3 research outputs found

    Aula de Naturaleza : Mar Menor, Los Urrutias

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    Es un cuaderno de trabajo dirigido a alumnos de Educación Primaria con motivo de su visita al Albergue del Mar Menor en Los Urrutias. Se trata de una colección de fichas dividas en dos bloques. El primero formado por las de car cter informativo, que describen los aspectos m s destacados de la zona: flora, fauna, geología, paisaje. El segundo grupo incluye fichas para cumplimentar utilizando básicamente los conocimientos adquiridos en los itinerarios programados, salidas al campo, recorridos urbanos, excursiones. La intención es que se convierta en una herramienta útil y amena para el trabajo en el aula.MurciaES

    A la orilla del mar

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    Colección de fichas de trabajo recogidas en una carpeta didáctica cuyo objetivo es la interpretación del estudio del medio en el Mar Menor y su entorno. Las fichas vienen divididas en dos bloques: el primero lo forman fichas de carácter informativo, el segundo fichas para su elaboración a partir de los conocimientos que irá descubriendo el alumno en los itinerarios que realice.MurciaES

    Endoscopic ultrasound in gastric cancer staging before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. A comparison with PET-CT in a clinical series.

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    Treatment of gastric cancer is based on accurate staging. Emerging methods, such as PET-CT, are increasingly being used for this purpose. Our aim was to analyze the results of EUS and PET-CT in staging and restaging our patients with gastric cancer, comparing both of them with the histological results. Patients with confirmed gastric cancer were prospectively enrolled. Inclusion criteria for the final analysis included only patients who finally received a surgical resection. All patients underwent preoperative TNM staging by means of EUS and PET-CT within 21 days prior to the surgical treatment. A total of 256 patients were included. The overall EUS accuracy for T staging was 78% and 80.2% in restaging. EUS showed its best accuracy when distinguishing T1-T2 tumors vs. T3-T4, with an increased accuracy in restaging. Regarding N staging, the overall accuracy of EUS was 76.2%, and 72.5% for PET-CT (p = 0.02). With regards to restaging, accuracy of EUS and PET-CT for N staging was 88.5% and 69%, respectively, with significant differences (p  EUS performed better than PET-CT in gastric cancer N staging and restaging. EUS accuracy in this setting is still suboptimal and probably more than one single diagnostic procedure should be used