15 research outputs found

    Problematika Pembangunan dan Pengembangan e-Government di Daerah

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    ICT Management For Indonesia : ICT Master Planning.

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    Membangun Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT) di Pemerintah Kota tidak semudah membangun ICT di lingkungan PERBANKAN atau PERUSAHAAN. Lebih-lebih lagi bila di lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah tersebut ada beberapa Dinas/Bagian yang sudah memiliki Sistem Teknologi Informasinya, sedangkan beberapa yang lain belum punya. Banyak faktor penyebab atau kendala-kendala di dalam membangun ICT di lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah. Mulai dari komitmen Pimpinan Daerah dan DPRD, keterbatasan Anggaran, Kultur/Budaya Teknologi Informasi di level pejabat-pejabatnya sampai pada kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di level operasionalnya. Agar pembangunan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi tersebut terarah, terkoordinasi dan terintegrasi dengan baik, maka dibutuhkan konsep yang jelas, yang lebih dikenal dengan Master Plan atau Road Map. Pembuatan Master Plan Teknologi Informasi ini dimulai dari Survey Existing ICT, menjaring kebutuhan dari tingkat pimpinan puncak sampai pada tingkat operasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) di seluruh Dinas/Bagian/Unit yang ada atau yang akan ada Sistem Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasinya. Pemerintah Kota Surabaya mempunyai pengalaman dalam membuat Master Plan Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi. Makalah ini disampaikan dengan maksud untuk berbagi pengalaman, karena masih banyak Pemerintah Provinsi maupun Kabupaten – Kota yang belum memiliki Master Plan Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi dan beberapa yang lain ada yang sudah memiliki. Sehingga bagi yang belum, dapat membuat Master Plannya jauh lebih baik dari Pemerintah Kota Surabaya. Sedang bagi yang sudah, dapat memberi masukan-masukan untuk penyempurnaan

    The Determinants of Financial Inclusion for Competitiveness Improvement of SME's in East Java Province

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    Abstract: Financial inclusion is an effort to eliminate all forms of constraints with price and non-price characteristics on public access to use financial services. Financial inclusion is a national strategy to boost economic growth through equal income distribution, poverty reduction, and financial system stability. Financial inclusion is defined as the availability and equality of opportunities to access financial services. The elements of financial inclusions are financial literacy, access to financial services, saving habits, education, and government policy. Financial inclusion can also be defined as the use of formal accounts can bring many benefits to individuals. This paper explores the most dominant factor of financial inclusion that generates significant value for competitiveness improvement of Small Medium Enterprises (SME's), especially in East Java Province. Based on the data 2017, total SME's in East Java is 12.1 million units, but only 1.3 million readies for the competition and ready for collaboration in the digital era (Kompas, 19 October 2018). The method that used is multiple regression analysis using SPSS 24 statistics tools. The total respondent is 205 SME's owners that spreading all over East Java. Based on the validity and reliability test, all variables are valid and reliable(see table 7 and table 8). Based on multiple regression analysis – under stepwise method, we found that bank access has the most significant effect that other variables. The second step of the significant variable is education background and the third step is government regulation (see table 10). That means bank access, education and government regulation have a significant effect on competitiveness improvement of SME's in East Java Province. The recommendation from the researcher can be stated as follows: to the SME's owners, they must improve the knowledge through improving educational background to increase their competitiveness. To the banking institution, they shall improve their policy and regulation for giving easiness to the SME's on increasing their working capital. To the government, shall improve their policy orregulation that related to the improvement of the competitiveness of SME’s. Keywords: Financial literacy, bank access, saving habits, education, government policy, competitivenes

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Strategi Untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing UKM dalam memasuki Era Digital Pada CV. Indosarana Global Surabaya

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    Saat ini industri kita telah memasuki suatu masa yang disebut dengan era digital. Segala sesuatu dapat diakses dengan mudah baik yang bersifa positif atau bahkan negatif. Persaingan dunia usaha juga semakin ketat. Bagi industri yang telah menerapkan pola digitalisasi tentu tidak kesulitan beradaptasi dengan kondisi ini. Akan tetapi bagi usaha yang masih bertahan di pola-pola tradisional akan tergerus oleh kemajuan atau dapat tertinggal jauh dengan usaha yang telah menerapkan sistem di era ini. Provinsi Jawa Timur, sebagai Provinsi ke-2 terbesar di Indonesia, saat ini memiliki potensi ekonomi yang luar biasa. Ditinjau dari sisi jumlah industri kecil dan menengah saat ini Jawa Timur memiliki 12,1 juta unit UKM ( Usaha Kecil Menengah) tetapi hanya 1,3 juta unit yang siap memasuki persaingan di era globalisasi. Itu berarti masih perlu lebih banyak upaya pendampingan maupun pelatihan untuk mendorong UKM untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif mereka. Peningkatan daya saing merupakan suatu keniscayaan. Untuk hal tersebut diperlukan strategi yang tepat agar dapat dicapainya tujuan perusahaan

    Pengaruh komitmen, kepercayaan, dan kepuasan terhadap retensi pelanggan Honda Matic

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of commitment, trust, and customer retention both partially and simultaneously. This research is also the development of research with reference to the journals and books for the theoretical framework. The subjet was determined by a purposive sampling, which consisted of 30 respondents as sample determination, and this was added with 59 respondents in order to meet the required sample as based on the theory. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires. This questionnaire is used to determine the degree of the effect of commitment, trust, and satisfaction on the customer retention. The data were analyzed by using a descriptive quantitative. The results show, that trust and customer satisfaction partially have signifi cant effect on customer retention while partial commitment does not affect customer retention. Yet, commitment, trust, and satisfaction simultaneously affect customer retentio

    Calling and Membership in Intrinsic Motivation-based Leadership for Increasing Organizational Commitment and Productivity

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    This research aims to contribute about the impacts of calling and membership for lecturers as professional through spiritual leadership. The proposed research model was tested using partial least square and 327 valid questionnaires were collected. According to the literature review and analytical technique, we concluded that spiritual leadership has a strong impact on organizational commitment and productivity, calling and membership appears to be a better mediator in the relationship between spiritual leadership with organizational commitment and productivity. Keywords: spiritual, calling, membership, organizational commitment, productivity

    Applications E-Business: Innovation Model of Small Medium Enterprises Development Batik Tulis in East Java to Face Global Market

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    Long term goal of this research is to change the bu siness method which using traditional ways by using internet at IKM Batik Tuli s in east java, to enlarge market target through overseas and develop competition in global market. The specific target to be reach are attribute identification of online business for each business center and changing traditional business to become e – busines s.This research was an exploratory research, this research was using qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative approach was taken with Focus Group Discussion (FGD ) to decide e – bussiness design. Quantitative approach were used for website design. Experimental research was used for knowing customer response toward e bus iness design which have build based on FGD, then the attributes of design bussine ss could be revised based on customer respons. Website base design in the result of customer research inform that the product features which offered by IKM contains i nformation about local hospitality of batik motives and also to show arts or excellence which owned by all fourth district, design variation on one region eit her combination of region motives were very important, cause it impact to creating po tential market segment, batik tulis production were produce in limited edition. Local h ospitality of batik motives otomatically represent of region identity, arts and history value in Indonesia KEYWORDS : Local Hospitality, Batik, e –Business, Small Medi um Enterprises