7 research outputs found

    Using the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at Stain Ternate

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    This research was conducted to improve students’ English speaking ability by using the think-pair-share strategy designed in CAR. The findings in Cycle 1 was unsuccessful because the students’ average scores was 74.18 and classroom atmospheres were “mid” that did not meet the criteria of success. Therefore, the implementation of the strategy was continued cycle 2 by revising the plan. The students’ average score in cycle 2 achieved 81.68 and classroom atmospheres were “mid”. It means that the results in cycle 2 met the criteria of success and judged as successful. So, it can be stated that the think-pair-share strategy was effective to be implemented at STAIN Ternate in order to improve the students’ speaking ability. Keywords: teaching, speaking, the think-pair-share strategy, Islamic studies

    Students’ Perception on Female Teachers

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    As one of the pedagogic activities, teacher plays important roles to make students learn directly from their teachers in order to develop their cognition, affection, and psychomotor. In this case, there are some competencies have to be performed by all teachers, namely pedagogic, professional, personal, and social competencies as the requirements to teaching and learning activities. The facts show that many female teachers perform teacher competencies better than male teachers because of the meekness and good appearance of female teachers. This study was conducted to know the students’ perception on male teachers in English Education Department of Unismuh Makassar. The data were collected through interview, and analyzed descriptively in qualitative way. The findings indicated that the students mostly like female teachers because they perform almost all teacher competencies better. Therefore, it was concluded that female teachers are better than male teachers in English Education Department of Unismuh Makassar. Keywords: male and female teachers, pedagogic, professional, personal, and social competencies, performance, appearanc

    The Influence of Background Knowledge on Students’ Translation Results: An Interlingual Translation

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    This research aims to identify whether students’ background knowledge influenced the translated texts from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). This research employs descriptive qualitative method design throught the use of semi-structured interviews and observation in one of the state universities in east Indonesia. The participants in this research included 30 students. The documents as students' target texts were used as primary data and the transcripts of semi-structured interviews were used as supporting data. To Analyse the data, the researchers used qualitative ways. Data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification were used to reveal students’ background knowledge of translation. The data showed that most of the students need background knowledge in the translation of source language into the target language. These reasons confirm that there is a close relationship between background knowledge and translation. It means that in an interlingual translation, even if translators are bilinguals and master the grammar of a language, background knowledge of a text should also be dominated. Moreover, background knowledge is not a single problem for translators, there are also other problems that were found in students’ translation namely new words, complex sentences, reading comprehension, and expression in the target language

    Basic english for students of islamic studies

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    xx, 144 hlm.: 23 c

    Basic english for students of Islamic studies

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    Buku ini memuat 5 (lima) unit dengan topik-topik menarik tentang keislaman yang dikemas dalam conversation, reading passage, vocabulary, sentence patterns, dan writing practice. Untuk memperkuat pemahaman dan keterampilan pembelajar, penulis menyiapkan soal-soal latihan yang bervariasi di setiap unit dan saling berhubungan dengan materi pada unit tersebut. Buku ini disinyalir memberikan keuntungan ganda, yaitu pengetahuan dan keterampilan bahasa Inggris di satu sisi dan ilmu agama Islam di sisi yang lain


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    The study focuses on the usefulness and the use of language as an instrument to associate a group of people in the society, both in the large and in the small groups to fulfill their everyday needs. They were described in the form of ideas and arguments that were investigated in the form of activities of library research design. The data were collected from many references both primary and secondary ones in terms of the topic. The primary data dealt with the roles and functions of language in terms of the usefulness and the usage of language in society. The findings of the study showed that language is used as an important instrument to connect people in many aspects of human life consisting of language in the world of education, language in the world of science and technology, language in economic and business contexts, language in the social and political contexts, language in the aspects of national defense and security, language and international relation


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    The study deals with humans’ language performance connected to mind, thought, intelligence and way of thinking. The discussion was elaborated through ideas and argumensts explored in the work of library research design. The data were collected and presented in descriptive-qualitative way. The data were obtained from many sources concerning with the topic. Based on the research results, it was found that someone’s language performance is also identified as the ability, quality, and activity of thinking. Someone can be known, recognized, and respected by other people through his/her intelligence and way of thinking. It is caused by the function and urgency of language in human’s everyday life. In the process of thinking, someone requires language/languages to identify, characterise, communicate, and explain what he/she is thinking. It means that someone’s ability of performing or communicating ideas in a language reflects his/her quality of thinking and intelligence. The better someone in thinking and producing ideas the higher quality of communication in language he/she performs. The degree of someone’s intelligence and way of thinking can be measured through the quality of his/her communication in language. The fluency and accuracy of someone’s language production is the reflection of his/her ability of mind and thoughts