110 research outputs found


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    The article describes enterprise mathmodels, its interactions with environment in commodity market and quantitativeconditions for its success and the crisis in such kind of interaction. Showed: the number of commodity market successfulparticipants should be certain, regardless of market size; any size commodity market, including monopolistic, is assuccessful as producers’ average activity dynamics is balanced with consumers’average activity dynamics.Статьяописываетматематическиемодели предприятия, их взаимодействия с внешней средой и количественные условия их успеха и кризиса в этом видевзаимодействия. Показано: число успешныхучастниковтоварногорынка должно быть определенным независимо от его размера; товарный рынок настолько успешный, насколько динамика производителей сбалансирована с динамикой потребителей

    On Some Problems of the Economic Education

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    In this article key problems of ensuring of historical component in training of economists and managers as a whole and separate economic subjects specifically are discussed. The shorts in the contemporary  economic education, that are closely associated with historical training  limiting, are covered. Some methodic issues of teaching of the historical and simultaneously economic subjects are discussed also

    Обеспечение радиационной безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации тяжеловодного исследовательского ядерного реактора НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» – ИТЭФ

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    The article provides a brief description of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring radiation safety during the decommissioning of the heavy-water research nuclear reactor of Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics after A.I. Alikhanov of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute». Information is provided on the history and features of the operation of the reactor, including parameters and characteristics that are significant for planning and conducting work. The peculiarities of legal regulation in the field of ensuring radiation safety are given; regulatory acts and rules accompanying other activities during decommissioning and directly related to radiation safety are also considered. The paper describes the work done in preparation for dismantling, the initial and current state of the installation, forthcoming work with examples of dismantled equipment. Methods for handling radioactive waste arising during decommissioning are considered, including methods for fragmentation of large structural elements (examples of mechanical devices are given), methods for sorting according to different specific activity (high activity, low activity), radionuclide composition and physical properties (solid, metallic, non-metallic, liquid). A special method for handling liquid radioactive waste is described, which includes the collection and temporary storage system. To assess the radiation situation at workplaces during the dismantling of the reactor structures, calculations of radiation transfer were carried out on the running and shutdown reactor, during which it was established that the expected dose to the personnel when performing activities on decommissioning of TBR is much lower than the limit values, established by regulatory documents. In accordance with the estimated radiation doses, rules and instructions for personnel were determined, including the procedure for using personal protective equipment, the necessary measures for surface decontamination, etc. Information is given on the procedure for radiation monitoring at all stages of dismantling and at the final stages of decommissioning including control of premises, personnel, equipment, waste of various types, atmospheric air.В статье приведено краткое описание организационных и технических мер, направленных на обеспечение радиационной безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации тяжеловодного исследовательского ядерного реактора Института теоретической и экспериментальной физики имени А.И. Алиханова Национального исследовательского центра «Курчатовский институт». Представлена информация об истории и особенностях эксплуатации реактора, в том числе параметры и характеристики, значимые для планирования и проведения работ. Приведены особенности нормативно-правового регулирования в области обеспечения радиационной безопасности, также рассмотрены нормативные акты и правила, сопутствующие прочим работам при выводе из эксплуатации и непосредственно связанные с радиационной безопасностью. Описаны выполненные работы по подготовке к демонтажу, исходное и текущее состояние установки, предстоящие работы с приведением примеров демонтируемого оборудования. Рассмотрены методы обращения с радиоактивными отходами, возникающими в ходе работ по выводу из эксплуатации, в том числе способы фрагментации крупных элементов конструкций (приведены примеры механических устройств), способы сортировки в соответствии с различной удельной активностью (высокоактивные, низкоактивные), радионуклидным составом и физическими свойствами (твердые, металлические, неметаллические, жидкие). Приведена информация о порядке радиационного контроля на всех этапах работ по демонтажу и на заключительных этапах вывода из эксплуатации, включая контроль помещений, персонала, оборудования, отходов различного типа, атмосферного воздуха


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    The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma among the population in economically developed countries has been increasing significantly for last three decades. Columnar-lining esophagus (Barrett's esophagus) is one of the proven factors of developing esophagus cancer. The prevalence of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma in Russia is not investigated enough. The analysis of the results of 34903 endoscopic examinations of the upper gastrointestinal tract in population of Leningrad region with symptoms of gastric dyspepsia during the period from 2007 to 2013 is presented in this article.В течение трех последних десятилетий отмечается достоверный рост заболеваемости аденокарциномой пищевода населения экономически развитых стран. Одним из доказанных факторов развития железистого рака органа является цилиндроклеточная метаплазия его слизистой оболочки. Распространенность цилиндроклеточной метаплазии и адено-генного рака пищевода среди россиян изучена мало. В статье представлен анализ результатов 34 903 эндоскопических исследований верхних отделов пищеварительного тракта, выполненных в период с 2007 по 2013 г. жителям Ленинградской области с симптомами желудочной диспепсии

    Provision of the radiation safety for the decomissioning of the heavy-water research nuclear reactor NRC «Kurchatov Institute» – ITEP

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    The article provides a brief description of organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring radiation safety during the decommissioning of the heavy-water research nuclear reactor of Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics after A.I. Alikhanov of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute». Information is provided on the history and features of the operation of the reactor, including parameters and characteristics that are significant for planning and conducting work. The peculiarities of legal regulation in the field of ensuring radiation safety are given; regulatory acts and rules accompanying other activities during decommissioning and directly related to radiation safety are also considered. The paper describes the work done in preparation for dismantling, the initial and current state of the installation, forthcoming work with examples of dismantled equipment. Methods for handling radioactive waste arising during decommissioning are considered, including methods for fragmentation of large structural elements (examples of mechanical devices are given), methods for sorting according to different specific activity (high activity, low activity), radionuclide composition and physical properties (solid, metallic, non-metallic, liquid). A special method for handling liquid radioactive waste is described, which includes the collection and temporary storage system. To assess the radiation situation at workplaces during the dismantling of the reactor structures, calculations of radiation transfer were carried out on the running and shutdown reactor, during which it was established that the expected dose to the personnel when performing activities on decommissioning of TBR is much lower than the limit values, established by regulatory documents. In accordance with the estimated radiation doses, rules and instructions for personnel were determined, including the procedure for using personal protective equipment, the necessary measures for surface decontamination, etc. Information is given on the procedure for radiation monitoring at all stages of dismantling and at the final stages of decommissioning including control of premises, personnel, equipment, waste of various types, atmospheric air

    Turbulent coalescence during dust suppression by spraying

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    The approximating model for the definition of the steam turbines blades wear rate under the continuous operation through the droplet-impact erosion is built on the ground of the comparative analysis of the stand test data of the titanium alloy samples