5 research outputs found

    Learning Optimal Deep Projection of 18^{18}F-FDG PET Imaging for Early Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonian Syndromes

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    Several diseases of parkinsonian syndromes present similar symptoms at early stage and no objective widely used diagnostic methods have been approved until now. Positron emission tomography (PET) with 18^{18}F-FDG was shown to be able to assess early neuronal dysfunction of synucleinopathies and tauopathies. Tensor factorization (TF) based approaches have been applied to identify characteristic metabolic patterns for differential diagnosis. However, these conventional dimension-reduction strategies assume linear or multi-linear relationships inside data, and are therefore insufficient to distinguish nonlinear metabolic differences between various parkinsonian syndromes. In this paper, we propose a Deep Projection Neural Network (DPNN) to identify characteristic metabolic pattern for early differential diagnosis of parkinsonian syndromes. We draw our inspiration from the existing TF methods. The network consists of a (i) compression part: which uses a deep network to learn optimal 2D projections of 3D scans, and a (ii) classification part: which maps the 2D projections to labels. The compression part can be pre-trained using surplus unlabelled datasets. Also, as the classification part operates on these 2D projections, it can be trained end-to-end effectively with limited labelled data, in contrast to 3D approaches. We show that DPNN is more effective in comparison to existing state-of-the-art and plausible baselines.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, conference, MICCAI DLMIA, 201


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    Deep learning approaches have emerged that aim to transform an audio signal so that it sounds as if it was recorded in the same room as a reference recording, with applications both in audio post-production and augmented reality. In this work, we propose FiNS, a Filtered Noise Shaping network that directly estimates the time domain room impulse response (RIR) from reverberant speech. Our domain-inspired architecture features a time domain encoder and a filtered noise shaping decoder that models the RIR as a summation of decaying filtered noise signals, along with direct sound and early reflection components. Previous methods for acoustic matching utilize either large models to transform audio to match the target room or predict parameters for algorithmic reverberators. Instead, blind estimation of the RIR enables efficient and realistic transformation with a single convolution. An evaluation demonstrates our model not only synthesizes RIRs that match parameters of the target room, such as the T60T_{60} and DRR, but also more accurately reproduces perceptual characteristics of the target room, as shown in a listening test when compared to deep learning baselines.Comment: Accepted to WASPAA 2021. See details at https://facebookresearch.github.io/FiNS

    Accelerating permutation testing in voxel-wise analysis through subspace tracking: A new plugin for SnPM

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    Permutation testing is a non-parametric method for obtaining the max null distribution used to compute corrected p-values that provide strong control of false positives. In neuroimaging, however, the computational burden of running such an algorithm can be significant. We find that by viewing the permutation testing procedure as the construction of a very large permutation testing matrix, T, one can exploit structural properties derived from the data and the test statistics to reduce the runtime under certain conditions. In particular, we see that T is low-rank plus a low-variance residual. This makes T a good candidate for low-rank matrix completion, where only a very small number of entries of T (∼0.35% of all entries in our experiments) have to be computed to obtain a good estimate. Based on this observation, we present RapidPT, an algorithm that efficiently recovers the max null distribution commonly obtained through regular permutation testing in voxel-wise analysis. We present an extensive validation on a synthetic dataset and four varying sized datasets against two baselines: Statistical NonParametric Mapping (SnPM13) and a standard permutation testing implementation (referred as NaivePT). We find that RapidPT achieves its best runtime performance on medium sized datasets (50≤n≤200), with speedups of 1.5× - 38× (vs. SnPM13) and 20x-1000× (vs. NaivePT). For larger datasets (n≥200) RapidPT outperforms NaivePT (6× - 200×) on all datasets, and provides large speedups over SnPM13 when more than 10000 permutations (2× - 15×) are needed. The implementation is a standalone toolbox and also integrated within SnPM13, able to leverage multi-core architectures when available

    Accelerating permutation testing in voxel-wise analysis through subspace tracking: A new plugin for SnPM

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    Permutation testing is a non-parametric method for obtaining the max null distribution used to compute corrected p-values that provide strong control of false positives. In neuroimaging, however, the computational burden of running such an algorithm can be significant. We find that by viewing the permutation testing procedure as the construction of a very large permutation testing matrix, T, one can exploit structural properties derived from the data and the test statistics to reduce the runtime under certain conditions. In particular, we see that T is low-rank plus a low-variance residual. This makes T a good candidate for low-rank matrix completion, where only a very small number of entries of T (∼0.35% of all entries in our experiments) have to be computed to obtain a good estimate. Based on this observation, we present RapidPT, an algorithm that efficiently recovers the max null distribution commonly obtained through regular permutation testing in voxel-wise analysis. We present an extensive validation on a synthetic dataset and four varying sized datasets against two baselines: Statistical NonParametric Mapping (SnPM13) and a standard permutation testing implementation (referred as NaivePT). We find that RapidPT achieves its best runtime performance on medium sized datasets (50≤n≤200), with speedups of 1.5× - 38× (vs. SnPM13) and 20x-1000× (vs. NaivePT). For larger datasets (n≥200) RapidPT outperforms NaivePT (6× - 200×) on all datasets, and provides large speedups over SnPM13 when more than 10000 permutations (2× - 15×) are needed. The implementation is a standalone toolbox and also integrated within SnPM13, able to leverage multi-core architectures when available