104 research outputs found

    Analysis of pig meat production with respect to different housing systems of pig

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    The research focused on two production systems of fattening pigs: conventional system (housing on cross - barred floor) and ecological system (housing on deep litter). Favorable climatic conditions for pig meat production, possibilities to produce cheaper food of better quality and great amounts of litter, are a good basis for making ecological pig production widely accepted by family farms. Ecological aspect of such production of pigs, along with its economic analysis will be key factors, which will influence pig producers in their choice of the most suitable technological solution. In comparison to the conventional way of keeping pigs, main advantages of pig housing on deep litter are cheaper building and equipping of pens, better effect on health conditions of pigs, as well as easier manipulating with manure. Following this context, the research objective was to analyze economic indicators of different pig production systems and to compare economic results obtained in conventional and ecological way of pig production. The research aim was to determine economic possibilities and to evaluate results of production systems in question, justifying their economic and social aspects.Economic Analysis, Conventional Production, Ecological Production, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    The objective of this research was to compare the quality of carcass and meat of selected pigs in Croatia. Investigation was carried out on 80 pigs, divided into three groups. Pigs from 1st and 2nd groups were three-way crossbreeds between Large White and Swedish Landrace on the dam side and Pietrain (1st group) and German Landrace (2nd group) on the sire side. 3rd group was created from pigs crossbreed between Large White and German Landrace of the dam side, and Pietrain on the sire side. Influence of crossbreeding on lean meat percentage, Fat/MLD ratio and portions of main parts in carcass (except for shoulder) was statistically significant (P<0.001). The highest portion of muscular tissue was obtained in the 3rd group (62.80%), followed by the 1st group (56.50%) and the 2nd one (52.33%). The 2nd group exhibited the best indicators of MLD technological properties (pH45, pH24, W.H.C. and color). Carcasses with lower lean meat percentage had better meat quality traits than those with higher lean meat percentage.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti kakvoću polovica i mesa selekcioniranih svinja u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 svinja, podijeljenih u tri skupine. Svinje 1. i 2. skupine bile su trostruki križanci između velikog jorkÅ”ira i Å”vedskog landrasa na strani majke te pietrena (1. skupina) i njemačkog landrasa (2. skupina) na strani oca, dok su 3. skupinu činili križanci velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog landrasa na strani majke te pietrena na očevoj strani. Utjecaji križanja na postotni udio mesa, odnos slanina/meso u MLD-u i udjel osnovnih dijelova u trupu (izuzev plećke) bili su statistički značajni (P<0,001). NajviÅ”e miÅ”ićnog tkiva imala je 3. skupina (62,80%), zatim slijede 1. skupina (56,50%) i 2. skupina (52,33%). Najbolji pokazatelji tehnoloÅ”ke kakvoće MLD-a (pH45, pH24, Sp.v.v.. i boja) utvrđeni su u 2. skupini svinja. Polovice s manjim postotkom mesa imale su bolja svojstva kakvoće mesa u odnosu na one s viÅ”im udjelom mesa


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    The experiment was performed on 144 pig carcasses selected on the basis of backfat measures obtained by ā€œZPā€- method. There was no stratification according to the carcass weight. One day after slaughter the carcasses were dissected by to EU reference method. The lean share was calculated by equation prescribed by European regulation (Commission Regulation No 3127/94) and estimated by six equations. The first one (MP1) is prescribed by current Croatian regulation (N.N. 119/1999) and the other five were developed on the basis of original data obtained by the experiment. The meat percentage estimated by equation MP1 differed statistically (p<0.01) from mean meat percentage obtained by EU referent method; the current formula significantly overestimates the meatiness of pig carcasses from Croatian population. Original measures of fat and muscle measured for ā€œZPā€- method were used as independent variables in equation MP6. In order to improve the accuracy of estimation, transformed variables were used in equations MP2-MP5. Additional measure of warm carcass weight (T) was included as an independent variable to equations MP4 and MP5 but this did not improve their accuracy. Equation MP2 to MP5 satisfy the statistical criterion requested by EU regulations. The equation MP2 and MP5 can be recommended for lean share estimation in pig carcasses of Croatian pig population


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of MHS genotype on growth and development of muscle and fatty tissue in pig hams. The investigation was performed on 72 barrows divided into 4 groups according to genotype (NN and Nn) and feeding regime (standard and intensive). The data for analyses were collected by MRT imaging; the coefficients of allometric growth were calculated using simple allometric function. The allometric growth coefficients of muscle and fatty tissue showed that muscle tissue grow proportionally with the increase of live weight (bā‰ˆ1), while fatty tissue grow faster compared to the live weight increase (b>1). The differences in allometric growth coefficients calculated for muscle and fatty tissues in the hams of investigated pigs were not statistically significant between the feeding groups and between the genotypes either (P>0.05)


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti proizvodna svojstva dvaju genotipova svinja tovljenih na dva različita načina tova, na dubokoj stelji i na klasični način (puni pod), te utvrditi utjecaj mikroklimatskih čimbenika na proizvodna svojstva tovljenika. Istraživanje je provedeno na 57 svinja oba spol, koje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine. Unutar svake skupine nalazile su se svinje dvaju genotipova, tj. tropasminski križanci između velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog landrasa (VJ x NJL, na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa i pietrena (P), na strani oca. Svinje obje skupine dobivale su tijekom pokusa hranu istog proteinskog i energetskog sastava, a hranidba je bila po volji. Tijekom pokusa obavljena su mikroklimatska mjerenja temperature, vlažnosti zraka, brzine strujanja zraka te sadržaj NH3 i CO2. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u pogledu temperature i vlažnosti zraka, brzine strujanja zraka te sadržaja ugljičnog dioksida (CO2) i amonijaka (NH3) u zraku u oborima s i bez stelje (P>0,05). Svinje držane na podu bez stelje imale su statistički visoko značajno (P0.05). Pigs housed without deep litter had statistically highly significant (P<0.01) higher final weights than pigs kept on deep litter. Pigs crossed with Pietrain as a terminal breed, kept in pens without deep litter, had statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) average daily gains than pigs of the same genotype kept on deep litter. In the finishing phase of fattening, group of pigs being kept in pens without deep litter had statistically higher average daily gains than pigs kept on deep litter (P<0.05). The way of fattening had statistically highly significant (P<0.001) influence on live weight of pigs in the first, second and fourth fattening phase. Average daily gains in the starting two fattening phases were significantly influenced by the way of fattening. Its influence was very highly significant (P<0.01) in the finishing phase of fattening. Noticeable effect of the genotype was determined only for live weights in the second phase of fattening. Genotype influence was not relevant for other fattening traits. Interaction between way of fattening and genotype did not have any effect on the productivity traits of fattening pigs


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je usporediti klaonička svojstva dvaju genotipova svinja utovljenih na dva različita načina tova te utvrditi utjecaj načina držanja na svojstva trupova i kakvoće miÅ”ićnog tkiva. Istraživanje je provedeno na 68 tovnih svinja oba spola, podijeljenih u dvije skupine: prva skupina držana je na dubokoj stelji, a druga skupina u oborima na punom podu bez stelje. Unutar svake skupine nalazile su se svinje dvaju genotipova, tj. tropasminski križanci između velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog lanrasa (VJ x NJL), na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa i pietrena (P), na strani oca. Na kraju pokusa svinje su zaklane i na liniji klanja uzete su mjere pH (45 min i 24 sata post mortem), mjere električne provodljivosti (EP45, EP24), zatim dužina polovica ā€žaā€œ i ā€žbā€œ, mjere buta te mjere debljine leđne slanine i miÅ”ića za procjenu količine miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupu metodom "dvije točke". Svinje držane na dubokoj stelji imale su statistički značajno manje (P<0,05) žive težine i težine toplih polovica u odnosu na svinje držane na podu bez stelje. Križanci s pietrenom držani u tovu bez stelje imali su statistički značajno veću debljinu miÅ”ića u odnosu na križance s njemačkim landrasom držane na dubokoj stelji (P<0,05). Tovljenici oba genotipa držani u tovu bez stelje imali su statistički značajno niže pH45 vrijednosti u butu i MLD-u u odnosu na križance s pietrenom držane na stelji (P<0,05). Utjecaj genotipa bio je statistički značajan za EP45 vrijednost u butu te debljinu miÅ”ića i postotni udjel miÅ”ićnog tkiva (P<0,05). Interakcija između načina tova i genotipa nije imala utjecaja na svojstva kakvoće trupova i mesa.The aim of this research was to compare slaughtering traits of two pig genotypes when reared in two different ways, and to determine the influence of pig housing on carcass characteristics and muscle tissue quality. The research was carried out on 68 fattening pigs of both sex, divided into two groups: the first group was kept on deep litter, and the second one was housed in flat deck pens without deep litter. Each group consisted of pigs of two genotypes, i.e. three-way crossbreeds of Large White and German Landrace (LW x GL) in the dam line and of German Landrace and Pietrain (P) in the sire line. At the end of the experiment, pigs were slaughtered and the following values were determined: the pH45 and pH24 values, electric conductivity values (EC45, EC24), the ā€œaā€ and ā€œbā€ carcass length, loin values and the values of backfat and muscle thickness, aiming to evaluate the share of muscular tissue in carcass by applying the two-points method. Pigs reared on deep litter had statistically significantly smaller live weights (P<0.05) and warm carcass weights in comparison to pigs reared on flat deck without deep litter. Pigs crossed with Pietrain, which were kept without deep litter had significantly thicker muscles than the ones crossed with German Landrace, kept on deep litter (P<0.05). Fattening pigs of both genotypes, reared without deep litter, had significantly smaller pH45 values in loins and in MLD, when compared to pigs crossed with Pietrain and kept on deep litter (P<0.05). The influence of genotype was statistically significant for the EC45 value in loin, as well as for the muscle thickness and percentage share of muscular tissue (P<0.05). Interaction between the way of fattening and genotype did not have any effect on carcass and meat quality
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