71 research outputs found

    On the thermodynamics of DNA in the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model

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    Based on the direct method of molecular dynamics, the temperature dependence of energy, partition function, entropy and free energy, describing the first-order phase transition, is calculated for the classical Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model of the DNA molecule. It is shown that without taking into account the quantum freezing of the degrees of freedom at low temperatures, the relationship between these quantities is not determined. An estimation was given for the number of bubbles in homogeneous DNA chains: PolyA/PolyT and PolyG/PolyC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pion Energy Reconstruction by the Local Hadronic Calibration Method with ATLAS Combined Test Beam 2004 data

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    The pion energy reconstruction by the local hadronic calibration method on the basis of the 2004 combined test beam data in the energy range 10 -- 350 GeV and η=0.25\eta = 0.25 is performed. In this method energies deposited in each cell are weighted. The weights are determined by the Monte Carlo simulation using Calibration Hits software. We have modified this method by applying cuts in weights. The obtained fractional energy resolution with the conventional method of determination of the energy deposit in the dead material between LAr and Tile calorimeters is σ/E=(67±2)%/E(3.9±0.2)%(95±22)%/E\sigma/E = (67\pm2)\%/\sqrt{E} \oplus (3.9\pm0.2)\% \oplus (95\pm22)\%/E. This is about 1.5 times better than the results for the hadronic calibration method obtained by the Oxford-Stockholm group and slightly better than the H1 method results for CTB04 obtained by Pisa group. The energy linearity is within ±\pm1\%. We have determined the general normalization constant of 0.91 for which the mean value linearity for the weight cut of 1.05 is about 1. At using this normalization constant the energy resolution has not worsen. We have corrected the cesium miscalibration of the Tile1Tile_1 and Tile2Tile_2 longitudinal samplings. The mean value of energy linearity has been increased by about 1\% and becomes equal to 1.002±\pm0.002. The energy resolution did not change. We have performed weighting without knowing of the beam energies. For this the special procedure has been developed. In this case the energy resolution shows 9\% degradation. Linearities are within ±\pm1\%. We have applied the Neural Networks to the determination of the energy deposit between LAr and Tile calorimeters. The essential improvement of energy resolution is obtained. In this case we have reached the projected energy resolution for hadrons in the ATLAS detector σ/E=50%/E3%\sigma/E = 50\%/\sqrt{E} \oplus 3\%

    Artificial Neural Networks for reconstruction of energy losses in dead materials between barrel LAr and Tile calorimeters: exploration and results

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    In the course of computational experiments with Monte-Carlo events for ATLAS Combined Test Beam 2004 setup Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technique was applied for reconstruction of energy losses in dead materials between barrel LAr and Tile calorimeters (Edm). The constructed ANN procedures exploit as their input vectors the information content of different sets of variables (parameters) which describe particular features of the hadronic shower of an event in ATLAS calorimeters. It was shown that application of ANN procedures allows one to reach 40% reduction of the Edm reconstruction error compared to the conventional procedure used in ATLAS collaboration. Impact of various features of a shower on the precision of EdmEdm reconstruction is presented in detail. It was found that longitudinal shower profile information brings greater improvement in EdmEdm reconstruction accuracy than cell energies information in LAr3 and Tile1 samplings

    Об алгоритме расщепления носителя для индуцированных кодов

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    In the paper, the analysis of the stability of the McEliece-type cryptosystem on induced codes for key attacks is examined. In particular, a model is considered when the automorphism group is trivial for the base code C, on the basis of which the induced code Flq ⊗ C is constructed. In this case, as shown by N. Sendrier in 2000, there exists such a mapping, called a complete discriminant, by means of which a secret permutation that is part of the secret key of a McEliece-type cryptosystem can be effectively found. The automorphism group of the code Flq ⊗ C is nontrivial, therefore there is no complete discriminant for this code. This suggests a potentially high resistance of the McEliece-type cryptosystem on the code Flq ⊗ C. The algorithm for splitting the support for the code Flq ⊗ C is constructed and the efficiency of this algorithm is compared with the existing attack on the key of the McElice type cryptosystem based on the code Flq ⊗ C.В 2000 г. Н. Сендриер показал, что если для линейного [n, k, d]-кода C(⊆ Fnq ) длины n и размерности k с кодовым расстоянием d группа автоморфизмов PAut(C) этого кода тривиальна, то может быть построен детерминированный алгоритм расщепления носителя, позволяющий для кода D, перестановочно-эквивалентного коду C, найти такую перестановку σ, что σ(C) = D. Этот алгоритм, в частности, может быть применен для осуществления атаки на ключ кодовой криптосистемы типа Мак-Элиса на коде C. Целью настоящей работы является построение и анализ алгоритма расщепления носителя для кода Flq ⊗ C, индуцированного кодом C, l ∈ N. Так как группа автоморфизмов PAut(Flq ⊗ C) нетривиальна даже в случае, когда группа автоморфизмов базового кода C тривиальна, то это позволяет предположить потенциально высокую стойкость криптосистемы типа Мак-Элиса на коде Flq ⊗C к атаке на основе расщепления носителя. В работе строится алгоритм расщепления носителя для кода Flq ⊗ C и сравнивается эффективность этого алгоритма с имеющейся атакой на ключ криптосистемы типа Мак-Элиса на основе кода Flq ⊗ C

    Performance of the Scintillator System Prototype of the NUCLEON Space Experiment

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    Abstract The NUCLEON space experiment has been proposed to perform direct measurements of CR energy spectrum and composition up to E ∼ 10 15 eV. The NUCLEON detector consists of layers of different detectors: scintillator detectors with WLS fibers and silicon pad and microstrip ones. The results of beam and space qualification tests of the scintillator detectors are presented

    Трансплантация легких при первичной легочной артериальной гипертензии: особенности периоперационного периода

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    Lung transplantation (LT) for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) now is the only radical treatment of this disease.Aim: to analyze own experience of performing LT in patients with IPAH.Materials and methods. 8 adult IPAH patients, who underwent LT between 2014 and october 2018, were included. In 7 of 8 patients undergoing bilateral lung transplantation on intraoperative venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) with prolongation into the postoperative period.Results. VA ECMO support was prolonged into postoperative period 6 and 7 days respectively in 2 (25,0%) patients and 3 days in 6 (75,0%) patients. Hospital mortality in IPAH patients was 1.Conclusions. Own experience demonstrates that LT is an effective method of treatment in patients with IPAH. Hospital, 1- and 3-year survival rates for the patient collective were 87.5, 75.0 and 75.0% respectively.Первичная легочная артериальная гипертензия (ПЛАГ) – необратимое заболевание, единственным методом радикального лечения которого является трансплантация легких (ТЛ).Цель исследования: анализ собственного опыта выполнения ТЛ у пациентов с ПЛАГ.Материалы и методы. В исследование включили 8 взрослых реципиентов, которым была выполнена ТЛ в период с 2014-го по октябрь 2018 г. Всем реципиентам была выполнена двусторонняя последовательная трансплантация легких. У 7 из 8 реципиентов ТЛ осуществляли в условиях периферической ВА ЭКМО.Результаты. В послеоперационном периоде первичная дисфункция 3-й степени по классификации ISHLT развилась у 2 (25,0%) из 8 реципиентов, которая проявилась невозможностью прекращения ВА ЭКМО. Общая продолжительность применения ЭКМО у этих пациентов (n = 2) составила 6 и 7 суток. У других 6 (75,0%) реципиентов проявления ранней дисфункции пересаженных легких не носили столь напряженного характера (2-я степень по классификации ISHLT), и продолжительность послеоперационной ВА ЭКМО составила 3 суток. Госпитальная летальность у реципиентов легких, оперированных по поводу ЛАГ, составила 1 наблюдение.Заключение. Собственный опыт демонстрирует, что ТЛ является эффективной лечебной мерой у пациентов с ПЛАГ с показателями госпитальной, 1- и 3-летней выживаемости соответственно 87,5; 75,0 и 75,0%