of chromosome 12 and 14, and loss of 22. Pathogenic TP53 mutations were identified in three patients with highest tumor mutational burden and mitotic activity, defining a high-grade AGCT subgroup. Within-patient tumor comparisons showed 29–80% unique somatic mutations per sample, suggesting tumor heterogeneity. A higher mutational burden was found in recurrent tumors, as compared to primary AGCTs. FOXL2-wildtype AGCTs harbored DICER1, TERT(C228T) and TP53 mutations and similar CNV profiles as FOXL2-mutant tumors. Our study confirms that absence of the FOXL2 c.402C>G mutation does not exclude AGCT diagnosis. The lack of overlapping variants in targetable cancer genes indicates the need for personalized treatment for AGCT patients

    PA-6 inhibits inward rectifier currents carried by V93I and D172N gain-of-function KIR2.1 channels, but increases channel protein expression

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    Background: The inward rectifier potassium current IK1 contributes to a stable resting membrane potential and phase 3 repolarization of the cardiac action potential. KCNJ2 gain-of function mutations V93I and D172N associate with increased IK1, short QT syndrome type 3 and congenital atrial fibrillation. Pentamidine-Analogue 6 (PA-6) is an efficient (IC50 = 14 nM with inside-out patch clamp methodology) and specific IK1 inhibitor that interacts with the cytoplasmic pore region of the KIR2.1 ion channel, encoded by KCNJ2. At 10 μM, PA-6 increases wild-type (WT) KIR2. 1 expression in HEK293T cells upon chronic treatment. We hypothesized that PA-6 will interact with and inhibit V93I and D172N KIR2.1 channels, whereas impact on channel expression at the plasma membrane requires higher concentrations. Methods: Molecular modelling was performed with the human KIR2.1 closed state homology model using FlexX. WT and mutant KIR2.1 channels were expressed in HEK293 cells. Patch clamp single cell electrophysiology measurements were performed in the whole cell and inside-out mode of the patch clamp method. KIR2.1 expression level and localization were determined by western blot analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy, respectively. Results: PA-6 docking in the V93I/D172N double mutant homology model of KIR2.1 demonstrated that mutations and drug-binding site are >30 Å apart. PA-6 inhibited WT and V93I outward currents with similar potency (IC50 = 35.5 and 43.6 nM at +50 mV for WT and V93I), whereas D172N currents were less sensitive (IC50 = 128.9 nM at +50 mV) using inside-out patch-clamp electrophysiology. In whole cell mode, 1 μM of PA-6 inhibited outward IK1 at −50 mV by 28 ± 36%, 18 ± 20% and 10 ± 6%, for WT, V93I and D172N channels respectively. Western blot analysis demonstrated that PA-6 (5 μM, 24 h) increased KIR2.1 expression levels of WT (6.3 ± 1.5 fold), and V93I (3.9 ± 0.9) and D172N (4.8 ± 2.0) mutants. Immunofluorescent microscopy demonstrated dose-dependent intracellular KIR2.1 accumulation following chronic PA-6 application (24 h, 1 and 5 μM). Conclusions: 1) KCNJ2 gain-of-function mutations V93I and D172N in the KIR2.1 ion channel do not impair PA-6 mediated inhibition of IK1, 2) PA-6 elevates KIR2.1 protein expression and induces intracellular KIR2.1 accumulation, 3) PA-6 is a strong candidate for further preclinical evaluation in treatment of congenital SQT3 and AF