36 research outputs found

    Nurse’s attunement to patient’s meaning in life - a qualitative study of experiences of Dutch adults ageing in place

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    Abstract Background Meaning in life (MiL) is considered to be an important part of health and is associated with many positive outcomes in older adults, such as quality of life and longevity. As health promotors, nurses may take patients’ MiL into account in the care process. There is a knowledge gap in terms of what constitutes good care in relation to older patients’ MiL, and what the benefits may be for patients when nursing is attuned to this aspect. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of home nursing older adults in relation to nurses’ attunement to MiL. Methods Gadamerian hermeneutic phenomenological design with semi-structured interviews. Participants were 24 aged home nursing patients. A framework of care ethical evaluation was used in the analysis. Multiple dialogues enhanced understanding. Results Patients did not expect nurses’ regard for their MiL. They rather expected ‘normal contact’ and adequate physical care. Nurses showed that they were open to patients’ MiL by being interested in the patient as a person and by being attentive to specific and hidden needs. Participants explained that the nurse’s behaviour upon arrival set the tone: they knew immediately if there was room for MiL or not. All participants had positive and negative experiences with nurses’ behaviour in relation to MiL. Valued nursing care included maintaining a long, kind and reciprocal relationship; doing what was needed; and skilled personalised care. Participants mentioned ‘special ones’: nurses who attuned to them in a special way and did more than expected. Benefits of care that was attuned to patients’ MiL were: experiencing a cheerful moment, feeling secure, feeling like a valuable person and having a good day. Older adults also stressed that consideration for MiL helps identify what is important in healthcare. Conclusion Aged homecare patients value nurses’ attunement to their MiL positively. Although patients regard MiL mostly as their own quest, nurses play a modest yet important role. Managers and educators should support nurses’ investment in reciprocal nurse-patient relationships

    Family involvement in dementia special care units. From moral perils to well-balanced practices of collaboration

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    The central aim of this study was to develop insights and guidelines for careprofessionals and families to enable them to collaborate constructively finetuned to moral appropriateness in contex

    Zorgvuldigheid in omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wdkb

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    Het project had als doel om te komen tot een concreet advies over de onderbouwing van de leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (Wdkb). Daarbij is niet alleen gekeken naar wat de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten zijn, maar ook welke voorwaarden en/of zorgvuldigheidseisen bij een eventuele verlaging of wijziging van de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten gelden. Daartoe werden donorkinderen, ouders, donoren, en hulpverleners die het contact begeleiden tussen donor en donorkind geïnterviewd

    How to attune to spiritual sources of strength of people with mild to moderate dementia

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    The Mindful Body: A Phenomenology of the Body With Multiple Sclerosis

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    For people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), one’s own body may no longer be taken for granted but may become instead an insistent presence. In this article, we describe how the body experience of people with MS can reflect an ongoing oscillation between four experiential dimensions: bodily uncertainty, having a precious body, being a different body, and the mindful body. People with MS can become engaged in a mode of permanent bodily alertness and may demonstrate adaptive responses to their ill body. In contrast to many studies on health and illness, our study shows that the presence of the body may not necessarily result in alienation or discomfort. By focusing the attention on the body, a sense of well-being can be cultivated and the negative effects of MS only temporarily dominate experience. Rather than aiming at bodily dis-appearance, health care professionals should therefore consider ways to support bodily eu-appearance

    How can existential or spiritual strengths be fostered in palliative care? An interpretative synthesis of recent literature

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    Zorgvuldigheid in omgang met leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wdkb

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    Het project had als doel om te komen tot een concreet advies over de onderbouwing van de leeftijdsgrenzen in de Wet donorgegevens kunstmatige bevruchting (Wdkb). Daarbij is niet alleen gekeken naar wat de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten zijn, maar ook welke voorwaarden en/of zorgvuldigheidseisen bij een eventuele verlaging of wijziging van de leeftijdsgrenzen zouden moeten gelden. Daartoe werden donorkinderen, ouders, donoren, en hulpverleners die het contact begeleiden tussen donor en donorkind geïnterviewd

    Spiritual conversation model for patients and loved ones in palliative care: a validation study

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    This dataset is for follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description

    Better spiritual support for people living with early stage dementia: Developing the diamond conversation model

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    This dataset is for replication and follow-up research purposes. It consists of all key documents from data collection to data analysis of the research project. See the readme document for the relevant procedure and document description