177 research outputs found

    Caldirola-Kanai Oscillator in Classical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

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    The quadrature distribution for the quantum damped oscillator is introduced in the framework of the formulation of quantum mechanics based on the tomography scheme. The probability distribution for the coherent and Fock states of the damped oscillator is expressed explicitly in terms of Gaussian and Hermite polynomials, correspondingly.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 1 Postscript figure, Contribution to the VIII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics, Dubna 1997, to be published in the Proceedings of the Conferenc

    Measuring microwave quantum states: tomogram and moments

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    Two measurable characteristics of microwave one-mode photon states are discussed: a rotated quadrature distribution (tomogram) and normally/antinormally ordered moments of photon creation and annihilation operators. Extraction of these characteristics from amplified microwave signal is presented. Relations between the tomogram and the moments are found and can be used as a cross check of experiments. Formalism of the ordered moments is developed. The state purity and generalized uncertainty relations are considered in terms of moments. Unitary and non-unitary time evolution of moments is obtained in the form of linear differential equations in contrast to partial differential equations for quasidistributions. Time evolution is specified for the cases of a harmonic oscillator and a damped harmonic oscillator, which describe noiseless and decoherence processes, respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Time-Dependent Invariants and Green's Functions in the Probability Representation of Quantum Mechanics

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    In the probability representation of quantum mechanics, quantum states are represented by a classical probability distribution, the marginal distribution function (MDF), whose time dependence is governed by a classical evolution equation. We find and explicitly solve, for a wide class of Hamiltonians, new equations for the Green's function of such an equation, the so-called classical propagator. We elucidate the connection of the classical propagator to the quantum propagator for the density matrix and to the Green's function of the Schr\"odinger equation. Within the new description of quantum mechanics we give a definition of coherence solely in terms of properties of the MDF and we test the new definition recovering well known results. As an application, the forced parametric oscillator is considered . Its classical and quantum propagator are found, together with the MDF for coherent and Fock states.Comment: 29 pages, RevTex, 6 eps-figures, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Scaling Separability Criterion: Application To Gaussian States

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    We introduce examples of three- and four-mode entangled Gaussian mixed states that are not detected by the scaling and Peres-Horodecki separability criteria. The presented modification of the scaling criterion resolves this problem. Also it is shown that the new criterion reproduces the main features of the scaling pictures for different cases of entangled states, while the previous versions lead to completely different outcomes. This property of the presented scheme is evidence of its higher generality.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum control and the Strocchi map

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    Identifying the real and imaginary parts of wave functions with coordinates and momenta, quantum evolution may be mapped onto a classical Hamiltonian system. In addition to the symplectic form, quantum mechanics also has a positive-definite real inner product which provides a geometrical interpretation of the measurement process. Together they endow the quantum Hilbert space with the structure of a K\"{a}ller manifold. Quantum control is discussed in this setting. Quantum time-evolution corresponds to smooth Hamiltonian dynamics and measurements to jumps in the phase space. This adds additional power to quantum control, non unitarily controllable systems becoming controllable by ``measurement plus evolution''. A picture of quantum evolution as Hamiltonian dynamics in a classical-like phase-space is the appropriate setting to carry over techniques from classical to quantum control. This is illustrated by a discussion of optimal control and sliding mode techniques.Comment: 16 pages Late

    Separability and entanglement of four-mode Gaussian states

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    The known Peres-Horodecki criterion and scaling criterion of separability are considered on examples of three-mode and four-mode Gaussian states of electromagnetic field. It is shown that the principal minors of the photon quadrature dispersion matrix are sensitive to the change of scaling parameters. An empirical observation has shown that the bigger the modulus of negative principal minors, the more entangled the state.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    On calculating the mean values of quantum observables in the optical tomography representation

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    Given a density operator ρ^\hat \rho the optical tomography map defines a one-parameter set of probability distributions wρ^(X,ϕ), ϕ[0,2π),w_{\hat \rho}(X,\phi),\ \phi \in [0,2\pi), on the real line allowing to reconstruct ρ^\hat \rho . We introduce a dual map from the special class A\mathcal A of quantum observables a^\hat a to a special class of generalized functions a(X,ϕ)a(X,\phi) such that the mean value ρ^=Tr(ρ^a^)_{\hat \rho} =Tr(\hat \rho\hat a) is given by the formula ρ^=02π+wρ^(X,ϕ)a(X,ϕ)dXdϕ_{\hat \rho}= \int \limits_{0}^{2\pi}\int \limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}w_{\hat \rho}(X,\phi)a(X,\phi)dXd\phi. The class A\mathcal A includes all the symmetrized polynomials of canonical variables q^\hat q and p^\hat p.Comment: 8 page

    Geometrization of Quantum Mechanics

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    We show that it is possible to represent various descriptions of Quantum Mechanics in geometrical terms. In particular we start with the space of observables and use the momentum map associated with the unitary group to provide an unified geometrical description for the different pictures of Quantum Mechanics. This construction provides an alternative to the usual GNS construction for pure states.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in Theor. Math. Phys. Some typos corrected. Definition 2 in page 5 rewritte

    Optical Tomography of Photon-Added Coherent States, Even/Odd Coherent States and Thermal States

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    Explicit expressions for optical tomograms of the photon-added coherent states, even/odd photon-added coherent states and photon-added thermal states are given in terms of Hermite polynomials. Suggestions for experimental homodyne detection of the considered photon states are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Energy-Sensitive and "Classical-like" Distances Between Quantum States

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    We introduce the concept of the ``polarized'' distance, which distinguishes the orthogonal states with different energies. We also give new inequalities for the known Hilbert-Schmidt distance between neighbouring states and express this distance in terms of the quasiprobability distributions and the normally ordered moments. Besides, we discuss the distance problem in the framework of the recently proposed ``classical-like'' formulation of quantum mechanics, based on the symplectic tomography scheme. The examples of the Fock, coherent, ``Schroedinger cats,'' squeezed, phase, and thermal states are considered.Comment: 23 pages, LaTex, 2 eps figures, to appear in Physica Script