5 research outputs found

    Correlation between shear wave velocity and cone resistance of Quaternary glacial clayey soils defined by Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT), Lithuania

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    The correlation between the cone resistance and the shear wave velocities was derived for the Quaternary glacial clayey soil (moraine) using Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) technique. The correlation obtained between two parameters is as high as +0.73. The derived regression equation has significant differences from those of clayey soils reported from other regions that are accounted to different genetic type of sediments and evolutionary history. Accordingly the obtained results can be applied in defining the dynamic geotechnical properties of glacial clayey soils of Lithuania and other regions that have similar geological conditions (i.e. formerly glaciated areas)

    Research of undrained shear strength of till fine soils (moraine)

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    The undrained soil strength is specific to fine soils or to sands with a lot of fines. It is very important characteristic and the evaluation of accurate value is significant step. The undrained soil shear strength can be estimated directly in laboratory and indirectly in field using in-situ methods. The values of undrained shear strength estimated with different methods usually are different, sometimes very much. In geotechnical practice a lot of empirical equations are used to calculate undrained shear strength (cu), however it corrects only in specific conditions and can’t be used universally. The empirical factor (Nk), which is used in mentioned equations, varies in wide range. It depends on many factors. The research of glacial genesis fine soils (various moraines) is complicated because it specific grain size distributions and genesis. In this article we will study relation between different laboratory and field methods to estimate of undrained shear strength (cu) of till soils. For these purposes we will used upper Pleistocene, upper Nemunas formation till fine soils

    Problems of Usage of Soil Classification Systems for Sand Soils of Lithuania

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    Sand soils cover approximately 30 % of the territory of Lithuania. They are frequently used as foundation for different buildings. Lately, in geotechnical investigations, classification of sand soils according to their grain size distribution has been based on different classification schemes: Lithuanian (LST 1445:1996, LST 1331:2002), German (DIN 18196), United Kingdom (BS 5930:1990), USA (ASTM D2487-06e1), European (EN ISO 14688-2:2004), and Russian (GOST 25100-82). In Lithuania, in different classifications, principles for sand division are various. The purpose of this article is to assess similarities and differences of classification of sand soils according to their grain size distribution based on investigations of sand soil grain size distribution and of mechanical properties using different classification systems

    Deformations of foundations of windplant installation crane sites and their reasons

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    Road and foundation deformations in modern Lithuanian construction are one of the most important problems. Constantly rising conflicts between customers and builders due to poor quality of foundations show that Lithuanian road builders do not ensure proper quality of work, do not perform the necessary road foundations and research, do not carry out continuous control of their work. One such example was the construction of the Pagegiai wind farm in 2014÷2015. Improperly installed road and cr ane installation foundations have forced the wind power plant to stop working, which resulted in enormous losses. Additional cluster engineering geological surveys that included a full range of field and laboratory work made it possible to identify the causes of poor quality work and to properly assess the properties of substrates and primers that are important for safe foundation operation

    Correlation of shear-wave velocities and cone resistance of quaternary glacial sandy soils defined by seismic cone penetration test (SCPT)

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    The derivation of dynamic geotechnical parameters of soil are of primary importance in designing specific structures. Direct measurements are expensive and time-consuming. In this study the correlation between the seismic wave velocities and cone resistance was derived from seismic cone penetration testing (SCPT) of Quaternary glacial sandy soils in Lithuania. The close relationship was obtained for sandy soils indicating wide range of cone resistance and seismic wave velocities. The correlation is as high as R = 0.80. The derived regression equation could be reasonably used in assessing dynamic geotechnical and seismic parameters in Lithuania and other territories characterized by similar geological conditions using conventional cone penetration testing (CPT) method. It enables consistent geotechnical and seismic zoning of sandy soils